
Sunday 23 March 2014

Sunday this and that . . . .

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After winter comes the spring
to show us again that in everything
There's always a renewal divinely planned,
flawlessly perfect, the work of God's hand.
And just like the seasons that come and go
when the flowers of spring lay buried in snow,
God sends to the heart in it's wintef sadness
a springtime awakening of new hope and gladness.
And loved ones who sleep in a season of death
will, too, be awakened by God's life-giving breath . . . 
~Helen Steiner Rice

Oh what a funny day it is out there this morning.   The sun is shining, but it's raining cats and dogs just at the moment . . . a rain which is actually blowing sideways in the wind!  And just as I wrote this it turned to hail . . . and as quickly as I noticed that it was hail.  It has stopped and the sun appears to be shining a little brighter!  I think it is what you call a mixed bag!

I have an idea that March is going to go out like a Lion!  We are not surprised.

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Two little dears enjoying a bit of "Swing Time."   I can still remember how wonderful it felt to be pushed on a swing.  Higher and higher I'd ask . . .  my father pushing me again and again, until I felt like I was soaring up into the sky!  One almost gets the sense of how a bird must feel when one is flying on a swing!

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I spent most of yesterday working on my newest Cookbooklet.  I do so enjoy creating those.  Combining my two loves of painting and cookery.  This one is called Spring into Summer.  It's  a seasonal thing . . . celebrating all that is tasty and good about Spring.  'Tis true there is not a lot of fresh and local available at this time of year, but there are some tender stalks of rhubarb at the moment, purple sprouting broccoli and spring greens, the chives are waking up . . .  and as the weeks pass, there will be more and more to thrill us.   It's an exciting time of year!

I've also been working on a children's book.  I wrote this story about monsters yonks ago when my own kiddos were small.   I decided that I will illustrate it and put it together.  It's only been thirty odd years in the making.!!   I know my oldest son will appreciate it, probably more than any of them.  He has always been after me to turn it into a book.

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I am looking forward to speaking to my mum later today.  I called my dad yesterday.   He was feeling a bit low. (Here comes the hail again.)   He is moving back to Nova Scotia at the end of April.   My brother is taking a bus up Northern Quebec and driving my father down in his car.  Moving is overwelming at the best of times, but when you are in your 80's it is more than overwhelming.  I told him not to think about the big picture, just to take it one step at a time.  He is needing to get rid of a lot of his things, and is fretting about that a bit.   Over here in the UK, they have house clearance people who will come in and just buy the lot for a lump sum.  I don't know what they have  which might be the same thing in Quebec, if anything???   Does anyone else know???  We will all feel a lot better when it is all over and he is safe and sound at mum's and under my sister's caring eyes. 

Funny that . . . I had always thought that I would be the one who would end up taking care of my parents in their old age.  I had always looked forward to being able to do that . . . instead it is out of my hands and I am too far away to be much of a help at all.   Life sometimes surprises us doesn't it?  I could never have imagined this would be the case  . . .

I must dash into the shower and begin getting ready for church.  I don't have as much time to play on Sunday mornings.   I haven't said a lot here this morning, and probably most of it is twaddle, but oh well . . . somedays that is all you get from me.   I guess you just gotta take the bad with the good!

A thought to carry with you . . .

"God has not called us
to see through each other,
but to see each other through."

¸.•*¨`*•..¸ ¸.•*¨`*ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Lemon and Ginger Diagonals!


Have a great Sunday!  May your day be blessed beyond measure!


  1. May your day be blessed. I have felt under the weather all day.

  2. ((((((hugs)))))) I hope you feel better soon Suzan! xxoo

  3. When I worked.. I came in contact with people who did that..but it's been 4 yrs.. and I am not in Northern QC..a Google search?

    He will be closer to your sister and mom right?
    Also think of charitable organizations:)
    They may come and get things..:)
    I ahve sold homes of people in their 80's and they really get through all with flying colors..I LOVED looking after them..One gentleman still calls me..
    He is English from England..a wonderful man.

    Have a lovely Sunday//

  4. He will be living with my sis and mom Monique. My parents are like the Poster Children for good divorce. :-)

  5. Our weather has been really strange lately too. It's up and down. We think spring is almost here and then it is cold again.
    I loved pushing my children and grandchildren in a swing; but I always got sick in a swing; especially if I was pushed too high.
    I thought I would end up taking care of my parents and I did take care of my mother the last few months of her life. It was a sweet time Through their last years they lived with my brother and then just came up to stay with me in the summers.
    I am thrilled that you are writing a children's book. I have thought for a long time you should do that since you are so good at illustrating and writing.
    I am sure you had a lovely Sabbath day.
    Blessings for your thoughts to day.

  6. I have written lots of children's books LeAnn, but have never had one published My brain is stogged full of loads of nonsense I think! I just have to get it out. I always got sick on swings once I got older, but oddly enough when I was really small I could manage them quite well! xxoo


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