
Tuesday 1 July 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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FOR TODAY, July 1st, 2014

Outside my window ...
The sun is shining.  It's going to be another gorgeous day.   Yay England!

I am thinking ...
"There are few things more powerful than the prayers of a righteous mother."
~Boyd K Packer, These Things I know

 I believe this to be true and am seeing evidence of it in my life.  Facetime out of the blue from a son who was becoming distant, and just because he wanted to talk to me.  Special.  Messages, however brief, from a daughter who was distant as well.   My prayers are being answered.  God is good.

I am thankful ...
For answered prayers!  

In the kitchen ...
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Delicious Coconut Baked Chicken.  This is seriously good folks and so easy to make!

On my "To Cook" list ...


These Navaho Tacos and Navaho Fry Bread look positively delicious.  The recipe is from Cooking Classy!  Can't wait to make them!  I am thinking that the Missionaries would love them! 

I am creating ... 
I haven't done any painting for a couple of days now, but I have ideas formulating in my mind.  I always do have a little character running around in there.   Yesterday I was in talk with a licensing company from Sandy, Utah, USA, and I am happy to say that they have taken me on as one of their Artists and will be actively seeking companies to licence my work to.  I am really pleased about that.    I will be signing the contracts today or tomorrow.  They will be fighting in my corner and that is great.  They're also members of the church and they will be helping to make sure that my copyright is protected etc.  I know they will be honest in their dealings with me.  Yay!  It's been a long time coming, but again . . .  God is good!

 I LOVE this little fishing set from Madame Citron.  It's in French but very simple to understand with a complete pictorial tutorial!  It's so cute!  I lovekraft envelopes with book page liners 
I love these envelopes made from Kraft paper and lined with old book pages.   Such a simple thing and yet so pretty.  I love this sort of thing.   From Flikr


 I love these little paper nesting houses made using scrap wall papers, etc.   I think they are so sweet.   I could totally live with these!  Very whimsical and colourful.  Found on Karmuca y Cuquino.   

I am going ...
Yesterday we went to see a film, Jersey Boys.   Except for the bad language it was fabulous!  I loved all of it.  The music in it is fabulous!  I would love to see the musical at the West End.  Tomorrow we are taking Mitzie for her grooming.  She will love that NOT!  She is not fond of the groomers. I think it's the ear plucking that she hates, but it is a necessary evil.   Other than that no plans.

I am wondering ...
What I did to deserve such joy at the moment.   It must have been something good.  I am also wondering what is wrong with my thumb and hoping that they can fix whatever it is.  It is keeping me awake at night, with only intermittant sleep. I can't open jars or bottles, hold paper, push buttons, etc.  I will never take my thumbs for granted again. 

I am reading  ...
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Fall On Your Knees, by Anne-Marie MacDonald

Fall on Your Knees is a novel by Canadian playwright, actor and novelist Ann-Marie MacDonald. The novel takes place in late 19th and early 20th centuries and chronicles four generations of the complex Piper Family.  I have only just started this but am already totally enthralled with this book.   First of all it takes place in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, which is compelling in it's own right.  Spent most of my growing up years in Nova Scotia, and have never been to Cape Breton, not once.   Secondly the characters are rich and thirdly the story is fabulous! 

I am hoping ... 
We are having the Sister Missionaries for supper tonight.  I am hoping that they enjoy their time with us as much as I know we are going to enjoy our time with them!

Makes me smile ...

 This is a picture my sister took of the sky back home the other day.  It makes me smile to know that my mother and father are no longer alone and that there is someone there to take care of them and make sure they are okay.  When I see these little glimpses of their lives it makes my heart fill up to overflowing with gratitude and love.

I am learning ...
Patience really is a virtue and it is always rewarded.  

Around the house ...

 Loving the repurpose of the vintage sewing machine here.   The way the wall is decorated, etc.  It's all really pretty.  From La Vie Vintage Bleu.  Some people just have great taste!

 Now THAT'S what I call an unsual lamp!  Love the chicken on the top, but then I love chickens.  From Home Craft Designs.  It would be a nightmare to dust however. 


 I just adore the cherry decals on this kitchen aid.   You can find all sorts of kitchen aid decals, herein the Hens and Daisies Shop on Etsy.  They're soo cute! 

I am pondering ...
I have lots of fingers in lots of pies at the moment.  I am hoping I can fulfill all of my obligations!

A Favourite Quote for the Day ...

