
Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY December 17th, 2013

Outside my window...
It's very, very dark.  Cold too.  I am sitting here in the glow of tree light.I  t's very nice.

I am thinking...

Write in your heart
that every day is the
best day in the year.
~Ralph Waldo Emmerson
This is the secret to an abundant and happy life I believe.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for each day I've been given.  I belong to a reunion group on Facebook, which is a bunch of people that used to hang out at the Rec Centre together way back when.  We are a close group and have a great affection for each other.  One section of the group is a memorial to all those who have gone on ahead.  As it slowly fills, I am reminded of how very lucky I am to still be here.  Each day is precious.

In the kitchen...

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Mincemeat Snowflakes.   Little puff pastry mince pies, filled and twisted into snowflakes.  So very pretty.  Something a little bit different for the holidays.

I am wearing...
my jim jams, what else!  Some things never change!!

I am creating...  
I have a comission piece I am working on at the moment.  I am also making a costume for my part as the Inn Keeper's wife in our Ward Nativity play this Saturday.  I finished the scrap/memory book for my friend's birthday.  Other than that I am not up to much of anything at the moment.  Taking a breather I guess!  I have a lot of cooking to do for this thing on Saturday as well!

I am going...
I have no plans to go much of anywhere this week, other than the places I have to go.

I am wondering...
What will 2014 bring?

I am reading...

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The Magpies, byMark Edwards

I know you are thinking, finally something new!   A young couple, Jamie and Kirsty move into their first home together, all  full of optimism. The future, in which they plan to get married and start a family, is bright. The other residents of their building seem friendly too, including the Newtons, a married couple who welcome them to the building with open arms.

But then strange things start to happen. Dead rats are left on their doorstep. They hear disturbing noises, and much worse, in the night. After Jamie's best friend is injured in a horrific accident, Jamie and Kirsty find themselves targeted by a campaign of terror.

As they are driven to the edge of despair, Jamie vows to fight back, but he has no idea what he is really up against . . .

The Magpies is a gripping psychological thriller in which the monsters are not vampires or demons but the people who live next door. It is a nightmare that could happen to anyone.

This is a cracking, can't put it down, page turner!

I am hoping...
That Todd and I do alright on Saturday evening.   We have been practicing our lines each day.  I think we have them down pretty pat, but who knows what will happen on the night!

Makes me Smile...

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Every time I see this picture I smile.   It's so cute.  I can feel it, can you???  A week from tomorrow and it will be here!!

I am learning...
I am still working on patience.  I wonder if I will ever crack it?   Just when I think I've got it, poof!  It's gone.

Around the House ...

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Who knew?  It's not just to sprinkle on your chips!

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 DIY Toilet Bombs.   Make cleaning the toilet fun.   Check it out here.  A simple recipe which promises to  deoderize and kill bacteria all in one go!

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Homemade Dishwasher soap and Rinse Aid.   That stuff is so expensive to buy.  I usually buy Dishwasher soap by the bag full, when it's on special.  I will buy up two or three boxes. I hoard it like gold because it costs a bomb.   It would be interesting to see if this stuff works.

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Simmering Stove Top Christmas Pot Pouri.  Simple and easy to do.   Find out how on One Good Thing by Jillie.

I am pondering...
I have been thinking about cutting back on blogging.  Maybe not doing it every day like I have been doing for the past who knows how many years.  Most people do not blog every day, let alone keep more than one blog going with every day posts each day of the year.  This blog does not take much time, but the food blog . . . oy vey!  There is all of the cooking, photography, tasting, photo editing, etc.   It does take a lot of time.  I enjoy it so much though . . . what to do, what to do . . .

A favorite quote for today...  

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Christmas renews our youth by stirring
our wonder.  The capacity for wonder
has been called our most
pregnant human faculty, for in it
are born our art, our science,
our religion.
~Ralph Stockman

One of my favorite things...  

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Quotes.  I collect them in a notebook.  I just love quotes and I use them often in my artwork actually.  I have always loved words and the power they have to inspire, to impress, to uplift, to sooth . . .  etc.  They are the whole bowl of wax.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Dress rehearsal tomorrow night for the Nativity.  A bit of shopping for the Nativity.  (The things I need to cook for the refreshments.)  The Birthday Luncheon on Thursday.  The Nativity on Saturday!  There is also carol singing in Molde on Saturday morning, but I think we will be skipping that!

A peek into my day...
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I just adore this man I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with and beyond.   I cannot imagine it ever being any other way . . .

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Wherever you go and whatever you do I hope there's a wonderful day planned for you!

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