
Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY January 7, 2014

Outside my window...
It's dark, windy and cold, wet too. Mind you that is winter I guess.  It could be a lot worse.  We are supposed to be taking Mitzie to the dog groomer today, but I may just let Todd take her on his own.

I am thinking...

"The garden of the world has no limits
Except in your mind.
It's presence is more beautiful than the stars
With more clarity
Than the polished mirror of your heart."

This is my first Simple Woman Post of 2014.   I have spent more of my life being afraid of failure.  Hoping that in 2014 I finally can conquer that fear and enjoy some success with my art by putting myself more out there!!

I am thankful...
I am actually quite thankful that I managed to make it through the whole month of December without having a rampaging cold. bar that tiny one I had at the beginning of the month.  Mind you I probably jinxed myself now by saying that and will not end up with the cold to end all colds!

In the kitchen... 

In the kitchen today, Vanilla Fudge Muffins.  Scrummy!!

I am wearing...
Warm Jim Jams and slippers.

I am creating...  

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I did this yesterday afternoon.  I quite like her.   I think this would make a lovely note card.   What do you think?

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I got this free pattern from Posie, rosy little things.   I am embroidering a pair of pillow slips.  I can't wait until they are done.  I do so love pretty things.

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I also got This One for her days of the week tea towels.   I am planning on doing a lot more things like this in 2014!

I am going...
I might go to the dog groomers today or I might not.  I have a hair appointment myself for tomorrow, plus I have meetings at the chapel tomorrow night.  There is also a wedding on Friday evening and a Baptism on Saturday!  I am planning on going to a craft day with my friends Sheilagh and Trish on Saturday.  Should be fun.  I haven't been to one of those in a while!

I am wondering...
What will 2014 bring? Probably some good things and some not so good things.   Life will unfold whatever may be.  Life is what life is, and it is good.

I am reading...

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The Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline
Between 1854 and 1929, so-called orphan trains ran regularly from the cities of the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest, carrying thousands of abandoned children whose fates would be determined by pure luck.  This is the story of one of those children, intertwined with a modern day orphan whose path's cross in an interesting way.  It is a captivating story of two very different women who build an unexpected friendship: a 91-year-old woman with a hidden past as an orphan-train rider and the teenage girl whose own troubled adolescence leads her to seek answers to questions no one has ever thought to ask.  Thoroughly enjoying the read!  I highly recommend!  It is very engaging.

No change here, but looking for a new book as I will be finished this one soon!  Any suggestions??

I am hoping...
That2014 will be a special year for everyone!

Makes me Smile...

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In the dooryard fronting an old farm-house near the white-wash’d palings,
Stands the lilac-bush tall-growing with heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
With many a pointed blossom rising delicate, with the perfume strong I love,
With every leaf a miracle  and from this bush in the dooryard,
With delicate-color’d blossoms and heart-shaped leaves of rich green,
A sprig with its flower I break.
~Walt Whitman, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd

Thinking of spring time lilacs to come on a cold winter's day cheers my heart.  I can almost smell them now . . .

I am learning...
Quite simply to be a better me.  It's an ongoing process. 

Around the House ...
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We have an old desk like this.  I love this idea.   It is food for thought and would be a lot more attractive than the way it looks now.

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I love this crocheted pillow cover.  I could not find a source for the pattern, so I am on the hunt.  I would like to crochet new covers for our sofa pillows this year if I can.

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Loving the simplicity of this bedroom.   I like the colours.   I would like to switch the blues and pinks in our bedroom to something like this.   

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But then again, I love this too.    I can't make up my mind.  Nothing new there!!

I am pondering...
We often listen to talk radio when we go about our business during the day.  Yesterday they were talking about parents using their children as weapons when they are getting divorced and how the child often doesn't realize it until they are grown. They were saying as well that when the custodial parent gets a new partner, then they often ,manipulate the situation so that the new partner replaces the ex partner as the mom or dad in the relationship with the child.   I think it's a despicable thing to do, but it happens.  It's very hurtful to the other parent.

A favorite quote for today...  

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I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day,
a fresh try, one more start,
with perhaps a bit of magic waiting
somewhere behind the morning...
-J. B. (John Boynton) Priestley


I love this quote.   Its so very true . . . 

One of my favorite things... 

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Russian Nesting Dolls.  I have a tiny one, with only three dolls in it.  I would love to have a larger set.  I think they are fascinating.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
It's a busy week church wise, but then the first few weeks of the year often are!!

A peek into my day...
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Last time I checked nobody had invented a self cleaning house, so alas . . . my days involved a fair bit of this.  I am lucky though, I have a husband who irons and hoovers.   My arthritic back, hip and knees won't allow me to do those things.  He's good my Toddykins is.  I AM blessed.

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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