
Friday 4 July 2014

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!    

I am a big fan of craft paper such as this and I think it makes a beautiful wrap for presents.  You can really adapt it to different methods and things.   This is such a simple presentation here.   The paper doily and ribbon really spark this off.  I love it.  From Un Chin de Magea .

 This one is simply gorgeous as well!  Two layers, the top one cut out so that the bottom peeks through!  I would never have thought of this myself.  What a beautiful effect!  And it wouldn't have to be hearts, it could be any shape half cut out and you would have this same brilliant result!  Fabulous!  From The House That Lars Built.  

 Isn't this just wonderful?   I love it!  This would make a fabulous idea for wrapping a baby shower gift, or a gift for someone who is leaving employment or whatever and beginning a new chapter in their lives!  From Denise Sharp on Flickr.  This is a brilliant idea.  Can you tell my wheels are turning now!  It's too bad my family lives so far away . . . this would never make it through the post intact.

Once again Kraft paper simply executed in a beautiful way.  I love this. It is so pretty and unique.  From Carolyn's Homework.  The bird is from  an artist named Geninne Zlatkis.  It's so beautiful.

Another idea which is absolutely beautiful in it's simplicity.  From One Fine Dae.   She has used her sewing machine here to help her out.  It's quite simply gorgeous.

Of course if you have a bazillion gifts to wrap you aren't going to do any of these things, but one at a time, spread out over a long period of time.  All quite do-able.


 I adore this.  Two kinds of ribbon, a label attached in a unique way.  What more can I say.  Simply fabulous results.   From

Klas Styling

Brown Paper Packages tied up in String.   A line from my favourite things in The Sound of Music, but this reminded me of that.   Simple brown bags, stamped and folded and tied up with string, pretty string . . .  pretty labels.   Gorgeous styling.  

I just adore these origami bows from Moodkids.   There are so many things you can do with this.  I especially love the bunting!

 Kraft paper, butchers twine and a white gel pen.  Simple and yet beautiful.  I love this too.  From Odessa May Society.   Have I ever told you Odessa was my maternal grandmother's middle name?  Nina Odessa Best.  I love it.

And finally, Kraft Paper wrapping, personalized by stamping the recipients name on it.  The ribbon giving the only colour.  Classy.   From The Haystack Needle.

I hope that something here interested you today!  I found a lot of inspiration.  I need to stock up on Kraft paper this year.  I have one roll, but I think I am going to need more!

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Here's a little something I worked on yesterday afternoon.   What do you think?  I want your honest opinion.   I do value it.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
that most brutal of teachers. 
But you learn, 
my God do you learn."
 ~C.S. Lewis
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Cheese, Peas and Bow Ties Salad.  Delicious!

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A very wonderful Friday to you my friends!  Happy Independance Day to my American friends and family!



  1. Morning MArie,,,anther Friday full of insperation...I don't know how you manage to find all these wonderful "blogs" People are so inventive..they must spend an awful lot of time thinking things up !! I love all the ideas and say to myself I'll remember that ! then comes th etime to actually "do, or wrap" somthing up and any idea has gone !! even if I did remember I probably would'nt have the materiel or the time !! but never the less it is wonderful to admisre other folks brilliant ideas..Thank you as always for sharing...
    Have a lovely weekend. We have been so blessed with the weather this last Month...I am away to Scotland on Mon till hoping the weather will stay good for us...Peter and me...Mary looking after Masy !

  2. Good morning all. I have to agree with Sybil in that you have the most amazing capacity to find glorious things.

    Enjoy your day and for those who line in the USA I wish you a happy fourth.

    Today has been a very quiet day if you do not count driving here, there and everywhere. In a few short minutes the production of CATS will begin and Pip will have her dream of her lifetime. She has worn our two dvds of the musical by the time she was 5 and now she has the chance to be a kitten. By Sunday it will be over and any other musical will be her doing as she is almost 18 and I have done oh so many dance shows, choir performances, orchestra or other instrumental shows and plays and musicals. The end of this era is nigh.

  3. Thanks Sybil and Suzan!

    Sybil, did Mary get my birthday card? I sent it via Jaquie Lawson site. I hope you have a lovely time in Scotland! I also hope that you have nice weather for it. It's going to be sunny here I think, but it's quite cool and windy! xxoo

    Suzan, I hope that Pip's experience is a wonderful one for her and for you! It is hard to believe your baby is going to be 18! Not a baby any longer, but then again they are all, always our babies! xxoo

  4. So many fun finds today, Marie--happy summery things. I LOVE the bird-decorated gift. So many nice, smart package idea. I'm afraid I don't go "all out" when it comes to gifts. And since there's many kids in the family--they just rip & tear, they have not time for frills... LOL! LOVELY illustration! I do love your "new" style that encompasses lots more texture and design--color too! VERY sweet! :o) HAPPY WEEKEND to all of you there ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. Thanks so much Tracy! I would just settle for a photograph of my wee grandchildren with one of their gifts! Sadly never seen them playing with them. Oh well. Thanks for your lovely words re my art. It means a lot to me! I will be over to visit you later. I am baking waffles at the moment! xxoo

  6. Honestly?
    You're sure you want my HONEST opinion?
    Ok then..
    I LOVE her.
    she's so sweet in her dress carrying the bowl:)
    So much fun to WRAP wish I had more people in my life to wrap for..:)

  7. Once again Monique, you make me smile! ☺ I wish I had more people in my life to wrap for too! Oh and more money to buy gifts! I love gifting people. I really do. xxoo

  8. I love your picture. Adorable xxx

  9. Hi, Marie,
    I found you by clicking on your name in a comment you left on Susan Branch's website. You were talking about the tiny frogs in your strawberry patch.
    Here is what I wrote:

    Hi, Marie,
    I took a look at your blog – very nice, and you have some tasty looking recipes. However, I’d hope to see some photos of the frogs in your strawberry patch, but I found none. How nice it would be if you posted a few. Thanks.

    Susan's father Jack also left a comment in reply to yours. How lucky are you!
    I love your suggestions for wrapping as well as the picture you designed for the quotation.
    I hope to hear from you, and I'm looking forward to dropping in on your blog again.

  10. Hi Marie, once again catching up on the weeks blogs! Went to see the Jersey boys today too, and loved it. I also love your 'stay' illustration, just beautiful. But most of all I'm so pleased that some of your prayers are being answered. I know what your children mean to you. Much love xxx

  11. Hope you are having a fantastic Friday. I just got home from a little visit at my youngest son's house and am catching up on blogs this evening.

  12. Oh, I love all the gift wrapping ideas! Especially the bird on the branches and the following three after that one. Nice job on your "Stay" artwork. Very sweet girl and I love the cat's face. Nice background choices too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! We are celebrating Independence Day here in the states today (4th). I indulged a bit too much in the food dept. ;-O

  13. Thsnks Julie!

    Carolyn, thanks for visiting. I will have to go back and check out Susan's blog! I had not had a chance to go back. I did manage to catch a photo of one of the frogs yesterday and was going to post it today(Saturday) so watch this space! They are very difficult to catch as they are very fast! Thank you so much for your lovely comment and I hope to see you again!

    Kate, I am glad you loved the Jersey Boys. I would see it again and again if I could. Will have to wait til it comes out on DVD! Thanks for all your thoughts and love!!

    Pam, I thought you were probably at your sons for the holiday. I am sure you have had a lovely time. Can't wait to read about it!!

    Valerie, isn't that what holidays are all about? Eating too much! LOL

    Love you all! xxoo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!