
Sunday 23 February 2014

Life ebs and flows . . .

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This is a photo of taken of the Welsh Valley's up on the Horseshoe Pass near to Pentredwr, Denbighshire in Wales.   We took a drive up there yesterday.   The sun was shining and I had not been out of the house, except to go to church pretty much,  in what seemed like forever so we just went for it.  The heck with the petrol.    Some days you just got to go with the flow.

I confess . . . I don't enjoy car rides like I used to.   I sit in my seat with my fists clenched and my foot on my imaginary brake pedal, biting my tongue to keep from hurling out yikeses and squeals  with my heart in my throat every few minutes.  Are the other drivers really as bad as I think they are?  Or am I just turning into a big chicken in my old age??

I do try to relax and enjoy it  . . . I really do, but . . . it all seems to be getting worse and not better.  Am I alone in this?

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It is an area which is very popular with motor cycle enthusiasts and bicyclists alike.   Whenever we have gone, no matter the time of year, there are loads of them there.   Being neither one myself, I am at a loss to explain the appeal really . . . It was cold up there yesterday, although sunny . . . and there was drizzle in the wind.   We didn't waste a lot of time outside the car looking around.  We sat for a while in the car at the edge of the car park, looking out over the valley's and remarking on how very beautiful it was and how difficult it is to get a photograph of it which really does this rare beauty full justice. Unless you have specialized camera equipment and a knowledge of the art, I don't think it possible to get a really true photograph.  It's quite simply too beautiful for words . . .

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The area is usually just loaded with wooley sheep, but they were strangely absent yesterday.   I don't know why.  Perhaps they have taken them down to the low country for the winter months.   I have never been up there during the Winter before.  

I was reminded of the first time we went up to the pass which was about 12 years ago.  The sheep were everywhere.  I was a bit afraid of them at first and I didn't know where to step because there were calling cards literally everywhere.  I was tip-toing ever so carefully so as to avoid stepping in any, but alas . . . after a while I just gave up.   There was no other option. I found this post card iin the shop at the cafe and sent it to my mom, telling her we had found just the guy for her.   It is still stuck to her refrigerator and we have a giggle over it every now and then.

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We treated ourselves to a rare indulgence of gammon, egg and chips.  It was pretty good.   For some strange reason food, when eat up high and in the wild countryside always tastes better.  I can't explain why or how it does . . . only that it does.   This would not normally appeal to me, but yesterday it did.  I couldn't eat it all.   There was no toast or any bread to sop up the yolks.   You just dip your hot chips into them, and they coat the chips and kind of cook a bit more from the heat of the chips.  Sounds disgusting, but it's not.  It's really rather good.  At first I missed toast when I moved over here.  It's not usually served "with" a breakfast.   It's something you have to order on the side in "addition" to a breakfast, and you usually pay by "round" which is a term they use to describe a "slice."  It's normally worth the extra though because it usually comes to the table soaked in lashings of lovely rich British butter, which leads me to ask the question . . .

Why does toast always taste better when someone else makes it?

It truly defies Logic.

By then I was truly relaxed and we began the journey home.    Here is another question why does the journey back home again never seem to take as long as the journey away from home?   Another question which defies logic.

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When we got home I took some time in my craft room and I created this.   I had found the quote early on in the day . . . no author attributed to it . . . but I fell in love with it and so I wanted to get it down and out the fingertips whilst I still felt inspired by it.   This is what showed up.

I rather like it.  What do you think???

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 Last evening we watched this film.   I had picked it up in the grocery store one day while I was shopping.  It was pretty cheap and it looked really good.  It was.   Really good.   Based on the true story of a family who had been caught in that Tsunami which hit Thailand on Boxing Day in 2004.   It was miraculous and inspiring and heart rending and amazing.   It was a miracle that they all managed to survive and that they found each other.    Watch it if you can.  You will be touched.   Truly touched.

And with that I shall have to leave you with a thought for today as I need to get off here and get ready for church, which I don't really feel like going to, but am going to make myself go to anyways, because I know it will make me feel better and that it's when you don't feel like going that you really need to go . . .

Just close your eyes.
Stop whatever you're doing for ten seconds
and find The Silence.
Visit The Quiet.
Just for ten seconds.
Do it six times today.
One minute a day.
That's all it takes.
One minute, divided into six parts.
Go ahead.
Do it now.
~Neale Donald Walsch  

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I am going to try this.   I am.  I am.  I'll let you know how I get on.


