
Wednesday 4 December 2013

A bit of this and that . . .

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The shops are filling up with Christmas Trees now . . .   tall tubes of fir branches, bundled up in plastic netting laying against the walls, trunks poking out at one end and errant branches poking out here and there through tears in the netting.   You have no idea what you are getting it seems.  I much preferred the old days when they were all unwrapped and set up so that you could peruse them as if you were picking a ripe tomato or plum, wanding around amongst them, poking and prodding, studying them from every angle possible . . . in a quest to ensure that only the very best one on the lot was coming home with you.

I can remember trucks filled with them coming into town when I was a child . . . the smell of the woods and pine filling the air in their wake . . . there is nothing so beautiful as the smell of a pine Christmas Tree in December.  It is the smell of Christmas . . . snow and pine and spice.

One year when the children were growing up we decided that we would go to a Christmas Tree Farm and cut down out own tree.   We traipsed for what seemed like miles in deep snow in our quest for the perfect tree.  It was a lot of fun.  I hope that they remember that.  My oldest son does that with his own family now.

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Building their own family traditions for the holidays . . . I love to see the photographs.

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Of course these ones are several years old . . . the boys are much older now, but I still like to look through the photos . . .

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They are such a fun family . . .

I think I will get Todd to drag the tree out of the loft today . . . we bought an artificial one last year after we couldn't find a real one . . .

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Mitzie is on anti-biotics of some sort now . . . well, they are some type of tablet.  Quite large too.  She has to take 1 1/2 twice a day.  Yesterday I managed to hide them in cheese.  This morning I had to add a layer of chicken because she seems to have sussed out that there is something else hidden inside.  It's that keen sense of smell I think.  No walks for her for a couple of weeks either.   They Vet wasn't sure what exactly she has, but they are treating it as Kennel Cough and hopefully she will be better soon.  Then I think we may get her innoculated against it.

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The Relief Society Christmas Social went really well last night.   One of the younger sisters had done all the decorating and did such a wonderful job.  There were little vases on the food table with roses and baby's breath in them, with tiny little jewels inside each rose that sparkled.   I loved the japanese lanterns.  They also had little sparkly lights in them  . . . and a lovely string of fairy lights across the front of the table  . . .

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The tables where the sisters sat were also beautifully decorated.  There were also red glittery Christmas Baubles hanging around the room from the ceiling and bunting in red and green strung across.   Simply a beautiful job.   I was so very impressed.

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I think that all of the sisters who attended had a lovely time.  There was plenty to eat, and fun games. Sadly we only had about half of the number expected turn up.   Such a disappointment in that way . . . for they surely missed a wonderful evening.

I will have to get some thankyou's out into the post today to everyone who did such a great job at making it a success.

Well, I can't think of anything else to write this morning.  I didn't sleep well or much last night, too hepped up after the party and the coughing, coughing . . . it is so exhausting.

I will leave you with a thought now for the day . . .

“The true way to live
is to enjoy every moment as it passes,
and surely it is in the everyday things around us
that the beauty of life lies.”
~Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Gorgonzola, Leek and Toasted Walnut Parsnips.  Delicious and impressive. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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