
Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY January 28th, 2014

Outside my window...
It's dark and cold. I have noticed though that the days are drawing out as I can hear the birds singing that little bit earlier in the morning, and now it's still a bit light at five o'clock in the afternoon instead of getting dark by four . . . little by little.

I am thinking...
"The world is full of peopel looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment."

~Doug Larson

Happiness is fleeting.  It comes and it goes.  Contentment is forever.   Being content with what you have right now it the secret to finding real joy.  I am content.

I am thankful...
I am very thankful for the last three years which I served in Relief Society.  I grew a lot and learned a lot and it was so nice to have this special time with the Sisters in our Ward.  Most of the time I have been in the church, I have spent it in Primary with the Children or Young Women's with the teens.   Having three years with the women was a real blessing!

In the kitchen... 
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There is a delicious Curried Spam Fried Rice.  Don't wrinkle your noses.  It's one of the most tasty things I have eaten recently!  SERIOUSLY!  This was really, REALLY good!

I am wearing...
Pink M&S nightie and my robe, and my old brown shoes because I still have not gotten a pair of slippers.

I am creating...  
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I just found the most amazing page called Repeat After Me.  This lady has tons of free crochet patterns, really cute ones, including this fabulous Owl Hat!  Each one is cuter than the last and . . . they come in ALL sizes!  Colour me way impressed!

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This is a really cute and easy portable First Aid Kit.  There is a full tutorial on Positively Splendid. These would be great in our 72hour emergency packs!

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I found the most amazing shop on Etsy that sells adorable PDF patterns such as this sweet Pillow Case Sunflower Dress.   I could not resist! Simply adorable!

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Stuffed Animal Sleeping Bags.  You can buy the PDF for them here.  I think they are just adorable.  I would have loved this when I was a child.    

I am going...
There is not a lot planned for this week.  I think I am becoming somewhat of a recluse.   Not really.  I just don't like going out much in the Winter.  It's so wet and cold and blah.   I am a Winter Nester.   I like to be at home.

I am wondering...
I am wondering what my next calling at church will be.   The Nursery leader was released on Sunday as well.   I hate to say it, but I do not want to be Nursery leader.   That is a calling in which you spend two hours every Sunday with children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old.   I don't have the physical capacity to deal with children of that age.  My arthritis means I am really limited in what I can do physically.  I have never turned down a calling yet, but that would be one I would have to turn down.

I am reading...
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What Alice Forgot, byLiane Moriarty
This winning not-quite amnesia story parses what happens when Alice, a married mother of three whose marriage is disintegrating, takes a knock on the head and comes to thinking she is herself, but 10 years younger and in the middle of a blossoming young marriage, with her first child on the way. As younger Alice adjusts to her older life and body, she finds much to be surprised at: a wealthy lifestyle she never dreamed of, a rejuvenated mother with a surprising love interest, and a sister whose life has turned out unexpectedly disappointing. And everyone is so sorry for something that happened with her best friend Gina, whom she doesn't remember, but apparently who helped sow the seeds of her marriage's collapse. But as the young Alice takes over the older Alice's life and applies her goofy, laissez-faire approach to living, the tension builds: what will happen if old Alice regains her memory? Alice's journey of reconciling herself to how her life came to be what it is, and her slowly building understanding of how the threads of her marriage began to unravel, is moving, well-paced, and thoroughly pleasurable.  Early days yet, but quite enjoying it thus far.

No change here.

I am hoping...
That we soon get some dry weather.  Our back garden is a quagmire.  We will need quite a few days of dry weather with sunshine and some wind to help dry it up.  I am betting the farmers are having a difficult time getting their early potatoes and such in.  It's just too wet!

Makes me Smile...
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Latest picture of  "you-know-who" with her mommy Amanda.   My daughter is looking really fine.   Looks like she has her amazing figure back after having had Cameron in June.  I am not surprised.  She has always been  very athletic.  She doesn't take after me on that score.   I am not sure who the cardboard cut out man is!  Wierd. I think.  And what is he doing here???

I am learning...
 "the power of finding beauty in the humblest of things makes home happy and life lovely."
~Louisa May Alcott

I am learning to find beauty in everything.

Around the House ...
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Office Chair Slip Covers.   I think this is such a great idea!   I love them!  You can find a tutorial Here on Aunt Clara's Kitchen.   I love these colours.

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How to establish a morning routine for a clean enough house.
Right HERE on The Inspired Room, plus a whole lot more!   These people that are so organized
really inspire me!

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I just adore the look in this bedroom.  It would be a great look for our spare bedroom.   We have a bunkbed in there, but I don't see why we still can't do this.   I think I may get Todd to paint the bunks a different colour and then see what else we can do.  The walls are bright pink at the moment.  Yuck.
I think changing that is the first thing we need to do!

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I have always loved painted wooden floors.   If this was my house I would rip up all the carpeting and just have bare floors and area rugs.   Carpets are such germ/dust/dirt havens.

I am pondering...
Will we be able to save up enough money to go to Canada next year in 2015?  I sure hope so.   WE haven't even started yet.   Best get a move on!

A favorite quote for today...  

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If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is.  But, if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.
~Johanne Wolfgane Von Goethe

I love this quote.  I think it's very true.

One of my favorite things... 
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Chickens.  I have always loved chickens.  I would love to have chickens of our own.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Not a lot.  Liking that.

A peek into my day...

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I tell myself this each and every morning.  So far, it is working.

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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