
Saturday 28 December 2013

Saturday This and That . . .

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The weather yesterday was absolutely horrible.   It was so windy and rainy.  I had been going to go into town with Todd to pay a bill (I hadn't been in at all since early December), but I decided I didn't want to go out in that!  Todd went in anyways, he's built of sturdier stuff than me!  It did clear as the day progressed, but . . . by then I had gotten myself busy doing something else so I just stayed put!

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This is what I was busy with.   Earlier this month one of the Young Women's leaders had asked me if I could do something for her to share with the young women in January to go along with a lesson she was teaching them.  Pink is the colour of Personal Progress, which is a goal setting and achievement program set out by the church for our young women.   The ribbons on her bouquet are the colours of the Young Women's values . . . purple (Integrity), yellow (good works), red (Individual Worth), white (Faith), green (Knowledge), blue (Divine Nature), orange (Choice and Accountability), gold (Virtue).  We have some really nice young men and young women in the church.  Anyways, I think so at any rate.  I was happy to be able to do this.  I am still playing with the writing, but I couldn't resist giving you a peek at it!

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We had a simple supper of reheated leftovers and then settled down to watch a film which Todd had taped earlier this week.   I have always loved the story of Pollyanna, and of course was very familiar with the one put out by Disney in my childhood starring Haley Mills.  This was a newer version put out in 2003 and starring Amanda Burton.  I have to admit I rather liked this newer version and it was probably truer to the novel than Disney's version was.  If you ever have the chance to watch it, grab it!  It's fabulous!  I really love period pieces.   We have taped Death Comes to Pemberly, which is Jane Austin and I'm looking forward to watching that as well.

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I was surprised at how many people have already taken down their Christmas Trees.   I always want to leave mine up as long as possible.  We wait for these few days all year long and then put so much effort into them, and then . . . we tear it down in just a few days.   That doesn't make sense to me . . .  I want to prolong this feeling of joy and love and peace for as long as I can.   Oh . . . I know, it's not the trappings of Christmas which give us these feelings . . . the tree, etc., but I love sitting here early in the morning and writing by fairy lights.   It cheers my heart.

One of the things I got for Christmas was a new journal to write in.   I am looking forward to opening it on the first of January and beginning to put my thoughts down on paper.   This year I am actually going to do it and try to stick with it.  I know I have been putting my thoughts here on the computer for years and years now, but how permanent is that . . . it seems to be writing into a journal by hand will be more permanent.  It may be the only legacy I can leave my children, next to my artwork.

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This is a picture that my sister took outside my mother's window yesterday.   The whole time I lived in Nova Scotia, I never saw a cardinal.   They are frequent visitors to the dried rosehips outside my mother's house.   So beautiful.   It looks like they have a lot of snow there as well.  I love what my brother said about the cardinals . . . he said that their brilliant red colour reminds him of the promise of Spring and the Saviours love.  I thought that was nice.

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This is going to be my mantra for 2014.  I want to follow up more on my promptings and not let fear of failure keep me from becoming the best that I can be.  I have a friend who, no matter what challenges she is given, she rises to them, and she does it cheerfully.   I want to be that person.   I want to rise to the challenge and do it with heart.  Let's face it . . . challenges are a lot easier to surmount if you work with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.  

The computer is really acting up this morning, so I will close this now and leave you with a thought for today . . .

The trick is to enjoy life, don't wish away 
your days waiting for better ones ahead. 
~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley  


Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Peanut Butter and Jam Cookie Cups.   Delish, delish!

Have a fabulous Saturday!

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