
Tuesday 25 February 2014

Thoughts on faith . . .

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When our lives are overcast
with trouble and with care
Give us faith to look beyond
the dark clouds of despair.
~Helen Steiner Rice  

I am not going to do my usual daybook entry this morning as we are going to the Temple today and I won't have time to do it.  It does take a lot of time.   This is the poem that was in my Daily Inspiration book this morning, so I thought I would talk briefly about that.

I have a daily book of Inspiration from the poetry of Helen Steiner Rice and each morning there is a verse of her poetry and then a question to go with it.   Today's question  was . . .

When was your faith last stretched?

I think my faith gets stretched almost every day.  Faith is not a dead thing, it is living and breathing and it is always growing, stretching . . . morphing into something bigger and better I hope!  It starts off as a tiny little seed at first, and then . . . every time you exercise it and stretch it . . . just like a muscle, it grows. 

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And . . . like most exercise, there are times when it's not very pleasant.  I am not a person that loves exercise and it shows.  Tough times . . . they give our faith the most exercise of all.   We all have them.  There is nobody who is exempt from them.  Faith is what helps us to get through them.   Grace.   It's not the light at the end of the tunnel.  It's the light  that helps to get us through the tunnel.  

My faith gets exercised every day.  That helps to keep it in good shape, so that when I really need it, it will stand me in good stead.  How about you?

A thought to carry with you through today . . .


“Walk with me for a while, my friend . . . 
you in my shoes, I in yours . . . 
and then let us talk.” 
~Richelle E. Goodrich



Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a Simply Tasty Tomato Soup.   A bit of a cheat, but so very delicious.

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I have just been looking at the facebook and see an update from our Lura...I have just written to her about our faith being tested so it was strange to come in and find your wisewords this morning...I am sure you will be keeping her in your prayers particularily today when you are at the temple.
    have a lovely day sending love and hugs xxxx

  2. Beautiful thoughts shared here today, Marie! And I loved this bit you said, "Faith is not a dead thing, it is living and breathing and it is always growing, stretching ..." That is quite true, I think so too. I think we can risk losing faith when we don't allow for that stretch to keep happening, keep exercising it. It's like the rest of the body--if you don't use it, you can lose it! ;o) Enjoy your day at the temple... BLESSINGS! ((LOVE & HUGS))

  3. This winter has tested me for sure. As more snow came down this morning. I hope you have a beautiful day there...


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