
Friday 20 December 2013

Friday Finds

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 A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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I found this cute crochet Santa on Pinterest, unfortunately there wasn't a link to the actual pattern, or source of the pattern, just a link to a page that hosts a whole bunch of different crochet stuff and I couldn't find it on that page.  I did try.  If anyone knows where you can find the pattern for this, please share!  I think it is so cute!  Would love to make these for some deserving little kiddos next year!

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The Gingerbread House Christmas tradition is live and well and being carried on by my children and grandchildren!  This a photo my daughter posted last night of Maryn enjoying the Gingerbread house they must have just made.  She looks quite pleased with her efforts, which brought a big smile to my face.   I used to create something out of Gingerbread most years when the kids were growing up, at least when they were younger at any rate.  Happy Days.

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Laughter is the best medicine.  Here we all are at the venue yesterday chattering away and laughing prior to our meal together.   What a lovely bunch of gals!  I am so blessed to have such friends. I truly am.   AND it was snowing!  We were a bit higher up and big fat fluffy flakes were falling!  It was dream-like and so festive.   Not liking that I am such a fatso however . . . 

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I just adore Penny Rugs.   Little rugs and candle mats etc. created from using wool felt, layered and pieced.  I have loved them for a long time, and made a few myself.  I found a fabulous site which is filled with wonderful tutorials, called Penny Rugs and More.   I plan on doing more of this in the new year.

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I did start making this one this year, and have it almost finished, all but the embroidery accents and putting the backing on.   It's really cute.  I bought the pattern here, on Cath's Penny Designs.  She has lots of lovely patterns.

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Cheesy Garlic Rolls, from BHG.   They look so yummy.    I am going to so try these after Christmas.  I am thinking they would be fabulous with pasta, soups or stews and that's what Winter is all about!  Preparing for a carb fest!

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Rosemary Wreath Napkin Rings.  Not only are they very pretty, but I can imagine they smell gorgeous!  I am going to do these for Christmas lunch.   I will use red ribbon though I think, in keeping with the festivities!   From Spoon Fork Bacon

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The cutest stamped shortbread cookies ever.   The recipe etc. can be found on Roti n Rice.   Now all I have to do is find the stamps!  They are so cute!

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Sweet Storybook Stocking Stuffer, a free printable from One Creative Mommy.   People are so inspiring are they not?   I love this.   I can remember getting the kids each a life saver story book each Christmas when they were growing up.   This is even better because you can put whatever you want into it.

And that's my finds for this week, the last one before Christmas.   By this time next week all the celebrations will be finished.  hard to believe but it's true.   We just have one last heavy duty to fulfil before Christmas now and that is the Ward Activity tomorrow evening.   I am out this morning to pick up what I need to make the food I am preparing for the activity and I will be cooking it, and practicing my lines.  To be honest I will be glad when tomorrow night is over!  Whew!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  

"Today is LIFE
the only life you are sure of.
Make the most of today.
Get interested in something.
Shake yourself awake.

Develop a hobby...
Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you.
Live today with gusto."
~Dale Carnegie


Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Bacon Cheeseburger Pie.

Have a great Friday!  Those of you who will be travelling this weekend home to be with family and such for the holidays, travel safe!  I keep you in my prayers and thoughts!

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