
Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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FOR TODAY March 4th, 2014

Outside my window...
I am up early today, but the light is still beginning to appear on the horizon and the early morning chorus has begun.  I love those early morning sounds.   Spring is definitely springing early this year.  We noticed frog spawn in our pond yesterday.

I am thinking...
`•.¸.•´¸¸.¸.☆¨Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark. ~Rabindranath Tagore

Love this quote.    Where would we be without faith?   Faith in new tomorrows, fresh pages to write upon, new starts.  Faith in the light at the end of the tunnel . . .

I am thankful...
I am thankful for family prayer.   Being able to pray with Todd is a special blessing.  Sharing a love of the Saviour is also a special blessing.  There are three in our marriage and I think that makes a special difference.  At least it does for me.   My faith is so very important to me and to be able to share that with the one I love is a gift.   Something which I prayed to have for many years.  To be ridiculed for your faith by the one you love is not a nice feeling at all.  It's also demeaning.

In the kitchen...   


Vanilla Spiced Oatmeal.   When I was growing up, you couldn't get me to eat oatmeal for love nor money.  As an adult I love the stuff!!  Just goes to show tastes do change!!

I am wearing...
A blue nightie and my brown shoes. No, I have still not made myself a pair of slippers. I need a good swift kick up the backside!

I am creating...
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I just love this lacy looking bunting.   Found on Hola Mama.   You make it with those cheap doilies you can buy in the pound shop. Just cut in half and sew onto bias tape.  I think it's so very pretty!

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Loving this too . . . it's made from a potholder and contains what you need for an emergency.

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 Its such a simple idea and I can see many uses for it.  The inside compartments are simply made by sewing in a couple of zip locks!  How ingenious!  From Tidy Mom!

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Fabric Covered Books from Two Twenty One.  So very pretty.   It would take me the rest of my life to cover all my books, but I could see myself doing the few that I have down here in the living room.  
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Handmade Button Cards from The Frugal Crafter.  As a button lover, I adore these.

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Can you believe it!  It's an entire blog filled with nothing but Mason Jar Crafts!   Simply wonderful!!  It's called Mason Jar Crafts.   Duh . . . 

I am going...
The Dog Groomers today and then on Thursday lunch there is a Birthday Party for a friend, at the Plas Hafod Hotel.   Really looking foward to that!    Normally when we take the dog to the groomers, we go to the Gordale Nursery to wait.  They have the best cards and giftshop there.   I don't mind passing the time there.   Todd, he brings a book and goes into the coffee shop and reads.  And reads.   And reads.

I am wondering...
I am still wondering what my next calling will be.  So far nothing.   I am learning patience.

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House Rules, by Jodi Picoult
This engaging book by Jodi Picoult is about Jacob Hunt, a teenage boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, and like many kids with AS, Jacob has a special focus on one subject – in his case, forensic analysis.  He’s always showing up at crime scenes, thanks to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling the cops what they need to do…and he’s usually right. But then one day his tutor is found dead, and the police come to question him. All of the hallmark behaviors of Asperger’s – not looking someone in the eye, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate affect – can look a heck of a lot like guilt to law enforcement personnel -- and suddenly, Jacob finds himself accused of murder. House Rulles looks at what it means to be different in our society, how autism affects a family, and how our legal system works well for people who communicate a certain way – but lousy for those who don’t.

I am also reading the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament.

I am hoping...
It's hard to believe, but Lura is still in the hospital.   Since her Gall Bladder operation on Valentines day her life has been a nightmare, with just one thing right after another, a comedy of errors.   Please continue to keep her in your prayers.  I hope she can go home soon and will be completely healed.  Thank you so much.   I know this must be so very frustrating for both her and for her husband John.

Makes me Smile...    

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This is the newest member of our extended family.  His name is Squirt and he is having a bath.  He's a bearded dragon.  A reptile would not be my choice for a pet, but I have three grandsons that are just thrilled with him! That is what makes me smile.

I am learning...
I love that we never ever truly stop learning.   There is some new lesson to be learnt with each day that passes.  We had to get a new printer yesterday.   Our printer printed out one thing and then . . . it just stopped printing.  Most annoying.  It only stopped printing the colour black.  It was printing in every other colour.   Todd thought maybe it was a faulty black ink cartridge.   So, he went to the store and got a new one.   Still no go.   So then we called Tech support, which of course costs you 5p a minute.   Turns out it was a fault with the printer which could not be fixed and of course the warantee was expired.  (That always happens doesn't it!)  Anyways we could not get the same model and we had to get a different one, and of course the ink we have stored doesn't go with the new one.   In fact it wasn't compatible with any in the shop.  And so we now have a shed load of ink that was expensive to buy that we can't use.   I think that is called Murphy's Law.

Around the House ... 

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A unique storage idea created by using the spines of old books.  From DIY Home Sweet Home.  There's a ton of other storage ideas on that page as well.

