
Sunday 27 October 2013

Sunday musings . . .

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I suppose this week I will have to get in a small supply of treats for any Goblins that may wander to our house on Wednesday.   I had meant to get some yesterday when I picked up my groceries, but I forgot.  It's hard to believe but Halloween is upon us!

My husband always had to work when my own children were growing up.  Being a Military Policeman  meant that he had extra duties on Halloween because of all the tricksters out there.  That meant I would have to lock up the house for a time so that I could take my own little trick or treaters around.  Their costumes varied from year to year.  Sometimes I would have had enough money to purchase them a "Store-bought" costume, but most years it was only through thrift and ingenuity that they had a home made one.  Since October 31st is normally quite cold in Canada, you never got to see much of it anyways!

One of my happiest Halloween memories with the children was the year we gave a Halloween Party at the house.   We did lots of games and had lots of food, and there was bobbing for apples and all sorts.  I even dressed up.  Oh what fun we had.

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We've never had much in the way of Trick or Treaters here . . . we never  used to get any when we lived in Chester before we moved down South.   Down South we only got the Estate Manager's little boy, and the last Halloween we were there my boss brought around her daughter's in law's children.   Last year back here in Chester we had one set.  I was prepared though, and so I will be again this year.  Todd doesn't mind eating up the leftovers.  ☺

I can remember travelling through the US several times in October when I lived in Canada, and being very impressed with the lengths people went to to decorate for Halloween . . . with gossamer webs hanging from trees and pumpkins galore . . . scarecrows and goblins . . . witches and ghosts.   I have always wanted to be able to decorate for Halloween, but alas . . . I never have done so.  It seems such an unnecessary expense, and our budgets have always been tight.  The most I've ever done is a pumpkin Jack-o-Lantern, which of course was lots of fun to do with the children.

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“Tis the night—the night
Of the grave's delight,
And the warlocks are at their play;
Ye think that without,
The wild winds shout,
But no, it is they—it is they!” 

~Arthur Cleveland Coxe  

I know there are a lot of people who think Halloween is evil and eschew anything to do with it, but I think it is what is in men's hearts that is evil, and if your Halloween comes from a heart which is celebrating laughter and a bit of good natured spookiness . . . and the charity of giving and sharing then . . . that's what counts!  People could go on and on about the roots of the holiday and what not being evil, but I know that God looks at the hearts of men, not at the surface.  To me Halloween is harmless fun, nothing more, nothing less . . .

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I have my own little Goblins that cheer my heart.   This has to be just about the cutest little pink Fairy Bug I have ever seen . . .

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And I always have some favourite Pirates that I love.  Ahar Maties!

I have never seen my other grandchildren dressed up for Halloween.  I don't even know if they go trick or treating.

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I only know that they are beautiful and engaging little boys that I love with all my heart.  I was so appreciative when I was home to Canada this last time that my son went to the effort of bringing them to see me, and for the few skypes we have had.   He's a thoughtful lad.

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Let's not forget my favourite little Cookie Monster either!   Adorable little Cameron.

But then again . . .

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There's a little witch in the neighborhood I am pretty fond of as well . . .

It's all in good fun.   I started working on my Santa Key's yesterday.  They are all glittered and ready to decorate.   I hope that the grandbabies like them!  I also picked up the yarn to do the sock monkey hat for the wee one.  Less than eight weeks to go now and the days are just flashing past!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

“Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration,
motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”
~Bo Bennett  


There's a variety of tastiness on offer over in The English Kitchen today!  Hop on over and have a look.  I'm sure there will be something to tempt your tastebuds!   

Have a wonderful Sunday!


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