
Friday 11 October 2013

Friday Finds

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I thought it would be fun on Fridays to share with you five things that I have discovered each week.  A Friday five as it were and how I feel about them, so without any more adieu I will continue!

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I found this really cool picture of workmen putting the angel Moroni on the cap of the spire in the new temple in Payson Utah.  I thought it was great!  I have never seen one of those angels this closely.  Moroni stands atop of  most if not all of our temples throughout the world.

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It is quite an involved process getting him up there as you can see.  He's huge actually and is based on a real man, an ancient prophet,  who lived in the world a long time ago.   He is not a figure of worship, but rather is placed atop our Temples as a mark of respect for him and what he did.   He is the angel who  appeared to Joseph Smith and revealed to him where the gold plates were, the ancient record from which Joseph Smith was able to translate the Book of Mormon from.

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With his right hand holding the horn which is pressed to his lips he represents the restoration of the Gospel and the preaching it to the world.   I love this photo of his fist.  It looks very determined to me.

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Most angel Moroni statues are patterned after the one on the Salt Lake Temple, which was completed in 1893.  The statue's original sculptor, Cyrus E. Dallin, who was not a member of the Mormon faith, wrote that working on the project "brought me nearer to God than anything I ever did. It seemed to me that I came to know what it means to commune with angels from heaven."  

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Our local Aldi had these little witch Halloween hats on sale this week.  I splurged and got one.  They were £2.99, which was a bit much, but I had an idea in mind.   All week I have been working on it, and yesterday all my hard work came to fruition.

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It would appear that there are some beings on earth that would do anything at all for a piece of cheese, including putting a witch hat on their heads and wait patiently while you take a bazillion photographs! And what's even more special  is . . .

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There are even others who will do it for free, no cheese needed . . .  simply because they love you.
I like that, and yes I am a very lucky woman to have a man who loves me as much as this one does!

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I actually didn't find these.  I was sent them to try out for the food blog.   I have bought Crazy Jack stuff before, mostly their coconut and pine nuts.  It's all organic free range stuff.  I got these in the post the other day.  Yesterday I thought I would use them to bake something scrummy with, but when I opened them and tasted one, I thought these are too good to waste in baking something with them. They are so good they deserve to be eaten all on their own, as a snack.  Seriously they almost taste like caramel and have the most beautiful sludgy fudgy texture.  Not leathery or dry and the best part of all is they are completely natural with no preservatives or additives and none of those nasty sulphites that companies add to their dried fruit!  AND they're free trade.  You can't ask for more than that!

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Would you believe that this is a cake???  I know how magnificent is that! It's Marie Antoinette and a cake made by Rosaline Miller Cakes and was part of a recent exhibition at the Victoria and Alberb museum, called the Peasant's Revenge.

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This Marie Antoinette cake takes centre stage and the audiance were provided with the opportunity to take "revenge" for the peasants by being able to partake of a small cake in the form of Marie Antoinette's head.   The phrase "Let them eat cake!"  probably never sounded so good!  I love it!

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These chicken nuggets look like the tastiest ever.  I found them on Pinterest.  The recipe is on Cajun Sugar Pie Press.  They are called Crunchy Chicken Nuggets.   They have a spicy coating made with Cheerios, my favourite cereal!  You dip them into a milk, honey and mustard solution and then roll them in crushed cheerios and spices, then bake.  I am so going to try these!  They sound and look fabulous!   Watch this space.

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I have always wanted a stand mixer.  In fact a Candy Apple Red Kitchen Aid has been on my wish list for a long time now.  My daughter has a Candy Apple Red Kitchen Aid.  She's a lucky woman, but . . . lucky comes in all kinds of shapes and sizes and varieties.  I have never ever for one moment believed  that I could be the owner of a stand mixer of any kind.  They are all so very expensive.   Last month I was asked to enter an apple recipe contest at Gourmandize Ireland/UK.  They actually wanted me to enter my Cider Roasted Chicken recipe, but since that wasn't strictly my own idea I entered another one instead.  The prize, a Kenwood Silver Stand Mixer.  Ta da!

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Yep, that's my winning recipe for Apple Pie Roll Ups!  '\ (If you click on the photograph it should take you to the recipe.) I am so excited to have won!  They e-mailed me last night:

"We are very happy to announce your recipe for Apple pie roll ups has won 1st prize in our Apple recipe competition. Our team, along with French Chef Damien who helps elect the winning recipe, were very impressed by all three recipes you entered. And when it came down to deciding on one we choose these delicious roll ups! We adore your blog and recipes and although we are disappointed to not fulfill your dream by offering you the candy apple red Kitchen Aid mixer, we hope you enjoy the Kenwood silver mixer which will be making its way to you very soon!" 

I am such a lucky woman.  I am living such an amazing life.   Please, nobody pinch me coz I don't want to wake up!!!!  

And that's my Friday Finds for this week!  I hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as I have enjoyed posting them! 

A thought to carry with you through today . . .  

(¯`•.•´¯)¸.•´ ☆

Live your life from your heart.
Share from your heart.
And your story will touch
and heal people's souls.
~Melody Beattie  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Beef Pot Pie.   Delish!

Have a fab Friday!  The weekend is upon us!

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