
Friday 25 October 2013

Friday Finds

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 I thought it would be fun on Fridays to share with you five things that I have discovered each week.  A Friday five as it were and how I feel about them, so without any more adieu I will continue!

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Did you realize that from today it is only 8 weeks until Christmas????  I know!  Crazy!  I have so much to do!  I better get cracking!

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I found this great tutorial for anyone who has children or Grandchildren over on Tatertots and Jello.   It has everything you need to do it except for the ribbon, key and embellishments.  What a great idea for how to use an old key you no longer have any use for.  The older the better!  That way it will look really authentic!

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Is there a special little girl on your gift list that you want to make something special for?? There is on mine and look what I found!  Minnie Mouse Hair Clips over at Pinkie for Pink!  Aren't they sweet?   She gives a complete tutorial on how to make them yourself for that special little girl in your life!

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My mom made me some of these a long time ago.  They are crocheted dish cloths and they are the best thing ever!  They really stand up to a lot of abuse.  I found a pattern for them here.  Very easy to do and they use cotton yarn.  They look like they would be very quick to make as well!   Something to make while you are watching the telly in the evening!  Time's a wastin!

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Now this is something completely different!  Hot Chocolate On a Stick!  You  just stir them into hot milk and voila!  Hot Chocolate!  I found the instructions here on Turtles and Tails!  Oh but there are some really clever people out there!

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How about a DIY Ginger Bread House Kit for the people you can personally hand a gift to.  (I don't think I would recommend mailing them!)  You see these things in the grocery shops and they cost a bomb to buy.  Why not make your own.  You can find out how and all the templates are there on The 36th Avenue.  What a fab idea!

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This lady on Its Overflowing is so very clever.   She makes her own Mistletoe out of felt! She doesn't mind sharing how either, so hop on over to her page and find out how to make your own mistletoe. It looks really simple! 

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Now, this . . . is an ambitious project.  But it sounds lovely and if I had a growing family and lots of activity during the Christmas season I would do it in a heart beat.  A Twenty Five Days of Christmas Journal.  Find it over on   Stitch In Time  What a fabulous keepsake it would be!

So are you all Christmassed out this morning. I hope not!  Today I'm going to be working on these little babies.

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There is going to be a handmade ornament for each of my grandchildren this year.  I hope that they like them.   You can find the pattern for these cute little snowmen here.   I love Gingermelon!   Her patterns are soooo cute!

Todd is taking the car for it's safety inspection today, or as it is called over here in the UK, the MOT.   I have my fingers crossed and hope there is nothing too much wrong with it.  If there is we will have to take the car off the road because we can't afford to do much to it.   Fingers crossed!

A thought to share with you for today . . .

"In every crisis there is a message.
Crises are nature's way of forcing change -
breaking down old structures,
shaking loose negative habits
so that something new and better can take their place."
~Susan Taylor  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today a traditional recipe hailing from Liverpool . . . Scouse.   A delicious stew made with lamb and beef.  Simple and tasty!

Have a fab Friday!

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