
Tuesday 15 July 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, July 15th, 2014

Outside my window ...
It's over cast.  Not sure if the sun will shine or not. It was quite dull yesterday as well, and it did rain eventually.  I don't like it when it is dull and oppressive feeling . . . things just feel close and over-bearing.

I am thinking ...
"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."
~Alma 37:6  

I firmly believe this to be true.  For the positive and for the negative.  I strive to be a force for the positive by small and simple things.

I am thankful ...
For the love which surrounds me and carries me every day of my life.  I am blessed.

In the kitchen ...
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In the kitchen today, a Simple Caprese Salad.  So tasty, and yet healthy and pretty too!  Also very simple to make.

On my "To Cook" list ...

French Toast Cupcakes with Maple Buttercream from Baking Dom.
They look and sound fabulous!  Printable recipe available on the page.

I am creating ...

I just love this crochet hot water bottle cover.  Found this on Coco Rose Textiles.  There is a complete tutorial.

 Rock Owls.  Link only goes to the photo, but it looks like they were decorated with either sharpies or paint markers.  (cc: @Stephanie Close Close Easterly )

I cannot find a source for these, but I think they are totally adorable.  It looks like they have been done with gel pens, ink pens, etc.   Beautiful Rock Owls.  I think they are just beautiful.

The Crafty Blog Stalker: How To Make 20 Different Fabric Flowers

How to make 20 Different Fabric Flowers from The Crafty Blog Stalker.  There are links to 20 different tutorials on making fabric flowers.  I love fabric flowers.  I used to make bouquets of them years ago using tacky glue, fabric covered wires and fabric.

Butterflies from book pages:)

Butterflies from book pages.   The reader in me cringes slightly at the thought of ruining a book, but the artist in me is intrigued.  From Une Belle Histoire.

I am going ...
I don't really have any plans to go anywhere this week, although we did say to Doreen that the first nice day we were going to grab her and Billy and go to the seaside.  So it all depends on the weather!  Spontaneity can be fun!

I am wondering ...
If I should change my Doctor's surgery, or even if I can.   Two and a half weeks since the x-ray on my thumb and still no results?   I am just so discouraged about that and disappointed.  I know that the NHS is really stretched, but this is outrageous in my opinion.

I am reading ...

Tapestry of Fortunes, by Elizabeth Berg
In this book four very different women delve into their pasts in order to share their futures, fates and fortunes.

Cecilia Ross is a motivational speaker who encourages others to change their lives for the better. Why can’t she take her own advice? Still reeling from the death of her best friend, and freshly aware of the need to live more fully now, Cece realizes that she has to make a move—all the portentous signs seem to point in that direction. She downsizes her life, sells her suburban Minnesota home and lets go of many of her possessions. She moves into a beautiful old house in Saint Paul, complete with a garden, chef’s kitchen, and three housemates: Lise, the home’s owner and a divorced mother at odds with her twenty-year-old daughter; Joni, a top-notch sous chef at a first-rate restaurant with a grade A jerk of a boss; and Renie, the youngest and most mercurial of the group, who is trying to rectify a teenage mistake. These women embark on a journey together in an attempt to connect with parts of themselves long denied. For Cece, that means finding Dennis Halsinger. Despite being “the one who got away,” Dennis has never been far from Cece’s thoughts.

I have only just started it, but you all know how much I love the writing of Elizabeth Berg.

I am hoping ...
Hate to sound like a parrot, but I am really hoping to get some help with my thumb soon.  It's quite debilitating.  I know it is only a thumb, but have you ever tried to do things with only one hand?   It's really hard.   Try opening a jar, or a fridge door, or cracking open an egg . . . you do not realize how very vital your thumbs are until you cannot use one.  The pain is spreading into the rest of the hand now as well.

Makes me smile ...
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Apparently Baxter is into running as well.  Here he is sporting his medal for the Sparky 5K.  All these accolades are a bit overwhelming for him I think, lol.  He is such a sweet pup.  Love him to bits.

I am learning ...
How to be ruthless in paring down.  It feels good to be getting rid of all the tat.  It's empowering and un-burdening.

Around the house ...


I love the colour of these kitchen cabinets, combined with the dark counter-tops and knobs.  I think they are so classy looking.   It would require a major re-do in our kitchen however.   Not in our budget.

painted gray cabinets 

I am loving the painted grey as well.   It's so pretty and clean looking.  Our cupboards are white.  Everything shows up on them.  It seems I am always scrubbing them down.

Hat And Coat Rack Available In Three Sizes 

Love this idea for the hallway entrance.  From Not on the High Street. Very pricey.  There was a boot box in the back entrance of the Manor.  Nobody ever used it.  It was filled with fossilized boots and such.  I hated cleaning it.   Spiders, etc.

A smart idea for adding some storage. 

What a brilliant idea for extra storage!  Found on Design Sponge.

Compact home office 

No source but . . . yes please!  I would love this!

I am pondering ...
Getting ready to sign contracts with the licensing company for my artwork.  I am wondering where it will lead and if it will be a step in the right direction.  It is taking a huge leap into the unknown.  It's exciting and scary all at the same time!  I am hoping it is a good thing.

