
Tuesday 14 January 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY January 14th, 2014

Outside my window...
It's dark and cold.  Mom was saying it was quite mild in Canada when I spoke to her on Sunday.  The January thaw?   Perhaps.  We did see the sun yesterday however, so it's not all bad!

I am thinking...
"To be a star, you must shine your own light,
follow your own path,
and don't worry about the darkness,
for that is when the stars shine brightest."

~ Author Unknown

This is how I have always tried to live my life.   To do things in my own way and not be a follower.   I was a follower for a few years when I was a teenager so I know the difference in the two.  I'd rather bang the drum to my own beat.

I am thankful...
I am very thankful for each day I am given.  The older I get, the more I appreciate this blessing.

In the kitchen... 
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In the kitchen today, Sausage and Mushroom Casserole  Deliciously different with a gravy flavoured with apple juice, thyme, bay leaf and garlic.   Fabulously tasty!

I am wearing...
Blue fluffy nightie with white polka dots all over it and lace across the front.   It's warm, but I am wishing I had brought my robe down as well.   Don't want to disturb Todd to get it though, so I'm stuck in just the nightie!

I am creating...  
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I could not find a source for this little felt sewing caddy, but it would not be hard to replicate for the average sewer.   I think it is really cute.

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How to make your own paper envelopes from Useful DIY.  I can see loads of uses for these!  It would also be a great way to use up old wallpaper scraps, the not already glued kind.

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A free colour in yourself, Craft Printable for Valentines Day!  I think it's pretty cute.  You can get the download here on Tried and True

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There is a round up here on Main Ingredient of 20 different ways to upcycle picture frames!  I love upcycling!

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Make your own Paper Bows.  Again, no source, but how hard can it be.   I think these are adorable and I can see all sorts of uses for them.

I also did a few cute things yesterday with one of my paintings, but it was too dark to take any photos, so look for photos of them soon!  I can't wait to show you!

I am going...
We don't have a lot planned this week.  We are taking the Missionary Sister's out for dinner on Wednesday evening.  They live and work quite a distance from us now.  If we were to have them here to the house for dinner it would involved Todd driving to where they are to pick them up and because he is a man I would have to go with him so that would mean I would have to leave my supper preparations to do so and then it would have to happen again in the reverse once dinner was over.   So it's just less bother to take them out for a meal, plus it's a real treat for them!

I am wondering...
How things are going at mom's.  I usually speak to my sister each day on the computer if not on the telephone and I have not seen her to speak to since Sunday. Mind, it is only Tuesday.  There has been some flooding with the milder temps though and I am hoping that my mother's basement isn't flooding as it often does under these conditions.  I am praying all is well.

I am reading...
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What Alice Forgot, byLiane Moriarty
This winning not-quite amnesia story parses what happens when Alice, a married mother of three whose marriage is disintegrating, takes a knock on the head and comes to thinking she is herself, but 10 years younger and in the middle of a blossoming young marriage, with her first child on the way. As younger Alice adjusts to her older life and body, she finds much to be surprised at: a wealthy lifestyle she never dreamed of, a rejuvenated mother with a surprising love interest, and a sister whose life has turned out unexpectedly disappointing. And everyone is so sorry for something that happened with her best friend Gina, whom she doesn't remember, but apparently who helped sow the seeds of her marriage's collapse. But as the young Alice takes over the older Alice's life and applies her goofy, laissez-faire approach to living, the tension builds: what will happen if old Alice regains her memory? Alice's journey of reconciling herself to how her life came to be what it is, and her slowly building understanding of how the threads of her marriage began to unravel, is moving, well-paced, and thoroughly pleasurable.  Early days yet, but quite enjoying it thus far.

I am hoping...
That this will be the year my artwork begins to get somewhere, and that I can begin to make some sort of living with it.

Makes me Smile...
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This picture of a squirrel being very zen makes me smile.  It is obvious that the wild creatures get pleasure from being alive too.  Life is not just one long battle for the survival for them.  They, too, can take time to smell the roses.

I am learning...
 To be content. That is one of the keys to true happiness.  I don't think I understood that when I was younger.    I do now.  It is a waste of a good life to spend it in always longing for what you don't have, always yearning.   We must learn to be content with what we have now.   Anything above that is the icing on a very good cake.

Around the House ...

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I cannot find the source for this photo, but I just adore the window treatment on this door.  Our whole door is a window, so I could never do this, but that doesn't stop me from admiring it's beauty.

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Likewise I could not find a source for this either.  I love this idea of painting an old dresser to look like a baseball.  Just perfect for a boy.

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Wow!  Where do I sign up.   This is a larder unit from Richard E McKay ltd.   I just love it.   I love that nice big fridge too! 

I am pondering...
We watched an episode of the Walton's last night.  It was one of the first season shows.  Jim Bob had found a duck egg and hatched it by holding it underneath his arm and keeping it warm.   It was so cute.  Is that even possible?   That is what I am wondering.   And then once it does hatch, what do they eat?   What do you feed a baby duck?

A favorite quote for today...  

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You must have a plan and a purpose.  Though swiftly the years may depart . . . 
You'll always have something to live for . . . 
if you have a dream in your heart.
~Patience Strong

I love this quote.   Its so very true . . . 

One of my favorite things... 

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The Big Bang Theory

It makes us smile.   That was my brother and his friends.   In fact I had not heard of this show until last year when I was at my mom's.   My brother and I watched it while mom was still in the hospital before he left to go back to Ottawa.  I thought it was really funny.   At least there is no swearing and violence or nudity in it.   Some of the humor is a bit ribald, but by today's standards, that's not so bad!  I think the writing on this show and the acting is brilliant.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Not too overly much.  Another quiet week!

A peek into my day...

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I am trying to treat each day as if it were a special occasion.  To use the pretty things I have and enjoy them.  What is the purpose of having nice things if you never use them???   Use them now.

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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