
Thursday 20 February 2014

A this and that kind of day . . .

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The last couple of nights my dreams have been filled with these two little charmers, Luke (4) and Gabriel (almost 8).  I wonder why that is?  Is the Cosmos trying to tell me something?   I did post a package out to them last week with late Birthday goodies in it for Luke and early ones for Gabe, so they have been on my mind. I love all of my Grands with all of my heart.  Gabriel was my very first Grandchild.  He is the only one I met before he was born.  Yep, it's true.   We had gone to Canada for my middle son Doug's wedding, and Anne and Anthony were there as well, and Anne was carrying Gabriel, but they hadn't told anyone yet.  I had a feeling though, and I was right.  That was in July and the very next March he had arrived.  It would be a further year and a half before I would hold him.  He was 18 months old and we were in the Valley for my youngest son's highschool graduation.

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That seems so long ago now, and yes . . . it was.   The years fly by  . . .

 I loved you way before I saw you,
The tiny speck of life you were,
Tucked away inside your mother,
Yet still a part of me for sure.

That happy day my arms received you
No greater joy could ere be mine.
My heart embraced you, priceless treasure,
And overflowed with love divine.

I thought you looked just like your father,
Yet some of Mom was there to see.
And maybe it was wishful thinking,
But I'm sure I saw a trait from me.

A wonder you are my precious grandchild.
God made you with a drop of me,
And yet you're unique, so truly special,
And I dream of what you'll some day be.


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This is one of my brother's girls, Miriam.   She is fourteen now, or maybe even fifteen.  I thought this a particularly beautiful photograph of her in Japanese dress.  My brother has lovely girls.   His wife is Japanese Canadian and has always homeschooled their four daughters, at least until highschool.   I think Miriam started in a regular school just this year.   There is still one at home, the youngest one, Hannah.  Home schooling requires a lot of sacrifice and dedication and I have always admired my brother and his wife for their choice to do this.   The girls are all well rounded, intelligent and happy, or as happy as teenagers can be!  Hormones will have their way!  Miriam is very shy.  I was painfully shy when I was a girl as well.   I know how difficult it is when you feel that way.   It stopped me from doing a lot of things in my growing up years.   It has only been later in life that I have gotten over that somewhat.   I am still a bit shy to a degree, but I have learned to put myself forward more, even when I feel like holding back.   Especially when I feel like holding back.  I have grown ever so much more confident in myself since I joined our church.  I believe that has made a big difference.  I am grateful for that.

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This is a drawing I did yesterday afternoon.  I saw this phrase on Pinterest and I thought, that's so cute and so I did a drawing to go with it.   There was no author attributed to the phrase.  Hugs are such special gifts.   I cannot imagine a world without hugging, can you?

There are different types of huggers.   There are the huggers who swoop in and just wrap their arms about you, almost lifting you off the ground.   Then there are the ones who just lightly grab your shoulders and offer you their cheek.  Little flutter huggers. I am a patter.  A patter is a hugger who pats you lightly on the back with their hands at the same time as they are hugging you.    Hugs and patters just seem to go together I think.  I cannot imagine myself being one without the other.

We are huggers in my family.  I like that.

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Oh, and this is for you.   It's a bookmark.  You can just right click on it, choose copy and then paste it onto a word document and size it to whatever  size you want.   Then you can just cut it out and glue it to some decorative card paper.   I love bookmarks.  You can never have too many bookmarks.   I was thinking of this poem all day yesterday.  Val (Pretty Little Rough Patches) had done a post on trees and as I read it I thought about how important trees have been to me in my life.  You can learn a lot from a tree.   There is everything in there from birth to death and then rebirth.   I love trees just as much as I love bookmarks.   This bookmark combines those two loves.  Well, three actually because I love books too!  I can't give you a tree, or a book, but I can give you a bookmark.  I hope you like it.

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My Visiting Teachers are coming this afternoon.  I am going to bake them some cookies this morning.   They always bring me something, some small handout, and of course I love to see them for the company they bring and the special message they share.  I thought I would give them something back for a change!  

Well, the computer is acting up a bit so I will end this now.  I am hoping this post will go through.  I keep getting an error message come up so cross your fingers! 

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

          `•.¸.•´ *“
May a thread of comfort be woven
through your difficult days.
~Mary Anne Radmacher


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Cooking in The English Kitchen today is a different kind of Chicken and Broccoli Casserole.  No cream soup involved at all.  It's pretty delicious if I don't say so myself!

Have a fab Thursday!



  1. Ooh, I'm mentioned in a blog post. ;) That poem is lovely, yes. It used to be part of a big mural on a building in my hometown.

    Enjoy your baking.

    Your family are all beautiful, as always.

  2. Aww, thank you Val. I admit I am a bit biased! xxoo

  3. Hugs are wonderful things. They say we each need at least 12 a day. Here I'm usually running on a deficit.
    Hope you have a great day! Happy Thursday!

  4. They are all so cute.. a lovely photo of your niece also..
    I can't even imagine what goes into home schooling..yet I have known quite a few families throughout my career that have done it..and neighbors down the road.

    Cute cute art too..
    Val is a doll:)

  5. Oh the pictures of those cute boys of yours and your niece's picture are so precious.
    My daughter home schools and I really admire her for doing that. It a special kind of women to do that. I don't know if I could have done it; especially with six children.
    I loved the Book Mark; thanks for sharing it.
    I also get a cute handout each month from Visiting Teachers. I put them on my fridge for the month. I need to be more creative in that area.
    I always love your drawings but I really love this one because I am a hugger too.
    Blessings, hugs and love just for you.


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