
Saturday 3 May 2014

Sometimes words escape me . . .

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I have no words this morning.  Our hearts have been broken and our souls are very tender at the moment.   I please ask instead that you pray for my eldest son and his wife who are going through a very difficult time at the moment.  Please pray that they will find peace and comfort to their souls.   Thank you all so very much.



  1. I am sorry to hear of your sadness, Marie. I will certainly keep them, and you, in my prayers.

  2. Thank you Tracey. The loss of a baby is very difficult to cope with, but we will manage. I hate being so far away at this time. Your prayers are very much appreciated.

  3. Oh Marie I am so very sorry and will pray for you.

  4. So sorry Marie ...We lost 2 young grandsons and the pain is almost too much. Praying for comfort for your family.

  5. So very sorry for the loss. Of course the whole family has our prayers.

  6. Your son and his wife are in my prayers. I'm so sorry for their loss and yours as well.

  7. Thank you Pam and Dee. Much appreciated. xxoo

  8. I definitely will pray for your family.

  9. x.
    When our youngest married.. her first pregnancy.. we had the ultrasound in a frame..all elated..joyous..

    She miscarried.
    I remember all our grief.. for her..and for us.I had never felt that kind of grief.

  10. Prayers are with all of your family and lots of hugs.

  11. Thank you Monique, Julie and Carol.

  12. may the love i feel for you and all your family be felt Marie, as I pray for peace in your heavy hearts for you all. It is such a very sad time. God Bless xxxx

  13. Oh no, how horrible, I am so sorry! I know what that pain is, and it must be so hard for you to be so far away. We'll absolutely be praying for them and you! *hug*
    Lots of Love, April

  14. Oh my gosh dear friend. Your son and his wife will be in my prayers as well as the both of you. Two of my dear daughters have lost babies. It is very hard. I just can't imagine the pain.
    Blessings, prayers, love and hugs!

  15. Thank you Sybil, April and LeAnn. xxoo

  16. Dear Marie, I'm so very sorry to hear your sad news and your son and daughter in law, of course I will pray for comfort for you all. God bless you at this sad time. Kind regards Mandy


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