
Friday 1 November 2013

My Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy.  I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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There is no need or problem that is too small to take to the Lord.  Sometimes we think that our needs are so small that they could not possibly be of any important to Him.  Yesterday Todd went out to get some more ink for the computer.  A little while later he called me, in a frazzle . . . he could not find his car keys when he went back to the car after being in the shop.  Parked only a few yards away, he had retraced and retraced his steps, gone into the shop, searched and searched but could not find them.  He wanted me to call a friend to come and get my car keys and bring them over to him, which is what I did.   While I was waiting I was offering up silent prayers that we could find the keys.   There are keys on Todd's key ring that are irreplaceable.  When Todd got home I searched through his bag and . . . no keys.   Then I searched his coat pockets . . . sometimes when you are looking for something you are so frantic you miss things . . . no keys.  It seemed to me Todd was right.  His keys were gone . . . and then, all of a sudden I got the prompting to search his coat again, but not just the pockets.  I noticed that one of his sleeves was heavier than the other and as I felt down them, I could feel his keys between the lining and the outside of his coat sleeve.   Then I checked his pocket again.  There was a hole in the pocket on the exact opposite side of his coat.  How the keys got to the bottom of that sleeve I will never understand.  It was quite a journey.  I immediately gave thanks for answered prayers.   Even something as simple as lost keys are important to the Lord.  There is no prayer too small.  Any prayer offered in faith is worthy of an answer.  Praise God for answered prayers!

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I stumbled onto this tutorial over at The Art of Doing Stuff, on how to easily grow your own garlic.   It looks ever so simple and this is the time of year to be planting it.   You can get a whole head of garlic from every single clove that you plant!  Who knew???  It's amazing!

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!0 Free Date Night Ideas from Mommy  Everything is so expensive these days and money is getting tighter.    The temptation is there to do nothing but sit on the sofa each night and watch the telly because it is free right?  (Well as free as it's ever going to be.)  Time to shake things up a bit and do something different!  There are some really cute ideas here.  I'm not going to tell you what they are.  You will have to go over and have a peek yourself!  ;-)

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I found this great article over on What's Up Fagans.  It's all about the worth of staying silent from time to time in a very noisy world, and by that I mean having time unplugged and alone to stop, slow down and reflect.   I think that's really important to us as individuals and it was very refreshing to read this article which mirrored my own beliefs and ethos in life.  It's very well written and may give you pause for . . . thought!

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I found this great article on meal planning and time saving dinner ideas over at a blog called It's a Keeper.   Even if you don't like her recipes, there are some great tips there on planning weekly menus, saving time and money, and perhaps even eating much better than you do now.  Can't hurt! Plus there is a really nice free printable Meal Planner which includes a grocery list.

And those are my five finds and inspirations for this week!  Hoping you got something of value from them!

I am happy to tell you that I already have an appointment for my CT Scan!  They called me yesterday to tell me they had a cancelation for tonight at 8:45 PM.   I think it's kind of a wierd hour to have an appointment at, but I took it because anything that can speed this process up is a good thing!  Wish me luck!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

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Never give up,
for that is just the place and time
that the tide will turn.
~Harriet Beecher Stowe

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There is a Clear Out The Fridge Stir Fry cooking over in The English Kitchen today!

Have a wonderful Friday!

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