
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Wednesday musings . . .

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Not a lot going on here at Casa de Rayner this week . . . we had a delightful meal with the Elders last night. I call them the Hoole Elders as that is where the apartment is that they are staying.   Hoole is way across the city.   Then there are the Blacon Elders which live around the corner from us and the Welsh Sisters that are staying in Wales.  Our Ward covers a HUGE area so they are quite spread apart, and none of them have cars at the moment so getting about has to be done on foot, by bicycle, on the bus, or via the kindness of a member.

We have always loved having the Missionaries in our home.   As I have said on countless occasions, they always bring a special spirit with them whenever they come.  I know that being on a mission is often not very easy for them, although they always seem to be very happy to be here.   I know that they love sharing the Gospel with people, but I also know that they miss their families and often feel homesick or lonely.   They have left everything which is familiar to them for two years (18 months for the girls) to share the message of the Saviour and during that time they will speak to their families only twice a year.  Once on Christmas Day and then again on Mother's Day.

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At a time when most young people in the world are having a great old life, clubbing and partying, going to University and having fun with their friends, these dear young people go off and spend two years in service to their Lord and Saviour.

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Twenty Four hours a day . . . seven days a week . . . 365 days a year they spend their time immersed in the scriptures and service to their fellow beings.  They are not allowed to listen to the radio, or watch the television, or use computers (except for 1/2 hour weekly to send e-mails to their family and friends).  They are not allowed to listen to music which isn't Gospel oriented, but only that which is uplifting and wholesome.

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They wear out their shoes and their suits and their shirts.   They go out and about in all kinds of weathers . . . in the heat and in the cold . . . in rain and in sunshine . . .

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They spend countless hours in service as well . . . clearing rubbish, clipping hedges, mowing lawns, cleaning houses, etc.   Whatever service is required to be done, they do it all and without re-embursment.  They do it out of love.   Love for the Gospel.  Love for the Savior.  Love for their Heavenly Father.   Love for their fellow man.

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They are not all young.  Many older couples serve the Lord in this manner as well.

For the most part they pay for the priviledge of doing so, having saved for their missions since they were young children.  Any extra pennies from chores done, or summer jobs etc. going into their mission fund.   Members of the church all over the world also give money to the church's missionary fund to help those who don't have enough to pay for their own missions but still want to serve the Lord in this way.  That way serving a mission is not just a priviledge for those who have means, but a priviledge for all who desire to serve.

Many interrupt their education to do so.   All put everything else in their life on hold for the time required and they do it because of Love.  I have great honor and respect for these dedicated people.   I admire them and I do all that I can to help them.  It is a priviledge to have them in my home and to be able to feed them.  They have a special light and it's a light that they yearn to share.  If you see a Missionary on the street, or one knocks on your door,  I hope that you will stop to speak to them and share a kind word with them.  Remember that they are someone's son or daughter, sister or brother . . . and in some cases mother and father, and they have sacrificed to be where you are . . . because of love.  Remember also that their family has sacrificed for this purpose as well.  Be kind.  It costs nothing.  What have you got to lose?

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I did a little picture the other day.  I actually had sketched it out a couple of weeks ago and done all the inking, then day before yesterday I did all of the colouring in and yesterday I stuck the words on it.   I quite like how it turned out.

Must dash as I have to get ready to go to the hospital, but I'll leave you with a special thought for the day . . .

"Go out into the world today
and love the people you meet.
Let your presence bring new light
in the hearts of people.
~ Mother Teresa  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Herbed Mushroom Mac & Cheese.

Have a wonderful day! 


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