
Friday 7 March 2014

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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I am always looking for ways to save money.  Todd might not think so, but I am.   I found this article which gives 32 cleaning recipes for a frugal household.  There are some brilliant and very economical ideas here, on DIY and Crafts.  

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101 Uses for Ordinary Things.   Yep, everything from lemons, to newspapers to Olive Oil.   This site gives you 10 uses for each and then some.  You can find out more on Real Simple.

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There is no source for these but are they not adorable!!  They are rocks painted to look like Cactus!  I just love them!  I used to paint a lot on rocks.  I just may have to take it up again.  Now to find the rocks!  I just love these.

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You all know how much I love lemon flavoured things, well . . . I found this recipe for Lemon and White Chocolate Truffles that looks absolutely delicious and easy to make.  I found it on Sugar Coated.   They look just gorgeous.  Top of my list of things I want to make but shouldn't!!!

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Bathroom storage ideas from BHG.  I love the lunch box first aid kit.  What a brilliant do-over!  I would never have thought of that!   Making the most of your bathroom with20 quick storage solutions.

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This is a brilliant idea for keeping your floors clean and storing your wellies.  A tray filled with pebbles.   All the yuck drips down below the pebbles.   With the winter we have had this would have been a really useful tip!  Must remember it for next year!

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This is a brilliant page.  Little Ms Robinson.   I am showing you here the page where she shows you how to make your own homemade cleaners, plus printable labels.  Find them here.   But, she has all sorts on her blog that you will find useful and inspiring, and lots of free printables too.

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Make your own Body Scrubs and sweet skin softeners.  The complete instructions are on Factory Direct Craft.  They use simple easy to find ingredients.   I haven't had a pamper me day in a long time. I think one is over due.

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Make your own condensed Cream of Something dry soup mix.  Learn how on One Orange Giraffe.   (Interesting names that people come up with for their pages, don't you think?)  I am going to give this a try soon.

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Make your own homemade Kiss Gloss.  I found this on Cheeky Kitchen.  Just love that blog.   There is a little bit of something for everyone there.   Recipes.  Handy tips.  DIY.  Printables.  You name it.  Adore the name too!

And that's it for this week.   I have learned something about myself doing these Friday Finds posts.  I am a bit OCD.   I can't just show you two or three things.  I have to show you five or ten.  If I go over five, I can't stop at six, or seven or eight.   I find myself counting them and compelled to go on until I have exactly ten.  I guess I really am wierd!  (Or maybe we all have little touches of this???)

Guess who is EIGHT years old today!

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The "Gabemeister!"  Yep Gabriel is 8 years old now.  It's hard to believe.  He's only about a year old in this picture.  Happy Birthday Gabriel!! 

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Doesn't he have a beautiful smile.   Gabriel was my first grandchild.  He is responsible for turning me into a Grandmother!  I love that and I love him.  There's been six more since then, but he was the first and there is only ever one first.   I love all my grandchildren and celebrate their individuality and uniqueness.  Gabriel is one of the best "readers" I know.  When we were home two summers ago, Todd and I were so impressed with his ability to read these huge words.  Last year I sent him his very own story on his birthday about a Crackapotamus that I had written, this year I sent him a letter all about the special things about being and the number Eight.  I hope that he likes it.

Love my grandbabies. 

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

 ══ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ══
"Look for beauty and for goodness.
Seek them day by day.
You will find them on your path
wherever you may stray.
Don't go looking round for faults and
troubles, flaws and woes.
We find what we go searching for . . . 
for that's the way life goes!"
~Patience Strong
══ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ══ 


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Cheese Scalloped Onions.  Delicious! 

On the other good news front, Take a Break's My Favourite Recipes magazine has published another one of my recipes this month.  Issue 26, only £1.   I am pleased about that!  Oh, and one of my soups has been nominated as one of the best Italian Wedding Soup recipes on the net.  You can vote here.  It's #43.

Have a great Friday!!



  1. LOVE when you share handy, dandy household hints, Marie--I always learn something new to try! Those Lemon and White Chocolate Truffles look dangerously good... LOL! VERY interesting the make your own condensed soups... Happy Birthday to sweet Gabe! Gosh 8 years goes fast... I remember when you were sharing is baby pictures! Happy Days to you & yours, my dear friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  2. HAPPY Birthday to your sweet 8 year old ! He has a wonderful smile! I love those painted rocks. You'd never know from the picture that they weren't real! Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  3. Our grandsons are the same age:) He is very cute!

  4. Lemon truffles? Oh... I really have to try those. I'm in love with anything lemony - savoury or sweet.

    Happy birthday to your grandson. They grow up so fast, don't they?


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