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"How quick we are to find the rainbow before being thankful for the rain."
~Dieter F Uchtdorf   

One of my favourite things ...  


A Root Beer Float made with A&W Rootbeer.   Alas, no A&W here in the UK.   I always treated myself to one each summer back home.   They were the best things.   That cold and frosty mug.  The soft icecream . . . summertime bliss!

A peek into my day ... 

Lately I have been doing a lot of this.  I am not complaining.  I wait all year for Strawberry Season and I love every minute of it!  We only have a small patch but we are getting lots of berries from it this year!  So tasty!

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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  1. Good morning Marie,

    I have read your fantastic news on Facebook and I am so pleased for you. Have a brilliant day.

  2. I am so pleased that you are having some contact with your Son and Daugter. (It is somthing that not only you have been parying for) prayers are eventually answered it is just so much better if we are here to see the reply...and they are answered in the way we would like them to be !! Poor Mitzie having to go to the groomer today...Masy is not ver keen either Maggie comes to the house to do her must check up and see when she is due !!Peter has been picking strawnerries fr about 4 weeks now but was saying the other day that that is the end just a few wee ones about now...enjoy your visit with teh missionaries, I know you will and I am sure they will. did I tell you I watched a programme on TV one nnight last week following a young lad who was doing his training before going off as a missionary...unfortunately it was on late and I didn't stay awake to see it all. He was very homesick the first few months...maybe as his nome was within easy reach of the college..
    Anyway must go and get the day started...sun is shining so will warm up soon I am sure

  3. PS I forgot to add that I have been making my own envelopes of late. So much fun.

  4. Thanks Suzan, you too!

    Sybil, we taped the show to watch later and were quite disappointed in it. They didn't show all of the lovely things they could have shown and I felt that the presenter was trying to upset the young lad and almost provoking him into crying. It is hard for them at first. They all are a bit homesick. It would have been nice had they gone back and done some more filming at least six months into his mission to show the difference! I hope that Mary had a lovely birthday! xx

  5. Pretties, good things to eat and much more... It's always such a happy thing to visit here, Marie! You are PURE JOY! Happy Week, dear friend :o) ((LOVE & HUGS)) P.S. No root beer here either--I miss it sometimes... LOL!

  6. Would love to see them Suze!

    Thanks Tracy! You are a dear friend. Love you too. xxoo

  7. Congrats on the contract! We have a street fair here every summer and the Navajo tacos are served there....yummy. I love any fried bread! I also have A&W root beer here as we's diet tho due to my diabetes. Love it!

  8. Good news on that contract! Hopefully it will make a difference. Answered prayers are a blessing indeed. The waiting isn't easy. Patiences is indeed a virtue. I think it's a lesson I've spent most of my life learning. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  9. That is wonderful news re the kids:)
    I know it weighs heavily on you..How lightening:) and Lovely.
    And wow on the licensing..
    All good things come to those who wait ?:)
    Be happy..:)

    You will know soon for your thumb..
    I Google everything do you?
    I am amazed at how Dr Google often diagnoses very well..
    and amazed at how wrong he is to:)

    So wait for the real DR:)
    Good luck..hope it leaves you very soon.
    Pain is a pain.

  10. So much happiness all at once - it's just amazing isn't it? I am so happy for you Marie. I know you have worried about this for a long time with the kids. And the art opportunity is wonderful - you deserve it - you are a great artist. Have a wonderful day!

  11. Marie, you have such a grateful heart and so you are deserving of good things to happen to you. I'm so happy to hear that your son and daughter are connecting with you. That is wonderful and I know that you are feeling lighter because of it. Also, the fact that your artwork is moving along in a new direction is fantastic! You are truly being blessed! Glad you enjoyed Jersey Boys movie with Todd. Mitzie must look so fresh and smell so clean. Nice! Keep smiling! xo

  12. Thanks Linda. I am really going to try making Navaho Tacos. I am intrigued and they look so good!

    Thank you Pam. I am always working on patience. It's a hard lesson to learn and I think it may take a lifetime to finally get it right!

    Thanks Monique! I am a big fan of google too. Who needs an encyclopedia when they have google! haha!


  13. Thank you Valerie! You are such a dear friend! I really hope we can meet in person one day. That would be so fabulous! Another blessing and a notch in my bucket list!

  14. Brenda, thank you so much! It's that old patience thing I suppose. I really have to work hard at being patient. It's not easy! xxoo


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