A favourite quote for the day ...  
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"We're so busy watching what's ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are."
~Calvin & Hobbs

One of my favourite things ...

I just adore rice crispie squares.   I haven't been able to successfully make them the last few times I tried.  I don't know what is up with that.  Maybe my marshmallows were too old.   Sigh . . .  

A peek into my day ...

The Revitive Circulation Booster 

We have one of these.   I spend about an hour each day, broken up into two half hour slots, using it.  It feels really weird at first, but you get used to it.  I was hoping it would help with the swollen ankles and feet.  Todd uses it too, although he puts his on a higher impact level than I do.   Number one is good enough for me!  

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you! 

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The Missionary lads are coming for supper today.  I have something special planned.  (Of course!)  They stopped in for an impromptu visit yesterday.  It was really nice.   I had just baked cookies, so they came at just the right time!



  1. I'm sorry to read that your weather yesterday wasn't so hope that today is much better, It is already warm down here and sun shining out of a blue sky..I am so pleased to read about your contract. I do think it is an answer to so many prayers. Just you make sure that you are signing a GOOD contract with decent payback...(I'm not really sure what a decent % is but maybe you can find out on facebook from someone else who has done somthing similar ) Does that foot thingy help your swollen feet and ankles Marie...maybe it would help Margaret her legs are so bad at times...I am looking forward to the arrival of a new bed settee today.. Mary is treating me to it it is great as I will now be able to have 2 visitors at a time...2 MARIE Two YES two VISITORS ?? MAYBE FROM CHESTER ?? A friend from Thetford is going today to check possibilty of comming down by coach,,,all very exciting...
    might be a coach from Chester ???
    anyway have a lovely day whatever might develope.. Ia m away now Mary is just arriving so better get the toast on the go !!

  2. Hi, Marie! It's a dully day here too--can't make up it's mind to rain or break out the sun. It's HOT though! I've been making caprese salad and variations of often this summer--easy for warm days. Must see about those cupcake--YUM! sweet hot water bottle cover. I discovered Coco Rose Textiles blog last year--I love her crochet designs! :o) Those rock owls are so cute--what a fun idea...those paper butterflies too! So many nice finds today. Hope you get to the seaside soon! And yes, do look into a change of doctor--it might help! HOORAY on your licensing adventure--I hope this will lead to more exposure of your art work... which means sales. ;o) Happy Week, my friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. Sounds like a plan Sybil! I will have to check into the availability and cost of a coach perhaps! What fun that would be! It would be so nice to finally meet in person! How very kind of Mary to do this for you! I think that the machine does help for me. I also think remembering to take my tablets on time helps too. All too often I forget until the afternoon. I am a naughty girl.

    You have a lovely day too Suzan!

    Tracy, Caprese Salad is such a lovely light lunch! I agree with you about Coco Rose! She is so talented! I'll be over to visit you soon. Love you too!

    Hugs and love to all! xxoo

  4. I wonder if changing surgeries will help..
    The sad part is one becomes accustomed to delays..all an exercise in patience..nerves..concern etc..
    Hope you are calmed soon.
    Exciting about the contracts..always loved that bookcase idea since I first saw it..oh do crochet the how cute.!

  5. Thank you Monique! I am sure having my patience exercised!

    I do so want to crochet the bottle cover, but with my thumb the way it is, no chance. Makes me sad as I would just love it! :-(

  6. We have a beautiful day ahead of us today as we've got a break in the weather and it's to be unusually cool for July here. Sun is shinning and a cool breeze is blowing. It's a relief for many. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

  7. Nice post Marie! Love everything. I'm so happy that you are signing contacts and things are taking a turn. We have to take risks at times if we want things to take off. Best wishes with all of that. Ya know what? My ankles and feet swell too. I learned it's from salt! If I don't use it (which is really hard), the swelling goes away. Try it and see what happens. It takes a few days for salt to exit the body.

  8. I hope the weather gets better and that you are able to take a break to the seaside.
    I always love reading your daybook entries. I enjoy the things that you find.
    I think we have the same taste in kitchens. I would love to re-do mine. I think I will change the cabinet knobs for sure.
    I am excited about all you are doing with your artwork. You are extremely talented and I pray it goes well for you.
    Your book sounds really good. I like the different variety of books you read.
    That little pup is adorable.
    Have a beautiful day dear Marie. I am praying that you can get that thumb taken care of soon. I think it is awful you are still waiting. I would bugged them big time.
    Blessings, prayers, love and hugs!
    PS I just had a delightful lunch with sweet Lura; thanks for the connection.

  9. Valerie, I will give that a go! It WILL be hard. I actually CRAVE salt. Seriously. I Know it is so bad for you, but I sometimes find myself licking my finger and then sprinkling it with salt, just so I can lick it. :-(

    Pam, it's turned sunny and nice and warm here today! Bonus!

    Thanks so much LeAnn, for your kind words. I am hoping that this will be the break and turning point I need. We shall see! I finally have an appointment to go back to the Dr. for early tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed something can be done! xx

  10. PS - How wonderful you just had lunch with Lura! I love that sweet friend so much! I miss her. I wish I could have lunch with her! xxoo


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