
Friday 31 January 2014

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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Rainbow Pasta.   Simply cook the pasta and rinse with cold water.  Then you divide the pasta between several different zip lock baggies, each of which you have added 20 drops of food colouring (different colours) and 2 TBS of water too.   Allow to stand for several minutes, then drain and rinse again.  Toss together and presto you have rainbow pasta.  (I would reheat it in the top of a double boilet for a few minutes.)

From  I wonder if this would turn Todd into a pasta lover?  Somehow I think not.

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Create Instagram photostrips.   I have never been able to figure out Instagram myself.  I with I could though.   I like the pics it creates.   Anyways, I found a super tutorial on how to create lovely photo strips on  The College Prepster.   Now if someone would only do a tutorial on how to use Instagram!   While they are at it I would love a tutorial on how to use my camera.   Apparently you can send pics on it directly online, but I have never been able to figure out how to do that either!!!

Clearly we need to adopt a teenager.

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30 Days of Gratitude Journal Jars.  Scribble your thankful thoughts on scraps of paper and then put them into a mason jar.  Then when you are feeling down, take them out and think about all you have to be grateful for.  Instant lifter upper.   From Write

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A really nice way to keep your doggie cool and from being bored in the summer garden.   Freeze toys and stuff in a mix of chicken stock and water.   Idea from  I am unable to link from here in the UK, but it does look like a super idea!   Mitzie has not been well these past few days.   I got her a pig's ear a couple of days ago and gave it to her.  I thought it would be a nice treat, but she's had an upset tummy since.  No more pig's ears for her!

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No source, just love.   I have always wanted a tree house, ever since I saw the Swiss Family Robinson film. back when I was a girl.  Wasn't THEIR tree house fun!   As a child I never once questioned how on earth they got all the stuff that they had in it.  I know that they were ship wrecked and were able to probably get a lot of things that way, but wouldn't a lot of it have been destroyed?  hmmmm . . . intellect says yes . . . heart wants to say no.

In any case I love tree houses.  If you are lucky enough to live in one, you are . . . well . . .  lucky!

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The most absolutest sweetest adorable pillow I have ever seen in my life.  It's a postcard!  With scraps of fabric and embroidery.  I think it is just fabulous.  Would this not make a brilliant gift for some one??  I know!  Who wouldn't love to get one of these.  I found this on the Nana Company Blog.

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No source, but . . . journal embroidery!!  It's just adorable.  I love this idea.
How very interesting this would be in a journal.   What a keepsake!

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An embroidered love note . . . on embroidered notepaper.   ADORABLE.
From the Etsy Shop  Dash of Magic.   People are so incredibly creative don't you think?
I know, I am amazed all the time at what they come up with!

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The 52 week money challenge from Life As You Live It.   A do-able plan for saving money, simply by saving your pocket change.  Sounds great in theory!  Can you believe that the daughter of the people I used to work for used to throw her pocket change in the bin?  I know!  I used to rescue it and put it on her dresser.  I hope that I am never so rich that I can throw money away.

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Eternal Spring Onions.  From Baked by Rachel.   I am so going to try this.  Apparently when you buy a bunch of spring onions, you cut off and use the bits you want and then you put the remainder into a jar with some water at the base, and they grow to give you more!  I would change out the water every couple of days.  I am going to try this to see if it works.  Fresh spring onions on tap.  Excellent idea!

And there you have it 10 new ideas and finds for this week.   I hope you found something useful here too! 

A thought to carry with you through today . . . 

 `*.¸.* ´*´¯`•.¸¸.

“This life is yours. Take the power to choose
what you want to do and do it well. Take the
power to love what you want in life and love
it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest
and be a part of nature. Take the power to control
your own life. No one else can do it for you.
Take the power to make your life happy.” 

~ Susan Polis Schutz

                                                    `*.¸.* ´*

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . A Roast Stuffed Chicken Crown.   Easy and delicious, plus a recipe for Bread Sauce to serve with it.

Have a wonderful Friday.  Hasn't the week whizzed by!

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