
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Wednesday things to share . . .

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What a wonderful evening we had here with the missionaries last night.  They really had great appetites and it always does my heart good to see them enjoying their meals.  I had done milk braised pork and a mixed potato gratin, which I served with carrots and cabbage and then for dessert I had made a pumpkin pie, specifically for one of the elders who ended up not being there anyways!  He was on exchange with an Elder from Runcorn, which they do sometimes.   (Runcorn is not far from here.  We have lovely friends in Runcorn too!)  Anyways, looks like I will have to make Elder Peterson a pumpkin pie another time!

I always love the special spirit the missionaries bring with them, as you know.  One of our Elders here is from Tahiti!  We were looking at photos of Tahiti last night.  Boy, oh boy, what a beautiful place to come from.  I am sure he must really miss it, having exchanged palm trees, sunlight, brilliant blue water and coconuts for the grey, dismal and cold UK!  He is a cheerful lad though.  A bit hard to understand at times as English is not his first language, but we manage somehow!  He has a brilliant smile too!

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I wanted to tell you about the beautiful book I was sent last week, entitled The Mormons, an illustrated history of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, edited by Roy A Prete, and published by Merrell Publishers.  Todd and I have been devouring it since it fell through the letter box and so has anyone who has popped by the house.

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It is the very first book I have seen of it's kind, absolutely loaded with beautiful photographs and tons of information about our church and all very accurate as well!

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Set out into 14 different chapters ranging from a pictoral visit to Temple Square in Salt Lake City (I was there a few years back and it was so nice to see photos of familiar places!) and all of the historical buildings there, as well as the new ones.   Very detailed information on each.  Absoultely fascinating whether you are a member of the church or not!

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As one would expect, the fascinating history of the Saints is included . . . their early days, the journey West, etc. This lovely book traces the faith from its foundation by Joseph Smith and the early days of intense persecution to the building of Salt Lake City under the leadership of Brigham Young and the massive expansion of the Church in the second half of the twentieth century.

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 The book offers perspectives on the Church’s core values by those who practise the faith every day. Contributions from a range of Mormon experts consider a variety of topics . . . including the origins, beliefs and practices of the religion, its phenomenal success in recent decades as the Church has become increasingly international, its relationship to other churches, and the lifestyle of its members  . . .  making this the perfect introduction to Mormonism, which is one of the fastest-growing Christian churches in the world.

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It covers our love of education and our desire as a whole to better ourselves through education and learning . . . skills, sport, science, dance, etc.  We believe that we are never to old and it's never too late to learn a new skill or idea!

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There is a chapter on our very large Humanitarian Aid program, and all that the church does to reach out to those in need, not only at home, but throughout the world.

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The importance of our Temples . . . why we have them, why we need them, what we do in them . . .

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The value of our Family History Work and where it is stored.  Did you know that all of our records are available to anyone?   You don't have to be a member of the church to access and use them.  Invaluable when it comes to doing family history and geneology.  And free.  Everything our church offers is free . . . seriously.

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Our Missionary Program . . . why it's done, how it's done, where it's done.  (Was so happy to read yesterday that all of our missionaries in the Phillippines are safe and accounted for!)

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Mormons who have made a difference . . . in the arts, politics, education, sport, etc.   You would be amazed!  Did you know Gladys Knight was a member of the church?  

 With it's magnificent photographs, and chapters written by foremost scholars, this has to be the best historical and pictorial introduction to the church that I have ever seen.  I think it is a beautiful book and I would highly recommend it to anyone . . . whether you are just curious about the church and wanting to know more and even if you are already a member of the church and wanting a brilliant pictorical way of introducing the church to others who are interested.   In any case it is sure to become a valued part of anyone's home library and I am so greatful that we were sent it to read and review!!

The Mormons
An Illustrated History of
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
Published by Merrell Publishing

  • The only pictorial introduction of its kind on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Insightful contributions by Mormon scholars on the origins of the Church, its core beliefs and the lifestyle of its members
  • With more than 250 colour photographs and drawings  
ISBN 978-1-8589-4620-7

Suggested Price £24.95 UK, $34.95 US, $38.95 Canadian

Amazon UK
Amazon US

Many thanks to Helena and Merrell Publishing for sending it to us!

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Great news.  They called me from the hospital yesterday to say that they have another heart test for me tonight at 7:30.  Not sure which type of scan this will be, but it is a step forward and I am pleased.  I am really anxious to get things sorted as soon as possible and as you know have been quite distressed about what seems like the dragging of feet.   I would have thought that anything to do with the heart would have been dealt with a lot quicker, although I am grateful for a health care system which allows for equal treatment for all, irregardless of income or stature.  (Although I do think if I was the Queen, I'd have been seen to a lot quicker.  Rank does have it's priviledges.  Ha ha!)

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Sock Monkey hat, a fait accomplie!

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Bunny Doll, toute finis!

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A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"Don't postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons.
Joy is the lesson."
~Alan Cohen

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . a delicious Creamy Gnocchi Gratin!

Have a great day people!

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