
Saturday 19 October 2013

Saturday Stories

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Saturday . . . the end of the week. Most people's first of a two day off weekend. Time to relax and do not a lot if anything at all. Time to have a bit of a lie in, extra kip, an indulgent breakfast, and to catch up on all of the news of the previous week.  I think a little good news helps to cheer anyone's day!

Here are my Saturday Stories for October 19th, 2013.

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Apparently there are no less than 7 ways to be insufferable on Facebook!   The number one way is bragging.  I, personally, like to read when something good happens to one of my friends, or they accomplish something great.  I don't find it annoying at all.  I suppose it is all a matter of perspective.  I'm not really threatened by someone else's successes, but rather I am happy for them.  Anyways, you can real the full article by clicking on that link up there.  Some of it is rather funny!

I fell in love with her when she was on Britain's Got Talent, and I was really excited to read earlier this week that she has gotten her first film role.  Yes, it's Susan Boyle!  She will be appearing in one of this years Holiday films, coming to our screens on November 22nd this year.  It's called The Christmas Candle and promises to be very entertaining.  It's a period piece. I just adore period pieces.   My father loves Susan Boyle as well.  Obviously we both have good taste in music!

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According to the BBC there is a real science of communication going on behind the laughter of babies!  Researchers now think that laughter and games like peek-a-boo could be telling us something more, and giving us a way to peer inside the workings of their minds.

"Laughter and smiles start incredibly early, just like tears," says Dr Caspar Addyman, a baby laughter researcher at Birkbeck College in London. 

"So this leads us to think that it's a form of communication," he told the BBC.  

Duh!  I love listening to children laugh, especially babies.  It is so honest and forthright and always makes me want to laugh as well.   It's good for the heart.   Laughter is the best medicine!

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I love a good news story that makes my heart twinge.   I don't know about you, but I am betting that pretty much all of us can look back at our school years and think of at least one Teacher who made a difference to our lives.  Mine was Miss Ross, my Grade 8 Home Room and French teacher.   I was so pleased to be able to tell her of the difference she had made in my life once I became an adult and she ended up being my middle son's teacher in kindergarten.   Carolyn James had a teacher who had made a big difference in her life as well.  It was her old high school music teacher, named Marty Hayes.   She set out to find her in 2004, wanting to thank Miss Hayes for having inspired her to become a teacher herself.   

“She meant the world to me,” said Ms James, now 62.  “She made everyone feel special, that they brought something to the table.”

When she managed to find her, she discovered that Miss Hayes was suffering from a debilitating illness called Lewy Body Dimentia, which is a mix of Alzheimers and Parkinson's Disease.   At that point she and her husband began regularly visiting Miss Hayes to help her pay bills and bring her to medical appointments. Eventually, in 2007, when her condition had grown worse, she moved in with the Jameses. “We felt God was telling us that we were the ones who were supposed to help her,” James told the paper. “I feel fortunate to be able to.”

It does my heart good to know that there are such selfless and giving people in the world.

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(Credit: John Minchillo / AP Images for "The Friskies")

I think we've all seen "Grumpy Cat."   This week he picked up a lifetime achievement award from Friskies.   Running true to form . . .  he does not look very impressed.  We love you Grumpy Cat!

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Malala Yousafzai was reduced to fits of laughter on Friday by Queen Elizabeth II's husband Prince Philip as she met the royal couple at Buckingham Palace. The 16-year-old, who was shot by the Taliban for championing girls' rights to an education, met Queen Elizabeth at a reception for youth, education and the Commonwealth. The activist survived being shot in the head on her school bus on October 9 last year and was sent for treatment to Britain where she now lives.    You can read more about this remarkable young woman here.   I really admire her courage and tenacity!  There is an old saying which goes  something like this.  

"All that is necessary for Evil to Triumph is for good men to do nothing." 
~Edmund Burke

I am truly touched when good people act upon the promptings of their hearts, and create change in the world.  I strive to be one of those people daily.  My father always put that another way . . . he used to tell us that "If we were not part of the solution, then we were part of the problem."

And there you have it, a little good news from this week just gone past.  Do you have anything special to share?  I'd love to hear it!

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A thought to carry with you through today . . .

“With everything that has happened to you,
you can either feel sorry for yourself
or treat what has happened as a gift.
Everything is either an opportunity to grow
or an obstacle to keep you from growing.
You get to choose.”
~Wayne W. Dyer  

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Cinnamon Roll Scones!   Very scrumdiddly-icious!

Have a great Saturday!

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