
Thursday 7 November 2013

Thursday morning this and that . . .

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 I'm starting to get in a Christmas mood.  (Shhh, don't tell Todd.  Scrooge that he is, he doesn't like to hear anything about Christmas until the day is almost upon us!)  Last nights women's activity we had at the church really got me in the mood.  The other Sister who helped to plan some of the evening's festivities was ever so good at decorating and such and on a shoestring too.   Some people are just so talented in that way.   I had planned an origami Christmas Tree, which worked out well at home, but nobody could figure out when we actually sat down to do it at the chapel!  Best laid plans and all that, however I do think my 12 days of Christmas to Christ went well.  (At least nobody was saying if it didn't!)

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I found this on Pinterest.   You can see full instructions on Fun Holiday Crafts.  I paid a lot of money for a wire tree very similar to this a few years back.   Mind, mine is covered with annoying silver glitter which gets everywhere, as pretty as it is!  People are so clever don't you think???  I don't know why I didn't think of this myself!

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This is another pretty good idea using crochet cotton instead of wire.  I am assuming you use glue on the cotton to make it stiff.   I could not find any instructions, but it does look fairly simple all the same.

I really admire people that come up with ideas like this off the top of their heads.  They are really crafty.  I can create a recipe out of thin air, and artwork and characters spring from the tips of my fingers at the drop of a hat . . . but when it comes to creating something crafty like this, I really haven't a clue!  Seriously!

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These cute little tree ornaments were found on It's a Stamp Thing.   Are they not adorable!  I am assuming she used a rubber stamp for a Christmas tree and then cut them out, glittered, beribboned and bell-ed them.  Looks simple enough, but I would not think of doing that.  I have a ton of rubber stamps that pretty much just sit in a box.   Clearly I need to put my thinking cap on!  So clever!

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Clearly I don't get out enough.  This is so cute!  I need to learn how to think outside the box when it comes to things like this. This is one really great idea!  I would never have thought of turning my refrigerator into a giant snowman!  What fun for the kiddies this would be.

I miss having children around . . .

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One thing I am crazy for are those little miniature Putz houses . . . or any mini kind of a house really.  I found this round up on Mel Stampz for a whole bunch of them, with tutorials, patterns, etc.

I think if I were to do all the cute things I discover I would have to have my Christmas Hat on all year round and I don't think Todd could handle that.   Even the smallest whiff of Christmas before the 15th of December (at least) makes him cringe.  Maybe it's a man thing?

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We always have a Christmas Activity at our chapel for the whole congregation each year.  This year our theme is One Night in Bethlehem.   The big hall adjacent to the inner chapel where we have our sacrament meeting is going to be set up like a middle Eastern bazaar, with food stalls, and game stalls, etc.   After about an hour of fun and games, etc. a Roman Soldier is going to come out and usher everyone into Bethlehem (the chapel proper) for the census.  Then there will be a living nativity.  (Todd and I are going to be Inn Keepers!  There is a script and everything!)  Of course all of the members will be encouraged to come dressed as people of ancient times.  It should be fun for all and yet very spiritual at the same time. 

I have some exciting news today.  One of the recipes I submitted to a ladies magazine over here was published in their Christmas Issue which is out today.   I was really pleased to get their e-mail telling me.   You can find it in the Christmas Edition of Take A Breaks My Favourite Recipes Issue #23, only £1.  I will have to pop down to the shops and pick up a copy!  I always buy it every month anyways.  At only £1 it's the cheapest cooking magazine around, and alot of the recipes look good in it.   The other cooking magazines have gotten so expensive!  Another one of my recipes is being featured in a Canadian Magazine as well, Shamrock Magazine which is put out by the Irish Canadian Cultural Association.  These things are always such an honor. 

Well, I haven't said an awful lot today of any import, but somehow I have frittered away almost 2 hours on here!  How does that happen???   I don't know, but it's disquieting how fast time flys!  But then they do say it does fly when one is having fun!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

"A teddy bear is your childhood wrapped up in faded yellow fur, 
and as such, he commands affection long after he is out grown."
~ Pam Brown

I carried my teddy bear with me pretty much all over the world.  It strangely disappeared from out moving boxes during one move back in the 1990's.  I will never know where it got to.  It made me sad then and it makes me a bit sad now to think of my old childhood friend disappearing like that . . .

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Lemon Curd Self-Saucing Puddings.   Delicious!

Have a great Thursday!

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