
Friday 14 March 2014

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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I think I am pretty much the most disorganized person on the face of the earth.    When the organization skills were being handed out, I must have been at the back of the line and I got the leavings.   In other words . . . I am not good at any of it.   I found this blog however, which has printouts and schedules, etc..   I think it's fab.  Find out more on Simplify 101.  

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From Rustic Living.   A wine rack re-purposed as a towel rack.   Now why didn't I think of that.   I'd see a wine rack and only think, hmmm . . . I don't drink wine.   This is really using your noggin!  I love it.  I need to learn how to think more outside of the box!!

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Are you like me?  Do you struggle when it comes to folding sheets, well the fitted ones at any rate.  I found this fab tutorial on The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking.  It's really good!   I did this to all my sheet sets this week!  Now, everything is neat and together!  Yay me!

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A Quaker Oats Box recycled into a ribbon caddy!  Another why didn't I think of that moments.  I am sure the cornmeal boxes would work well also.  This little gem was discovered on BHG's Scrapbooks etc.

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I think I just died and went to heaven.   Why oh why doesn't Todd like chocolate cake.   This Snickers Cake from Plain Chicken is ticking all the boxes and ringing all my bells.   But it looks far too dangerous for me to have in my house for just little old me.  I will have to save it for sometime when the missionaries are over here to sup with us.   Sounds like a plan!

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I don't know about you, but I do wear makeup every day.  Not a lot of it actually . . . just foundation, blusher, mascara, eye brow pencil.  10 Makeup mistakes that make you look older from Top Inspired.   There are some great pointers here!

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Dr. Oz Teeth Whitening Home Remedy:  1/4 cup of baking soda plus the juice of half a lemon.   Apply with a cotton ball or q-tip.  Leave on for no longer than 1 minute, then brush teeth to remove.  Sounds like a plan.  We will see if it works!

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Looking for some Inspiration???  Look no further.  I just adore this man's talks.  I have never listened to or read one of his talks that did not leave me either feeling better or wanting to be better, or sometimes even both!  You can find out more here.  I think my favourite talk that he has given is his talk, "Safety for the Soul" which he gave in 2009 .  He is such an inspiring man.

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The Chickabug Blog guide to how much to serve as eats and drinks at a party.   I don't know about you, but I always end up with far too much.  I do the same when I invite people over for dinner.  I am always afraid I won't have enough and go way over the top.   This handy guide promises to dispel all the mystery involved in figuring out how much is enough!

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Road Trip Pillow Cases.   Everything your child needs to take with them in the car on a road trip, tucked into their own pillow case.  Pillow, a nifty pocket to hold their treasures, a handle for carrying with ease.  I found this on the Amazing Mae blog.  I sure wish I had known about something like this when my kids were growing up.  It could have saved a lot of grief!   We had some horrific road trips which involved bored boys teasing the girls . . . etc.  Need I say more?

And that's it for this week.  I hope that you found something which will inspire you to do something different or to help out.   I know I sure did!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

Walking with a friend in the dark is better
than walking alone in the light.
- Helen Keller   

✿ `*.¸.*♡.¸¸.♡ *´¯`.¸¸.♡ ✿  

There is an Irish Boiled Fruit Cake in the English Kitchen today.   Scummo!  We love fruit cakes in this house!

Have a great Friday!  Hasn't it come around quick!


  1. Happy Friday Marie. Enjoy the day.

  2. haha... I've been a list maker all of my life. But that doesn't necessarily make me the most organized person around... LOL! ;o) I'm trying to go paper-less, but using digital to list making is proving a challenge. I like paper & pen too much! Very clever with the wine rack-turned-towel-holder. Much prettier than the stainless steel pegs we have in the bathroom. Thank you for the sheet-folding tutorial--WOW! And the Q. Oats box for ribbons! There are some VERY clever folks our there recycling! So many good Finds, Marie! Happy Weekend to all of you there from us here. :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  3. I loved all your Friday finds today. Gives me loads of room for thought. I love all the ways people find to do things and yes, often wonder why I too didn't think of that. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  4. Thank you Suzan, Tracy and Pam!! I wish for you each a wonderful day and a fab weekend! xxoo

  5. I am a big fan of making lists. I guess I've always had an organised mind and I can't bear to not know where things are or what I need to get done. Over time it's automatic with me.

    That cake looks like just the thing my Swede would adore. I'll save it for a special day.

    I can't fold a fitted sheet to save my life. I've solved that problem by putting the sheet straight back on the bed as soon as it is dry :-)

    And yes, I always make far too much for parties. I think part of me thinks that I'd be so embarrassed if someone missed out on something, but also we don't mind eating leftovers. But sometimes it would be nice to make enough, but not too much. Will I trust those figures, though or panic and make one of each for everyone like I usually do?... ha, ha!

    Have a lovely weekend, Marie. It's sunny here (the last day before the snows return) so I've been out in the garden again. I love spring.

  6. I'm with you Marie, I would rather have too much than too little and we don't mind leftovers as well. I do have a habit of going way overboard though. Finding a balance is hard for me, I never think it looks enough! It's been really cold here today, and overcast. Expect the lion will be arriving soon, and then we will be into April showers. xxoo


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