Baking in The English Kitchen . . .  a delicious Apple and Plum Tart.

Have a wonderfully inspiring and blessed sabbath . . .



  1. what a beautiful place to be able to drive to Marie, just to recharge the batteries....even if you didnt quite enjoy the drive part, It is strange you you are feeling tense when being driven...i love being driven anywhere with Peter anyway, no one else can drive my car because of the motability ins. mind you i am getting lazy in so far as i dont want to drive myself very far these days, the traffic is so heavy....and as for these noisy bikes i would ban them all !!!
    hope church gives you the peace and extra dose of love you need to keep you going xxxxx
    being with like minded friends is always good xxxx

  2. Marie I am so glad you had a day out and about. I am sorry that you found the drive stressful. Sometimes it is as good as a long holiday taking a day to treat yourself. I hope that next week and later this morning you feel the benefit.

    May your time in church soothe your heart and soul. I hope you feel God's presence today. Sometimes it is difficult to go. This morning I took dad and he didn't last the whole service. Oh well.

    I truly love the little sign you have done. So sweet. I might talk to Pip about buying this for our youth group pastors as they are soon to welcome their second precious bundle.

  3. Gorgeous place:) We had an outing too..for brunch so i was looking at egges also:)

    The most decadent fries.. cooked in duck fat topped w/ a tangy cheese sauce..they sound terrible ..but they were soooo good Marie:)

  4. I love drives in the country. Thankfully we have places to do that here that really don't have much traffic and you can enjoy it. Glad you were able to get out. Being home so much isn't good and we all need to get out and see something different. I'm like you and Sunday church can sometimes be a push, but I always do feel better afterward. This winter has found me home more often than out for sure.
    Hope you do have a wonderful Sunday!


  5. Marie you just haven't been getting out often enough,,,the more you get out the better it will become. I think we all feel as you do ,from time to time.Tomorrow is a new day.And hope it will be a better one for you.oooxxx

  6. Hi Marie! I too love the Horseshoe Pass. There are so many beautiful places in north Wales. I often go to Llandudno, betwys coed and Snowdonia. It's a wonderful country. Have you got a Sayers cake shop/cafe in Chester? If you have try their toast.... It's like a doorstop and dripping with butter. Heaven!! Hope you're feeling better after church. Xxx

  7. What a beautiful, peaceful and picturesque valley. There really are some wonderful scenic spots in the UK and I hope to get there one day to explore more of the western part of the country.

    I tend to dislike long car drives as well. I don't think it's your imagination. I think that people are in such an almighty hurry to get places and they are so cocooned and insulated in these modern cars that they are much heavier on the gas pedal than they used to be. Plus those crazy manoeuvres they try and those weaving all over the place because they are playing with their silly smart phones.

    I'm constantly amazed here in winter to see people driving like maniacs on the heavily iced roads, then blaming the road surface when the inevitable accident happens. It's speed, not the road.

    And do you know, I think everything tastes better when someone else makes it. As much as I love to cook, I love to be served a meal as well. And a trip to the country would wet my appetite.

    We don't have toast here either. People think it's odd to toast bread or have a cooked breakfast. They eat hardbread or just a slice of rye bread with sliced boiled egg and caviar or a slice of cheese and apricot jam or perhaps ham and some slices of bell pepper for breakfast. I'm a porridge eater, so I never eat toast any more.

  8. You always have such fun posts. I loved that you were able to take a beautiful drive. I love the thoughts of seeing the sheep in the fields. Even if you didn't get to see them, you can imagine.
    When I was about 11 years old my parents owned a hamburger place. I really loved the taste of their potato chips in the drawer. I never liked them in a bag. I love toast with eggs. I like to dip them in the egg. For a long time my husband thought that was weird; but now he does.
    Another beautiful drawing creation. You are incredible.
    Blessings dear friend!

  9. You always have such fun posts. I loved that you were able to take a beautiful drive. I love the thoughts of seeing the sheep in the fields. Even if you didn't get to see them, you can imagine.
    When I was about 11 years old my parents owned a hamburger place. I really loved the taste of their potato chips in the drawer. I never liked them in a bag. I love toast with eggs. I like to dip them in the egg. For a long time my husband thought that was weird; but now he does.
    Another beautiful drawing creation. You are incredible.
    Blessings dear friend!


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