
Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook

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 FOR TODAYNovember 5th, 2013

Outside my window...
Its really dark this morning.  The days are definitely getting a lot shorter.  This means I have to do my cooking earlier in the day because I like to use natural light in my food photos.   Todd doesn't mind really. He would rather eat his big meal at noon.

I am thinking...


“Next time you’re stressed, take a step back,
inhale and laugh.
Remember who you are and why you’re here.
You’re never given anything in this world
that you can’t handle.
Be strong, be flexible, love yourself,
and love others.
Always remember,
just keep moving forward.”

That unknown always has some great advice to share!

I am thankful...
For quiet days and nights.  I like feeling safe and warm at this time of year.  I am so blessed to live in a house with central heating and all of the other comforts I enjoy.  May I never take them for granted.

In the kitchen...

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Todd was wanting a good old fashioned steamed meat pudding like his mam used to make and so I made him one.   A Beef, Ale and Parsnip Pudding.

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He was in seventh heaven!  I served it up with some boiled potatoes and a cabbage/cavolo nero/leek mix.   It was rather tasty!

I am wearing...
Rather a silly question really.  I am always wearing my night clothes. 

I am creating...  
I am taking a new art course with Tascha Parkinson.  It will be the fourth class I have taken from her.  Her classes are always fun and I always learn something new.  I did not get a chance to go to Art School.   I had started an online course at the London School of Art, but then I lost my job and it went by the wayside.  I really enjoy these little classes by Tascha.  She is incredibly talented.

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I have no link to share here, but what a fun way to eat fruit!  You turn the apples into cute little baskets!  I could totally see me using this for a special luncheon with the girls!

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No link here either, but what a novel way to do blossoms on a tree.  I love it!  You could use smaller bottles to do smaller trees.

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Once again, no link, but what a great way to use the inside part of toilet and paper towel rolls!  I love it!  People are so smart don't you think??

I am going...
We are having another set of the missionaries for supper tonight.  So not going anywhere today really.  Still waiting on the next hospital appointment.  Hoping I have it soon so that I can get the show on the road and fix whatever it is that is wrong!

I am wondering...
How I ever managed to get everything done that I got done when I was working full time???  I sure as heck don't have enough hours in the day now!

I am reading...

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Mercy, by Jodi Picoult.

Police chief of a small Massachusetts town, Cameron McDonald makes the toughest arrest of his life when his own cousin Jamie comes to him and confesses outright that he has killed his terminally ill wife out of mercy.
Now, a heated murder trial plunges the town into upheaval, and drives a wedge into a contented marriage: Cameron, aiding the prosecution in their case against Jamie, is suddenly at odds with his devoted wife, Allie -- seduced by the idea of a man so in love with his wife that he'd grant all her wishes, even her wish to end her life. And when an inexplicable attraction leads to a shocking betrayal, Allie faces the hardest questions of the heart: when does love cross the line of moral obligation? And what does it mean to truly love another?

Enjoying it so far.   I want something new to read though . . . something different.  Any suggestions???   I don't like anything smutty or implausable.  I am quite fond of history and I don't like pap.  (No tall order there or anything, lol!)

Nothing has changed here and I am still looking for something new to read.

I am hoping...
We are having an Additional meeting tomorrow night with the ladies at church.  It is Christmas themed.  I hope it goes well and that they enjoy themselves. I have a bunch of little workshops planned and of course there will be food.

Makes me Smile...

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This is Maryn in deep concentration.  It is a photo of her with some of her cousins.  I cut them out because they are not my grandchildren and I didn't have permission to share them.   But I would love to know what they were watching that has captured her attention so totally.   Her little face makes me smile.  Oh, I do so love my grandchildren.  Nothing in life prepares you for that special love.  You love your own children and then you think you could not love anything any more than that and then . . . you have grandchildren.

I am learning...
Patience, although it is always a work in progress.  I do think I am getting better at it.  It used to drive me up the wall if I was going to be late for something.  Now I just think to myself, what's the worst that can happen . . . and just . . . let . . . go . . .

Around the House ...
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Some really innovative ideas and clever ways to repurpose old items here on HomeTalk.  We have become too much of a throw-away society.  It's time we stopped that.   There are some really ingenious things on this page.  I was most impressed!  People are so smart!!

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No link again, but what a novel use for tennis balls!!  These would be great as towel holders in a child's bathroom, or as hanging spots in a mud room for coats and such.   Once again, people are so crafty!!

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Some practical advice on how to paint a room on Jennifer P Williams.  This is something we will all have to do at some point, unless we are rich enough to pay someone else to do it for us!

I am pondering...
The intricacies of everything around me, in the world we live in.   From the largest to the smallest things, from the most annoying to the most pleasure giving . . . each has a plan and a purpose, even if we don't always recognize it immediately.  It's so amazing to me.  So wondrous.  So . . . God.  Why can't everyone see this?  I saw on the news last week these people who have started these new Groups.  They don't want to be churches, but they gather together each week in a church and sing songs and thankfully and joyously celebrate living and life.  They have "sermons", etc.  But they don't believe in God.  Oh really???  To me this only illustrates our basic need to gather together and give thanks in a meaningful and shared way.  Our most inate sense is spirituality.  We are spiritual beings.  Call it what you will, but to me this is worship.

A favorite quote for today...  

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Live your life from your heart.
Share from your heart.
And your story will touch
and heal people's souls.
~Melody Beattie

One of my favorite things...  

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I have always loved to dance and to watch others dance.  I get this from my mom and dad.  My mom and dad went out dancing every Saturday night the whole of my growing up years.   I loved watching them get ready.   My mother always smelled so nice and looked so beautiful.  My father always looked so handsome.  They were happy and they really enjoyed these times.  They both still love to dance, although my mother hasn't been doing any in recent months because of all her health problems, nor has my dad.   I know though that when they do one day get to the other side, they will be putting their dancing shoes on again and kicking up their heels.  I am grateful for those happy memories of them, and for a heart that loves to dance!

A few plans for the rest of the week:

Missionaries tonight,  Additional Meeting tomorrow night.  Wanting to finish up my Christmas Gifts and get them packed up and ready to post.   That's about it!

A peek into my day...

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"You may have tangible wealth untold;
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be

 I had a Mother who read to me."
 ~Strickland Gililan

I could replace the word Mother with Father.  My Father always read to me and was always reading a book himself.  He taught me to love reading and it is something which I have done every day for all of my life.  I am greatful for his love of the written word and for his passing it on to me.

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
   ⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
   ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░  

Have a wonderful day!

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