
Sunday 22 December 2013

If I could wish a wish for you . . .


If I could wish a wish for you,
it would be for peace and happiness
not only now,
but for the whole year through!
 I wish that there always be food on your table.
And that you always remember those less fortunate.
May you always take time to share,
and thank those who share with you.
 I wish for time,
so you may reflect on the blessings that you have,
 and that you express your love
to those who are dear to you.
 May you never feel lonely,
because there are those who care.
That you realize: you are special,
you are unique,
you make a difference,
not only at Christmas, but all year!
 I wish for your thoughts to be positive ones,
that you never quit,
that you never give up,
and that you continue to learn.
I wish for the love, peace, and joy of Christmas
to be yours always,
 ~Catherine Pulsifer 

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 What a wonderful time we had last evening at our Church's One Night in Bethlehem evening.  We had lots and lots of people out and everyone seemed to really enjoy the event.   It was set up spectacularly!

The play went well also, with the exception of the choir and the participants not being co-ordinated and Joseph skipping a whole set of his lines.   We had to ad lib several times, but I don't think it showed that badly.  Todd and I were well practiced actually and neither one of us forgot anything we were supposed to say.  The most important thing however was that people in attendance felt the true spirit of Christmas and God's love.  And I think they did.  They did not notice any line fluffing, or repeating . . . they just felt of the love that was present in abundance.

That is the true spirit and meaning of Christmas . . .  love.  It’s about the good news and peace on earth . . . goodwill to men, the mighty Prince of Peace having come into our midst. We are not alone. We need never be alone. No matter how low you may feel, or how sad, there is always one who cares.

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I pray that this Christmas for you will not simply be the experience of getting more . . . but waking up to what we already possess, for God has already given us everything we need . . . A Saviour, love, hope, eternal life, beauty, peace of mind, joy, faith, community . . . So much. We don’t always choose to accept them or make them ours. With time and familiarity we tend to lose touch with God’s abundance. So this Christmas, let’s not just open what is new beneath the tree, but re-open what is already ours. 


Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Linzer Cookies!

Have a wonderful Sunday!  God bless you all!

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