
Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAY February 18th, 2014

Outside my window...
I am a little bit late getting started this morning. The sun is already rising.  It's light now by 7 am.  The days are getting longer.  Spring can't be too far off.

I am thinking...
`•.¸.•´¸¸.¸.☆¨"There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage."
~Martin Luther

When the marriage is a good one, this is so very, very true.  When it is a bad one, it is the loneliest place on earth to be.

I am thankful...
I am truly thankful for the loyalty of all of you who have chosen to follow me here.   You are all so caring and supportive.  I would rather have a handful of loyal readers, who feel like friends, than hundreds who are not and do not.  I do believe I am one very lucky woman!

In the kitchen... 

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Today it's an all in one pan Chorizo Skillet Supper.  Did you know Chorizo is pronounced Chore-EETH-o?   I was reading an article the other day about the mis-pronounciations of different food names and that was one.  My friend Jennifer said it is because there was once a Spanish King with a lisp.  I don't know how true that is, but it sounds plausible, because Ibiza is also pronounced E-beetha!   Never been to Spain.  Never wanted to go.  Now Italy . . . that's another story!

I am wearing...
A blue nightie and my brown shoes. No, I have still not made myself a pair of slippers. I need a good swift kick up the backside!

I am creating...

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I so need one of these.   Even my kindle hurts to hold when I am in bed.  One of these would be fabulous.  I found this on on Sugarcubes and Spicecake!  I think I even have a bag of those stuffing beads somewhere in my craft stash, although I am sure rice would work just as well.

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A free pattern for Kath Kidston style oven gloves on The Guardian.   This would be very simple to make.

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Fabric lined baskets.  I love these.   They would be great as attractive storage, bread baskets, etc.  Tutorials on Country Living. Apparently all you need is baker's twine, pinking sheers, fabric and hot glue.

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What a FAB idea!  This would be great for anyone with a bike.  You could customize the fabric choice to the person and the color of the bike.   Look for the tutorial on Noodlehead. People are soooooooo inventive and smart!

I am going...
Once again I have a week with no firm plans.  A quiet week.   And I am not bored . . . yet!  WE may pop over to visit my friend who had the knee replacement one day.  A lot depends on the weather.   It's been so atrocious.  We don't like travelling in the rain if we can help it.

I am wondering...
I am wondering what setting it is I have to use on here to be able to put photos in easily.  I know it is something simple.   I haven't figured out what it is yet.  Life is a mystery.

I am reading...

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This engaging book by Jodi Picoult is about Jacob Hunt, a teenage boy with Asperger’s Syndrome. He’s hopeless at reading social cues or expressing himself well to others, and like many kids with AS, Jacob has a special focus on one subject – in his case, forensic analysis.  He’s always showing up at crime scenes, thanks to the police scanner he keeps in his room, and telling the cops what they need to do…and he’s usually right. But then one day his tutor is found dead, and the police come to question him. All of the hallmark behaviors of Asperger’s – not looking someone in the eye, stimulatory tics and twitches, inappropriate affect – can look a heck of a lot like guilt to law enforcement personnel -- and suddenly, Jacob finds himself accused of murder. House Rulles looks at what it means to be different in our society, how autism affects a family, and how our legal system works well for people who communicate a certain way – but lousy for those who don’t.

I am also reading the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament.

I am hoping...
I am hoping Lura's operation went well.   I haven't checked FB yet.   As you recall I asked people to pray for her the other day.   Apparently her problem has been caused by an infection inside from her gall bladder operation.  (They do say hospitals are filled with germs.)  So now she is being taken in for yet another operation to remove the bag of infection and put in two drainage tubes, as her liver has also been compromised.   Please continue to keep her in your deepest prayers.  Thank you so very much.

Makes me Smile...  

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Facetime yesterday on the ipad with three engaging little grandsons and their dad/mom.  From left to right. Josh.   He has such a beautiful smile and mischevious personality.  He was teasing me with his cookies.   Jon.   The oldest and such a sensative little boy.  Handsome too. (Aren't they all!)  He was showing me the boat he had made from pipe cleaners and pom poms.  He is a crafty/artistic one.   Jacob.  The youngest.   First time he didn't play really shy with me.  He's delightfully engaging.  I love them all.  It was so much fun.  I hope we get to do it again soon!  Thank you Doug!

I am learning...
 What Grace truly is.  If you have time you need to look up Brad Wilcox's talk on Grace on YouTube.   I have been listening to it fairly often since it was highlighted in a lesson during Relief Society.  It defines Grace so beautifully and I have learned so very much listening to this talk.  His Grace IS sufficient.

Around the House ... 

