
Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY  October 22nd, 2013

Outside my window...
It'squite dark out, but then it's only 6:30 in the morning.  The days are getting shorter and shorter.

I am thinking...

On a Sunday evening back in February of 1964 my mother allowed me to stay up and watch a very special episode of the Ed Sullivan show.  The Beatles were appearing for the very first time.  History was being made.   Along with millions of other young girls I fell in love with the lads, the look and the sound.  Yesterday I finally got to sit in the club that they started in, The Cavern.   Nobody can know what this meant to me.  That little 8 year old girl could never have dreamed that one day this would happen . . . and yesterday it did.   Amazingly emotional.  Pictures to follow once I have edited them all!

I am thankful...
That I was able to go down all the stairs into the Cavern and back up again!   Worth ever wince!

In the kitchen...

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Check it out in The English Kitchen today . . . Roasted Root Vegetable Pizza! This is sooooooo yummy! Deliciously different!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my nightie! I still need to make or buy a pair of slippers!  MY feet are cold!

I am creating...  

Sharing today some nifty Halloween Crafts for all who are so inclined!

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This sweet Halloween Party Candy Corn Banner is from The Pin Junkie.  Paper Plates, paints, scissors and a few other bits are all that you will need.  Nothing could be easier!

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Bloom on Design has these fabulous free lunch printables.  I think they'd also be pretty good to use as Halloween Party favours!

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Loving these ghastly Pillows from Cottonwood Lane!  Very simple to do as well!  And they are no sew!

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There's a fabulous tutorial to make this bewitching Halloween Treat Bucket over on Echoes of Laughter.   (People think up such cool names for their blogs don't they!)

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Nothing to do with Halloween here, but thanks to a nudge from Monique I purchased the PDF pattern for this sock monkey hat to crochet for my grandson (s) for Christmas!   I can't wait to get started!  I found the pattern here. 

I am going...
Today I am going to go down to Hobby Craft and pick up the yarn to do that cap!

I am wondering...
I was thinking about all of the musical talent that came out of Liverpool.  There is so much of it and I have been wondering what is it about that area that it spawned so much talent???  It's pretty amazing to me!

I am reading...

Vanishing Acts - another great Picoult

Vanishing Acts, by Jodi Picoult.
Delia Hopkins has led a charmed life. Raised in rural New Hampshire by her widowed father, Andrew, she now has a young daughter, a handsome fiancé, and her own search-and-rescue bloodhound, which she uses to find missing persons. But as she plans her wedding, she is plagued by flashbacks of a life she can’t recall. 

When a policemen arrives to disclose a truth that will upend the world as she knows it, Delia must search through these memories . . . even when they have the potential to devastate her life, and the lives of those she loves most. It is a book about the nature and power of memory; about what happens when the past we have been running from catches up to us . . .  and what happens when the memory we thought had vanished returns as a threat.

Quite enjoying this, but then again, I enjoy all of Jodi Picoult's books.  I'm almost finished this and will be starting something new soon!

I am hoping...
That they discover something that is easily treatable when I have all my heart testing done and dusted.  Praying for miracles here.

I am looking forward to...
The Sisters in our Ward get together each November to have a special meal at a restaurant.  It's not an "Official" activity, just an opportunity for us to get together in a social setting outside of church.  Friends are welcome to come and it's a fun evening for everyone.   We're going someplace different this year and I'm really looking foward to it!

I am learning...
I am still working on patience.  I wonder if I will ever crack it?

Around the House ...

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I love the look of the wall paper on the panels of this Wardrobe.  We have one very similar, except it has two long panels in it.  I may give this a go.  I am really liking the way it looks!

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I really, really, REALLY like this ottoman.  It would be so easy to make as well.   This one is from here, but I am thinking I could very easily do something similar to this myself.  Putting my thinking cap on!

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Isn't this a wonderfully creative way to fashion a space for your dog to sleep?  (or cat)  There are tons of ideas here.  Dogs just love having their own spaces and this is very non-intrusive I think!  (Although Todd would not like the idea of Mitzie sleeping in our room!)

I am pondering... 
How can people be surrounded by and witness to the miraculous world that we live in . . . from the tiniest of micro-organisms to the largest and tallest mountain, and every thing in between . . . and not believe in or be able to see the hand of God???  It boggles my mind!  But, I'll wager the fact that I can would boggle theirs!

A favorite quote for today...  

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Happiness is not a matter of events,
it depends upon the tides of the mind.
~Alice Meynel

One of my favorite things...  

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Anne of Green Gables.  The one with Megan Follows in it.  I have looked to purchase it on DVD several times, but it's far too expensive.   I love the whole Anne of Green Gables story.  I was to see the production in Charlottetown once and it was fabulous.  It's just a timeless story that I adore.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Presidency meeting tomorrow night.  HoeDown party at the chapel on Saturday night.  But other than that not a lot!

A peek into my day...
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I do this every day. It is an integral part of my days and helps to keep me grounded, uplifted and inspired.  You would think that there would not be anything new to discover on their pages as I have been doing it for so long, but that simply isn't true.  I pick up some new gem each and every time.  It's amazing! 

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small*´¯`.¸¸.☆
⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░

Have a great day!   

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