
Monday 12 May 2014

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard  

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.      

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A Mother's Day Facetime Date on the ipad with these three lovely little munchkins, from left to right . . .
Joshua, Jonathan and Jacob, along with my middle son Doug and his wife Kayla of course!  It was just lovely.  They are such engaging and beautiful little boys.   Jacob who was very shy last year when I was home was talking to me this time as well and showing me all of his treasures.   I am very grateful for son's who take the time to make sure their children know who I am.

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These are my other two grandsons with their Auntie Jane.   Luke on the left and Gabriel on the right.  Despite the sadness of the week prior their mum and dad, Anne and Anthony, still took the time to send me Happy Mother's Day greetings.  That means a lot.  I know that this year was quite sad for Anne  I am grateful that her sister Jane was able to be with her and support her during this time.  Small blessings that mean the world.

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Bruce and Sara each sent me Mother's Day greetings as well, so that was nice.   I think she is the one folks.  She's smart, and talented and they make each other happy.   I already think of her as my DIL anyways.  It time to make it official Bruce!    I am sure that Baxter, their little fur baby, added his greetings to theirs as well.

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Cutest little Grandfurbaby ever.   He's part terrier and part Dachshund.  I think it's a magnificent combination, don't you?

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I also got Mother's Day Greetings from Eileen and Tim via facebook.   Cute couple they are.   What would I do without facebook.  I can remember when I first got it I couldn't understand the need for it really, but now it is my main source of communication with all of these lovelies.

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On Saturday night my brother face-timed me from Ottawa just so I could see him jumping on his trampoline!  He's very fit for a 53 year old I say!  Of course all of the snow is now gone from his back yard.  He really was quite agile.   It's amazing that there he was in Ottawa and here I was in England and I could watch him jumping up and down.   It was really nice of him to call.  We don't do it near often enough I reckon!

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Of course I got to talk to my mom and my dad yesterday as well, along with my sister.  (Yes that is me in the photograph.  I reckon I am about six months old there.)  I speak to my mom several times a week anyways, but it's always nice to talk to her on special holidays like Mother's Day.  I reflected on how far things have come in a year.  Last year on Mother's Day she was still in the hospital, and now she is fairly recovered from everything.  She still has some memory problems and her toe still gives her a lot of grief,  but in the scheme of things they are small potatoes.  I am so grateful that we still have her with us, and that she and my dad are together now and my sister is taking good care of them for us all.

I didn't hear from everyone, but I didn't really expect to.  Some things never change. I  am grateful for what I do have.

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I finished this picture yesterday afternoon.  I had been working on it for several days.  I am very happy with how it turned out.  What do you think?

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ
"You can never cross the ocean
unless you have the courage
to lose sight of the shore."
ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Chicken and Cheesy Dumplings.   Delicious, economical and simple to make!

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Have a great week!  May it be filled with lots of small and wonderful things!


  1. It is wonderful how the internet allows us to keep in touch with with our families. I had a couple of FaceTime calls this weekend too. One way or the other I was in touch with each one of my family for Mothers Day. The weather cooperated too. Now I must check out your recipe for chicken and of my favorites. Hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  2. Pam, like you I am so grateful for the miracles of modern technology! I hope you have a super day too! xxoo

  3. the art is adorable and all the people! Big and little..

  4. Thank you Monique! You are so kind! xxoo

  5. Precious children and grandchildren Marie - I know you loved seeing them and hearing their voices! blessings, marlene

  6. Thank you Marlene. It was an extra special blessing for sure! xx

  7. Thank you Marlene. It was an extra special blessing for sure! xx

  8. I am so pleased that you had such a lovely Mothering Sunday..It is wonderful that you were able to see and enjoy almost all of your family. It really was a blessing from above just for you xxx


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