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Not owning a farmhouse is no excuse not to have a home that feels like a farmhouse.  I love this article on Live Creatively Inspired.   It's gotsome really good ideas.   Not cheap though, but with time who knows.  I would love my house to feel/look like that, or even like Susan Branch's.  Now THAT would be a dream come true!

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Ten minute decorating ideas for the kitchen.    Love this.   Finding Home.  It's a great source of ideas.

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 Stenciled Ceiling tutorial plus a whole lot more on Not Just a Housewife.  I love this look.  I think your arms would get really tired doing it though.  But it is very pretty.  This blog is a host of ideas.  She has a lot of tutorials, including a checkerboard ceiling, etc.

I am pondering... 
"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."
~Jonathan Swift

 I am not very visionary.   I wonder how one gets to be more so.  Does it take practice?   Does it come naturally?   Can you actually become moreso??

A favorite quote for today...    

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"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth over-lying our hard hearts."
~Charles Dickens   

Charles Dickens was more than just a good writer.   I believe he had a great talent for looking into the hearts of mankind, and then putting into words what he found there.

 One of my favorite things... 

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Hats.  I LOVE hats.  I don't wear them though.   I don't think I look good in a hat.  I wish I did.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  

NOT A LOT!  My life has gotten very boring all of a sudden?  How did that happen??

 A peek into my day...  

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Spending time with my Honey Bear Todd.  Love this picture.  It looks like us. 
Well, sorta at any rate. 

⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!


  1. I just love the look of your new place here, Marie! It is so cheery. And glad you're keeping these fun Tuesday posts. :o) YUM--the chorizo supper. Thank you for the link to the Kindle/iPad rest--I could do with one of those too! Hope your friend Lura will be well... Your grands are sooo CUTE!! Happy Day, dear friend! :o) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS)) P.S. I meant to ask you yesterday about the title of your new blog... I just love it! Is it from a line from Dylan Thomas's A Child's Christmas in Wales? I seen to recall there was a line similar to that--"and then we all had tea."

  2. Interestingly enough it wasn't Tracy. I have not read any Dylan Thomas, sad to say, although I have heard good things about him. I just thought I wanted this page to feel like a bunch of friends sitting down and sharing a natter and a cup of tea! Thanks for your kind words on my new look! They mean the world to me! xxoo

  3. Thanks so much for the link to those cyte Cath Kidsons:)
    Would love to try..wish I ahd everything here..They would make lovely hostess gifts too:)

    The cups are cute too..
    and the boys..? well they pop off the screen..:)

  4. I'm going to make one of those Kindle rests as well. I have Kienbock's disease in my right wrist and I got a Kindle because books are too heavy for me to hold, but even so, like you I sometimes find that even holding a Kindle aggravates the wrist. What a terrific idea!

    Those little boys have such a twinkle in their eyes - oh to be so young and innocent again.

    I do hope that your weather improves so you can venture out. It's been really bad in the UK from what I've seen on the news reports. We had sunshine earlier today, but snow is forecast for this evening. We'll see if it sticks around - I hope not because I've seen the first snowdrops popping up in the garden so I want it to be spring :-)

  5. Love your fresh new blog, Marie, and your ides for improving cheerless rooms. It makes me very angry when people on `Flog It' get rid of nice objects because they don't go with their `decor'. I believe in surrounding myself with truly eclectic objects, that I love for themselves

  6. Thanks Monique, I think they are little treasures, my boys. Love them all.

    Marie, it's been sunny and clear here today and not too cold. We've had a very mild winter actually. Would have been nice if not for all the rain! Blah!

  7. Me too Bunny! I don't believe in throwing things away. (Just ask Todd!) Mind you all I have are things I just love. Love, use, must have. Otherwise I don't buy.

  8. I love your new home Marie - it is quite beautiful and I get the feeling of home here. Very comfortable and warm. You did a good job.

  9. Thank you very much Brenda. That is so kind of you to say. I hope you'll stay! xxoo

  10. Oh my dear Marie, how you lighten my heart with your thoughts to day. I loved all the territorials and who knows I might a tempt making the Basket covers.
    Your book sounds intriguing. We have a boy in our ward who has AS and is on a mission; he is doing a powerful work.
    I would love more farmhouse decor; but I think I will be grateful for what I have. We are going to do a little more lightening the house up a bit.
    I have so been praying for our dear Lura. We have been come such fast friends and I have loved seeing her when she comes to Utah. We are friends all because of you. We three must meet someday.
    Just know dear friend that you are greatly loved by me and have a really blessed week.

  11. Oh my gosh, I forgot to mention that your three little grandson's are beyond adorable; they are extra precious.
    Loved the picture!


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