
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Wednesday meanderings of the mind . . .

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 April danced into town yesterday on golden slippers of beautiful sunlight and clear blue skies.  We could not have asked for a more beautiful day if we had gotten down on our knees and begged for it.    April in England . . . is a bit like falling in love for the first time . . . every time.

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The whole countryside has broken out in a beautiful tide of green, it's wave sweeping around the woods and hedgerows like a rising tide . . .  so very beautiful . . . it rolls around our world as on twig and branch and bough the new leaves begin to unfurl . . . born upon the tide of spring . . .

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Next to arrive at the ball . . . the flowering cherry tree.  She arrives like a white sailed galleon, adrift before the winds upon a restless sea . . . a fair and graceful thing . . .

It's petals float and dance upon the air, carried by the gentle breath of a fresh Spring breeze . . .

and . . . Robin sings . . .

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A thought to carry with you through today . . .  


"A friend is one to whom we may pour 
out the contents of our hearts,
chaff and grain together, 
knowing that the gentlest 
of hands will sift it;
keep what is worth keeping, and . . . 
with a breath of kindness
blow the rest away."


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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Reuben Sliders.

You are all a blessing to me  . . .  enjoy this
day, and keep smiling . . . 


  1. Love your thought for the day Marie...that's us aint it xxx
    Yes springs magic is all around us at the moment. Was a glorious day yesterday and hopefully will be today once the mist burns off. It is my sister Margaret's 80th birthday so praying she will be in a good place for all of it...One never knows with my sister !!! I will take her friend over this morning having collected her late last night from Bristol airport..
    Hope you have something nice planned for today
    God Bless

  2. Sounds like a magic day.

  3. I hope that you have a nice day with your Sister on her birthday Sybil! It's overcast here.

    It was a lovely day Suzan!

  4. Oh Marie I just loved the imagery and picture you painted in that first paragraph. It sounds glorious!

    I have a set of plates that I inherited from L-G's mum when she died and there is a plate for each month of the year from an English collection called 'Scenes of the English Countryside' by Peter Barrett. The plate for April is this one and is one of my favourites of the series. This is because I love English bluebells, especially when they are laid out in the forest like a carpet. And I can't resist those cute, snuffly hedgehogs and the bold, striped badger. Perhaps all those hours spent reading "Wind in the Willows" when I was a child has given me a love for this woodland scene, with the badger as the benevolent, bumbling, cuddly, gentle, nocturnal nice guy.

    Anyway, Englsnd sounds so fabulous in Spring. We asre about six weeks behind you, although the daffodils have started to bloom now because of the mild winter and early start to the spring. They are so cheerful, nodding their pretty golden heads in the breeze. I wish it were a tad warmer, though, with temperatures still under 5C even in the sunshine.

  5. Thank you Marie, that is so kind of you to say. I love that plate! How very beautiful! I love it when the bluebells are blooming in the woods like purple carpets. I can't wait. It will be a few more weeks yet! xxoo

  6. Monique, I hope it won't be long before you can make a meal of it! xxoo

  7. How wonderful you are having some nice Spring weather there. Finally we have seen the last of the snow melt and it has been warmer so hopefully soon something will bloom here too! Hope you do have a wonderful Wednesday!

  8. I live on the Texas Gulf Coast. We have had an unusually long and cold winter. That has made this spring so very welcome. We are in the middle of our gorgeous wildflower season--fields of bluebonnets and paint brushes where it looks like God has poured buckets of vivid color all over the hills.

  9. So glad your snow is on the run Pam! It's been a long hard Winter for everyone I think!

    Welcome Florence! I can only imagine how beautiful the wildflower season in Texas is with the bluebonnets and paintbrushes. We have bluebells here which I think are quite similar. They are not out yet, but when they bloom a lot of our woodlands are carpeted with them. Simply gorgeous!

  10. I'm glad that April has danced in which such lovely weather. Enjoy
    I hope you are doing well. Hugs, Lura

  11. I am very well thanks Lura! I know you are not so am still keeping you in my prayers for healing! xxoo


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