
Sunday 27 July 2014

The past couple of days . . .

 What a frustrating couple of days we have had here on our Little Island upon the Big Island!  Our telephone hadn't been working properly for weeks, even though an engineer came out and told me there was absolutely nothing wrong with the phone line!  It got so that we could not call out or call in.

And then there was the internet.  It started first with us not being able to stay on line any more than maybe a half hour or so before we would get kicked off, but very quickly went to us only being able to stay online for 60 second bursts which very quickly escalated to us not being able to get online at all!

Finally yesterday an engineer came out and the fault was with a line out back leading into the house.  The long and short of it is . . .  we are FINALLY back on line and I have a telephone once more!  I am sorry if anyone worried about me!  The worst thing was not being able to let anyone know something was wrong!

The best thing was I accomplished a lot of work!  (Despite the fact that it's also been miserably hot and humid!)

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This is a closeup of the art comission  I was able to finish.  It's not the whole thing.  It was really difficult to scan the whole thing as  it's quite large, but you get the idea.  It's on a box wrapped canvas, so ready to hang.   It's for a young couple who is getting married next month.  They don't read my blog so I am pretty safe in showing it to you.  (I hope!)  At any rate the person I did it for is quite happy with it and so I am happy that they are happy!

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I was also able to finishe my latest cookbooklet, which I will be putting up on my cooking blog for sale soon.   Entitled "Just Desserts," it is just desserts!  Who doesn't love dessert!  I have noticed that on my recipe facebook page it is the desserts that get the most attention. It's also the same with the blog.  SO I thought a cookbooklet centred completely on those would be quite welcomed.  Only time will tell!

 On Friday we went to the Stretton Watermill, which is about 10 miles outside of Chester.  We had been there once, about 12 or 13 years ago, so it was nice to revisit it.  We went with our friends Audrey and Peter.  The Stretton Watermill is one of the countries best preserved working corn mill.  There is a record of a mill being on this location since the mid 1300's, but current mill exists on foundations which only date back to the mid 1600's.

This time we actually took the tour, which enabled us to have a guide talk us through the history of the mill, how it works, etc.  I found it quite fascinating.   We even got to watch some corn (wheat) being ground and I think I understand completely now how it is that mill stones work, as well as water wheels! 

The workings of the mill work on water which runs the wheel from this pond.  The pond itself is filled with life.   There were moor hens and baby moor hens living on it.   We also saw lots of damsel flies and a resident dragon fly.  It's also home to many other wild birds, including the rarely seen grey wagtail . . .

It was hot and it was sticky but it was fun and really quite interesting.   I haven't been on an outing like that in a long time, and I was left feeling that we really need to do it more often!

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I also got to do a lot of gardening and some cooking and I'm happy to say I'm all caught up on Coronation Street!

And that was how my week ended.   How was yours?   Oh, I did so miss writing to you.  I really did.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"The purpose of our lives 
is to give birth to the best which is within us"
~Marianne Williamson 

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There is a trio of tasty ice creams cooking in The English Kitchen today, beginning with this delicious Rocky Road Ice Cream!  This is how we kept our cool over these past few days which have been seriously hot and sticky!

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May your Sunday be truly blessed!


  1. I am just so glad that you are back with us. Thankfully I manage dto see your brief message on facebook that said you were having phone troubles...what a long time they have taken to sort it all out. Thankfully now you will have no more trouble.. I have missed our morning "chat" That is certainly a different painting from your usual ones. I am sure they will just love it. I wish them well on their wedding day...Hope your new cookbook about deserts does well. I am not a "sweet" person so rarely even think about making a pud !! on Tuesday peter brought on a tin of peaches and some creamhe obviously felt the need of a "pud" and I had said on Sunday that the only tin fruit that I like is peaches...and thoughtful as ever he brought in a tin Bless him xx That looks like a great day out to the mill...I am always saying to Mary we shoudl go out for a trip somewhere....but do we....NO...I am so lazy at driving anywhere these days...I am findriving around here where I know allthe roads etc but not adventuroius nowadays driving out my "area! on a Sunday Peter often brings me home on other roads for a ride after lunch out, which is lovely...I am having visitors from Wales today staying till Tues. so might not be around will all depend...but if I'm not you take care and keep out of the heat as much as possible I am already sitting with the fan going full blast and it is only 7.30am !!

  2. So happy to read your posts again!
    It's very hot here,too but then this is the way our summers are.
    You have done great things once more.I'll have to try this rocky road ice cream.
    Have a great Sunday!

  3. Sybil we have had our fan going non stop as well. Todd has spent the last couple of days walking around without his shirt on it's been so warm. It takes a LOT for him to do that! I love tinned peaches too. Especially with vanilla ice cream! Yummy! I hope you enjoy your visitors from Wales. I just might suprise you one day myself! xxoo

    Thanks Helen! I am happy I can post again. I hated missing my Friday Finds and my Saturday This and That! I cannot imagine it being hotter than it has been here, but I know it is elsewhere. Todd checked the temp in the back garden on Thursday and it was over 100 in the sun. That's pretty hot for here!! xxoo

  4. Glad to see your name and artwork again. Have a wonderful day.

  5. It is an aggravation when we aren't able to be on line or have a phone. I had a day like that last month when our electricity went out. I really was at a loss. Glad you were able to do a lot without yours there. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one.

  6. One day you're not there and i worry:) LOL

    That is what a steady..loyal blogger you are!
    Kudos for everything you do.
    That work is CHARMING!
    How cute..I could see a whole movie of them like UP:)

    Have a great day Marie..that watermill looks so pretty.

  7. Thank you so much Suzan, I missed our little conversations on here most of all! How sad is that? It makes me happy. You are like my invisible family and I love you all!

    It sure is Pam. I Hope you are having a great weekend! I know you will have filled it to the brim with goodness and inspiration!

    I was so worried Monique that everyone would think I had died! It is not like me to disappear without a word! Glad I didn't! And very happy to be back and chatting with you all! YOu make me smile about my artwork. I am not as good as you think, but will take the compliment happily! xxoo

  8. What a relief to find out that it was your phone and internet that was faulty and not something more serious with you. Glad you had a nice weekend and visited the watermill. It's always nice to get out and see something new and different. It just shows that you don't really have to go too far from home to enjoy a change in scenery and learn something new. Your commissioned piece turned out so well! I also love the background choices that you added. Great job! There is a soothing feeling of satisfaction when a piece of art is completed.

  9. Glad all is well. I missed you! Hadn't realized you were an integral part of my day 'til you were gone.

  10. Thanks Valerie! I was able to make good use of my time anyways! One of the things I love about England/UK is that you really don't have to go very far and the scenery changes completely! Not like Canada where you have to drive a couple of days or hours and hours to see a change! xxoo

    Thanks Anna! Glad I was missed! I missed all of you too! xxoo

  11. I am so happy you are back on line. Whatever would we do without phones and the internet. I do remember as a child that we didn't even have a TV. I think we are so blessed. However, I do think we can overdo it all too.
    I loved the pictures of your visit to the Watermill. Your photos of England just call to be; like I need to come and visit.
    Your art work is lovely as always.
    Ice cream is the perfect thing for a hot day.
    Also, I will so look forward to your Just Desserts cook booklet. I think you should do well on this one.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  12. Thank you so much LeAnn! I think sometimes we are far TOO dependant on the internet! You and Roger should come on over! You would love it here! Love you! xxoo


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