
Saturday 7 December 2013

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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I don't know why, but this made me smile.  He's so goofy looking and which woman alive hasn't come across a guy like this in their lifetime.   Goofy and endearing at the same time.  You just gotta love them!

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I found this photograph particularly fascinating.  I am not sure I entirely believe that this map of the world was gnawed into the apple .  .  . but the idea that it might have been intrigues me.   Even were it created using tools, how very clever.   Clearly some people have far too much time on their hands.

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I don't know who took this photo, but I think this may be the Eiffel Tower.   I could be wrong.   I am not sure if this photograph has been manipultated to look like a face, or even who took the photograph, but I think it's interesting and I like to think that it just occured naturally!  Like spirit bubbles in a photo, etc.  One of life's great mysteries.

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These are incredibly moreish.  Yu! Granola and Raisin Clusters.  Little mini clusters in a yoghurt coating, and only 99 calories per bag.  My favourites are the Granola and Mango ones.   So yummy.   I love yoghurt.  I love granola.  The both together in little moreish bites???  Genius!

Peanut butter sandwich cookies with Nutella filling, Christmas cookies recipes, Christmas desserts, Holiday cookies, Holiday desserts

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies with Nutella Filling.    I found this recipe on Julia's Album.   They look so tasty.   Dangerous even.  I'm not sure I should hazard making them, but my eyes want to make they, they look so good.

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Even dogs that I am terrified of can be cute.   I am petrified of German Shepherds, but that doesn't stop me from being able to see the beauty in them.  I could never own one, and I hate even petting one, but I can admire them from afar and I think this photo is very sweet.   I was chased and attacked by one when I was a child and that has instilled a great fear in me of them.  I am almost as afraid of them as I am wasps and spiders . . . but I will admit they are beautiful.

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Keeping your eyes on Jesus means you have the power to walk on water too.  It just takes faith and trust.  All things are possible if you truly believe that they are. 

I think we're going to put up the tree tomorrow.  Today we are going to really give the lounge a good clean and then we will be ready to decorate tomorrow.  I'm so excited.   I love this time of year!!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

The world is full of vibrant color.
Don’t let it lose an ounce of its luster.
Assume this day is going to be good, and it will.
God made it so.
~Max Lucado  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  a delicious Bacon, Onion Marmalade and Leerdammer Panini.   Oh boy, is this ever delish!

Can't believe it's Friday, but it is!  Have a good one!

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