
Sunday 6 July 2014

Homeward bound . . .

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In the quiet misty morning
When the moon has gone to bed,
When the sparrows stop their singing
And the sky is clear and red,
When the summer's ceases it's gleaming,
When the corn is past it's prime,
When adventure's lost it's meaning,
I'll be homeward bound in time.

Bind me not to the pasture,
Chain me not to the plow,
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow.

If you find it's me you're missing,
If you're hoping I'll return,
To your thoughts I'll soon be listening,
In the road I'll stop and turn,
Then the wind will set me racing,
As my journey nears its end,
And the path I'll be retracing
When I'm homeward bound again.

Bind me not to the pasture,
Chain me not to the plow,
Set me free to find my calling
And I'll return to you somehow.

We recently got this album of music and I have been listening to it, loving it.  It touches my heart in a beautiful way.   I think that is the wonder of music and lyrics . . . the ability to touch hearts in a profound way.  I especially love this song  . . .

As I listen to it I am reminded of my home in Heaven, and I think of the journey I am on to return to my Heavenly Father from whence I came.

I think of all the weights and chains of this earth which we live on . . . the things that weigh us down . . . the things that make us want to give up . . . the sorrows and the sadness . . .  our trials and tribulations . . . slings and arrows . . .

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I think also of all the joys that we experience in our lives . . . the beautiful sunrises and sunsets . . .  the love of family and friends . . .   beauty of nature . . . the tears of laughter and of joy . . . the things that lift us up . . . the  stuff of life which makes it all worth the journey . . . lessons learned . . .  simple things . . .

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I think of  how worth it life is.  All of it.   How sad it will be to leave this plane of existence one day . . .  the missing of the ones I will leave behind me for a time . . .  but I think also of the joy that I will feel in my heart when I finally reach my heavenly home and hear those words . . . well done my faithful servant.  You have stood the course, and now you are home.
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In no rush to get there . . .  I have still much to do here and much I want to do here . . . but it is nice to have a heavenly destination and divine purpose in being here.  I am homeward bound . . .  but enjoying the journey and all that it entails.  

Fifty six years ago I received one of my life's greatest blessings. She's been my best friend all of her life.  Happy Birthday to my sister Cindy.  I know that when mum first brought you home I wanted her to take you back . . .  but I also know that I am very glad she didn't.  Sis, you have blessed my life in countless ways through the years and still do.  You mean the world to me.  I am so grateful for your presence in my life.  I love you with all of my heart and hope that you have a lovely day today . . . a day filled with love and promise.  A day filled with joy and many tender mercies.  May your cup over-runneth.

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Marie's Best Banana Bread.  Scrumptious!

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May you be blessed today . . . 


  1. Have the best sunday Marie.

  2. I have never heard that one Marie, what beautiful words. Like you I look forward t that wonderful day when we can look on our beloved Lords face...I can never understand christians who are afraid of death,,,I often say to MAry,,,I just can't wait...and I mean it...folks think I am quite odd !! As I write this I am thinking about Peter this morning who called at 7.30 last night to say that his Dad had just died at 7ok. We won't be going up to Scotland now...however I am just so glad thay he was there with him when he died..(I am so glad that we dint go to Scotland as we had planned to go yesterday)
    Sending loving thoughts your way for a lovely sunday xx

  3. Happy Birthday to your sister ! Yes, I agree we are all on a journey to a place called home someday. Hope you do have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Bon Dimanche!
    It's lovely your friendship with your sister!
    I want one.

  5. Sybil, I am so sorry to hear about Peter's father. Please give him my deepest condolences. Just as well you didn't go up yesterday as planned. ((((hugs)))) We're having a mixed bag here today. Sun one minute and showers the next! xxoo

    Thanks Pam! You have a lovely Sunday as well! xxoo

    Thanks Monique. I can be your sister from another mother! xxoo

  6. I have this album as well.... we can listen to it together and love it. I too look forward to going home some day but am enjoying the journey and will hate to say goodbye to dear family and friends.

    Have a great week. Hugs, Lura

  7. Thanks Lura! I love the thought of us listening to this lovely album together. Now you will be with me when I do just that! Love you! xxoo

  8. Oh dear Marie; this was such a lovely post. I just learned yesterday that a very dear cousin of mine passed a way and your thoughts and the lyrics were so beautiful. Bless you for this today.
    I love that you have a sister that you are close to; I have always missed having one. Now I don't have any member of my family living. I am just grateful to know that I will see them someday.

  9. I am glad that my thoughts were able to help you in some way LeAnn! I, too, am grateful for eternal families. xxoo


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