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How to make more than one loaf of bread when you only have one bread pan.   Now, this is genius.  Put a loaf pan in the centre of a  by 15 inch cake tin, which then gives you three pans.   You can find this tip and a whole host of other fabulous tips on My Fridge Food.  Seriously brilliant!

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How to clean your dishwasher from One Good Thing by Julie.  Actually that page is a goldmind of helpful cleaning tips!

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How to hang a second curtain without buying another curtain rod.  Use a bungee cord.   People are so smart.  I find myself thinking, why didn't I think of that about a bazillion times a day!  From Solutions.   I am seriously going to do this.   Definitely.   No maybe's about it!

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How to put together an emergency preparedness kit.   From Organizing Junkie.   Hopefully you will never need it, but it's nice to know you are ready just in case!

I am pondering... 
Is it just me or are they putting lids on things a lot tighter these days???  Am I getting old and weak???  I seem to have more and more problems opening things now.  I keep a square of rubbermade shelf liner in the kitchen drawer to help me with this, and I use it all the time.  I never used to have to do this. 

A favorite quote for today...   
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"There is no such thing as chance;
and what seem to us merest accident springs
from the deepest source of destiny."
~Friedrich Schille  

 One of my favorite things...   

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Angels.  I love the idea that they surround us and help us.   I love stone angels.   I love books about angelic encounters.   I love the scriptures which teach us about them.  I love the thought of angelic protection

“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”
~D&C 84:88  

A few plans for the rest of the week:  
Dog grooming, partying, painting, crafting, cooking . . . just the norm!

 A peek into my day...   

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I spend some of every day reading. I cannot imagine what life would be like without being able to read.  When you can read, you are never bored.   Reading opens up new worlds and teaches us new things.  I love it!

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!



  1. Enjoy your day Marie. Mine has been quiet and to be truthful I am bored but such is life. God bless.

  2. I'm also an avid reader and I can't understand people who say that they never read. Both The Swede and I always have a book with us wherever we are and so are never bored. If truth be known, sometimes household chores suffer if I'm in the middle of a particularly compelling narrative :-)

    I love the little survival kit idea and will look at it further. People are so clever!

    I had no idea that one should run a cleaning cycle for the dishwasher. This place is the first one where I've had a dishwasher (we've been here 5 years now, although I didn't use the dishwasher for the first three years...). I'll certainly do this regularly from now onwards.

    Enjoy your early spring. We are still mild and grey here. A bit of sunshine would be SO welcome. Those poor crocus, snowdrops and winter aconite are waiting to open their smiley faces to us.

  3. Good Morning, Marie! No slippers yet... Pretty soon you won't need them as much, spring is on the way, and warmer days ahead... ;o) LOVE the lacy bunting--sweet idea. Something so cheery about that lace and the pink/white candy-stripe tape. LOVE the survival kit idea--a potholder--wow! Have a lovely time at your friend's birthday party today. Oh, but I'm so sorry your friend Lura is still struggling health-wise... Hope things will turn a corner soon, and she'll be on a road to wellness! :o) I'm sure your grandsons are thrilled about Squirt... I'm not on for reptiles either though...eeekkk... LOL! ;o) Great idea for baking the extra bread. I only have two loaf pans--so that inspires! We don't really have a emergency kit like that you show here. We probably should--times being what they are...*sigh*... You are right about the jar lids. If I'm home alone I almost can't get them off sometimes... LOL! Happy Day, my friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. Have a lovely day at Gordale Marie, I love it there too. I could spend hours just mooching round! Lots of love. Kate xx

  5. Thanks all for your lovely comments.

    If you were here Suzan, we could be bored together!

    Marie, I never had a dishwasher either until I won that one last year. I wouldn't want to be without it now!

    Tracy, it makes sense these days to be prepared for any eventuality!

    Kate, I had a great old boo around! I love it there!

  6. Printers.. :( :( The ink is so $$$$

    Same here same I have a new printer wireless..but alas all our computers run on XP..Jacques bought a new one..I can't make the step yet..I will lose so many programs and teh learning curve of Windows 8 is not exciting to me..

    Have a great day..:)

  7. This is a wireless printer as well Monique. Our main comp is Windows 8 and it is a nightmare. You are right! Very steep learning curve!

  8. I do so love your Tuesday thughts Marie so many interesting places for me to go and look at..Thank you...I'm so sorry about Lura and pray every time I think about her..and that is so very often. She is sure in a bad way and it will take alonng time I am sure to get over this period...but with everyones prayers and her own faith she will make it...
    Hope your day has gone well and expect Mitzie is looking very spruce ! I had Masy done last Friday but the lady comes to the hous eto do her so it is much easier than me takking her and her getting sick all the way there and probably on way back as well...that's her one big prob. not being good at travelling, it is the first dog I have had that has been like that, poor wee thing... Sending love to Todd, Mitzie and to yourself a double
    dose xx

  9. I love all the links to the crafts and etc. I especially liked the Emergency 72 hour kits. I liked this site.
    I hope you had fun with your friends. I do feel so bad about all that sweet Lura is going though. I just read her update for today. She is being watched over for sure.
    Blessings, hugs and love to you!


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