
Saturday 18 January 2014

This and that . . .

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I am having an incredible amount of trouble with Photobucket this morning.   It is taking forever to load.  I have spent about 45 minutes already just getting to my craft folder nevermind anywhere else.  Isn't it amazing how fast time flies when you are on the computer?   It's crazy.   In any case I won't be able to show you everything I wanted to this morning, but I will show you what I can.

See the lovely redwork at the top?   That is a beautiful redwork tea cloth my friend Rachel sent me all the way from Dresden, Ohio.  It's just beautiful  She remembered that I liked red embroidery on white cloth and saw this at a yard sale or some such and picked it up.   I was so very greatful for her special gift and to think that she was thinking of me.  I do so have the best friends.

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She also sent me these lovely hand embroidered teatowels that she found.   Aren't they sweet?   I know, I do have the best friends.  There were a few other things I wanted to show you, but I can't get into those albums so I will have to wait for another time.  I had some things from my good friend Suze in Oz to show you as well.

Computers are the greatest things, but when things aren't working they are also the most frustrating of things!

Since I am into my crafts folder I might as well show you my little matchbox greeting cards I have been making.

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Imagine you get this little box in the post.   It's just the size of a small matchbox and has pretty flowers on the outside that are three dimensional and made from what is called Flowersoft.   You see the words Open Me on it and so you pull the little ribbon tab up from the top and . . .

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Presto Chango, just like magic, waiting inside for you is this little greeting from a friend.
This one would be great to send to someone who is feeling a bit low or in need of prayers.  Just to let them know you care.

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Then there is this one which is just a cheery hello from a friend!  The leaves on the tree branch are three dimensional on this as well as the bows on her pig tails.

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Or you want to send a special Valentine to someone you care about . . .

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There ya go!  A teensie weensie Valentine that I think would delight!

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My Happily Ever After miniaturized and put into a box.  

All of my artwork can be miniaturized and put into a matchbox as a tiny greeting to send to someone special.  And it can be customized as well,  so that it is personalized to fit exactly the person you are sending it to.

What do you think???  I really want to know!

And since I can't get into anything else this morning I will have to leave it at that.    I can leave you a special thought for today though . . .

***************** `•.¸.•´

"Listen to your life.
See it for the fathomless mystery it is.
In the boredom and pain of it, no less
than in the excitement and gladness:
touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and 

hidden heart of it, because 
in the last analysis 
all moments are key moments,
and life itself is grace."

 ~Frederick Buechner

   *╰╮. ≀ .╭╯
    . ⌣⌢ (ˆ◡ˆ) ⌢⌣ !!!
. * ╭╯˙≀˙╰╮.... *´´¯`•.¸¸.*  


There is a delicious Blackberry and Pecan Snacking Cake baking in The English Kitchen today.
I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!
Thanks for visiting!

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