
Friday 18 July 2014

Friday Finds . . .

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!    

I love these little fabric covered altoid tins.   (We can get tins over here like these at M&S.  They hold extra strong mints.)  There is a complete tutorial on Green Bea.  No sewing involved.  I have some Tilda fabrics that would be perfect for these.

I just adore this cross body purse with a zipper.   There is a name for these, but it escapes me at the moment.  I love the bright colours.  Oh yes, it's a messenger bag.  (DUH!)  In any case you can find out how to make one for yourself on sewmccool

Glitter Play Dough for the kiddos from Tradewind Tiaras.   When I was a child I love, LOVED to play with play dough, or plasticene as it was called back then. I would have REALLY loved to be able to play with glittery plasticene!

I could not resist showing you these DIY Glitter Flats!  Such a simple idea!  I foud this on We are Not Martha.   Who knew it would be so easy?

 Pottery Barn inspired Jute Placemats from City Farmhouse.   I have never been to a Pottery Barn, but I have always wanted to see one.  From the photographs I have seen theres some really neat stuff in them!  Thankfully there are also a lot of Pottery Barn Copycat Crafts out there as well!

 Party Headbands!  You can easily make them yourself.   Found on  Julep.  Such a simple idea!  I would never have thought of doing these myself.  Wish I was still in Young Women's!  How fun would that be to make these with the Young Women!

 For those of you who want chickens, have chickens or know someone who has chickens, a brilliant tutorial on how to make your own chicken coop!  I love it.  I have wanted to have chickens for a long time, but we don't have any because it is hard enough to find someone to watch the dog if we have to go away nevermind a flock of hens.  I found this on The Housewives of Riverton.   (Love these names people give their blogs, don't you?)  It's a complete tutorial.

I love, LOVE this charging station.   With all of the phones, ipads, ipods, kindles, etc. we have in the home today they can be rather unsightly sitting there being charged.  Not a problem any more.  Make your own charging station and make it attractive.  Found on Centsational Girl.  Again a complete tutorial!

When my boys were lads they were always building tree houses.  Some of what they got up to was probably downright dangerous.  How much better it would have been if their dad had gotten together with them and actually built a tree house they could use safely.   You can find a complete tutorial on how to do just that on Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke.  What lucky kids! She's a fab photographer too! 

 This is soooo cute.  The page is in russian, but you can translate it and there are lots of pics on it to help you long.   Found on World of My Dreams.  Three are a lot of cute crafts on that page actually.  I love it!

And that's my Friday Finds for this week!  I hope you found something which inspires!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


"Remember, when you judge another, 
you do not define them, 
you define yourself as someone who needs to judge. 
The same applies to judgments directed at you." 
~Wayne Dyer  ✿(◠‿◠)✿  

I think the Saviour said this first when He said . . .  Judge not, that ye be not judged, For with that judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete,  it hsall be measured to you again.  ~Matthew 7:1-2  

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  scrumptious Raspberry and Marshmallow Friands, and . . .

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Delicious Orange Julius's.  Refreshingly tasty. 

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Have a wonderful Friday!

PS - Distraught about the plane being shot down and what's going on in Israel.  Aren't you?  :(


  1. Enjoy your day. I love your Friday finds. Perhaps one day something will happen.

  2. Perhaps Suzan, perhaps. Hope we are ready for it. xxoo

  3. Very cute finds..not 100% sure but there may be 2 chickens in our future..:)

  4. How very exciting Monique!! I can't wait to see them, if you get them! What a wonderful addition to your life! xxoo

  5. Hi, Marie! Wow... it's Friday again already... this week went fast, I think! LOVE the fabric covered tins--pretty idea. Oooo... glittery play dough! I know a young niece who would love that stuff. ;o) So many nice finds... Oh, but the Middle East is breaking my heart so much... :O( Hope you & yours have a good weekend there ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. I know Tracy! The weeks are just flying by! I can't believe how fast they are going! I am sure Anya would love the glitter dough! A good weekend to you and yours as well filled with lots of love and big hugs from me! xxoo

  7. Lots of lovely finds once again. It is very disturbing when you hear the news of what is going on in our world. Lots of prayer needed I think. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  8. Lots of lovely finds once again. It is very disturbing when you hear the news of what is going on in our world. Lots of prayer needed I think. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  9. Pam, you are right. There are LOTS of prayers needed today and always. Thanks for your friendship! xxoo

  10. How on earth could it be Friday ALREADY??? Time sure whips by the older I get... :-O

    Nice Friday finds. I would love to have the chickens and the coop that you posted but my 2 Shiba Inus are hunters and would find a way to eat the poor things.

    Have a wonderful weekend with Todd and Mitzie! xoxo

  11. I know Valerie! Todd and I looked at each other last night and said we couldn't believe the week was gone already! Time sure seems to be speeding up! You have a wonderful weekend too! xxoo

  12. I loved all of the finds today. I especially liked the Changing station; I need one of those. I loved the Chicken houses. We are zoned for chickens; so it is a thought.
    The party headbands were cute.
    I especially loved the tree house. I wish we had a tree like that so we could put one in our back yard for the grandchildren. I loved climbing trees as a child.
    Blessings and hugs for your unique finds today.

  13. Thanks LeAnn! I have a lot of fun finding these things too! xxoo


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