
Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY September10th, 2013

Outside my window...
The sky is just beginning to lighten the sky on the horizon.  The days are definitely getting shorter.

I am thinking...

Every moment of this strange and lovely life from dawn to dusk is a miracle. Somewhere, always, a rose is opening its petals to the dawn. Somewhere, always, a flower is fading in the dusk.
The incense that rises with the sun, and the scents that die in the dark, are all gathered, sooner or later, into the solitary fragrance that is God. Faintly, elusively that fragrance lingers over all of us. 

~John Beverley Nichols

I believe that life itself is a miracle. We are not here, none of us . . . by accident.  There is a plan for us.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for Indexing. Indexing is the process of creating indexes for record collections.  Having indexes allows researchers to more quickly find records for specific individuals; without them, researchers might have to look through hundreds or thousands of records to locate an individual record. As a Ward our local congregation of the LDS church has been challenged to do 12,500 names this month.  I personally have done 176 so far.  It's amazing to see all of these names and know that they were people.   Many of them have been dead a long time.   I am grateful to be able to do something which may help someone else find the ancestors in their family trees.  All of the information goes onto which people are able to access for free all over the world.

In the kitchen...


Check it out in The English Kitchen today . . . some fabulous Nectarines Baked in Cream. This is a simple recipe and very tasty!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my nightie!  Today I have added a dressing gown though because it is very chilly! 

I am creating...
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I just love these little bird feeders created from milk and juice cartons.  What a wonderful way to repurpose something and to dress up your yard for autumn.  You can find out how to do them here. 

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I love this iphone case.  You can find it here on Etsy, ready made, but I am thinking something like this would not be very hard to make yourself.  I don't have an iphone, but I think it is adorable.

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I just ADORE this little Owl Brooch from  This particular brooch is sold out, but how hard could it be to create something similar for yourself?   Not too hard I don't think.   It's sooooo cute!

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I don't think it's too early to start making some felt Christmas Ornaments.   I found this PDF instant download pattern on Etsy.   Aren't they cute?   I think so too!

I am going...
I am going to bake a cake today for our friend Doreen.  It's her 84th Birthday tomorrow.   She hasn't been very well of late . . . so I think a nice chocolate cake is in order.  I do believe she loves chocolate the most of all.

I am wondering...
How many people actually read my blog anymore.  Not that it matters. I do it for me more than anyone.

I am reading...

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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
This is the first in a series of autobiographical books by Maya Angelou.  Told in the first person this memoir traces Maya Angelou's childhood in a small, rural community during the 1930s. Filled with images and recollections that point to the dignity and courage of black men and women, Angelou paints a sometimes disquieting, but always affecting picture of the people—and the times—that touched her life.  

When Maya turned three, she and her brother, Bailey, went to live with her grandmother in Arkansas because of her mother’s divorce. They worked doing strenuous, everyday chores and the grandmother, referred to by the children as “Momma”, instilled in them religion and values. When Maya was eight and Bailey nine, they went to live with their mother in California.

I've only just begun to read it. I understand that it has some explicit parts in it, which I haven't gotten to yet.   Not sure how I will feel about it then . . . but I saw Maya Angelou on Oprah's program Life Class and I wanted to know more about her.  I have always loved her quotes.  Watch this space.

I am hoping...
I had a niggling little pain in my chest all yesterday that began in the morning.  I am hoping it doesn't return today.  I could actually put my finger on it.  It was not radiating or anything.  Just annoying and worriesome.

I am looking forward to...
There is a spider building a web in front of my kitchen door this morning.  I think I well may have found a way to keep me out of the kitchen!  I am looking forward to Todd getting up and getting rid of it.   

I am learning...
It's not easy but I am learning the art of perfect love.  That is loving others no matter how they look, or what their behavior is, etc.  It is an ongoing process and I chastise myself and repent frequently!  Hoping one day I will get it without any effort on my part!

Around the house...
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Thirty-one days to an organized home?   If this works, it will be a miracle!  I need help.  I think I am the most disorganized person on the face of the earth.  I can never find anything. It drives Todd up the wall!  You can find out how here.

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Oh boy do I need this!  Printed from here.   Hoping it works.  I washed Todd's hiking vest the other day and he had a pen in the pocket . . . I would really like to be able to get the ink out.

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"Life Binder:" One binder for each family member's important documents (for the "25 Documents You Need") Need to do this!  There may only be two of us, but I don't know where anything is!   Find out how here.   
Yes, I am in an organizing mood today!

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Just for fun.  Painted Stairs from Love Where You  Aren't they the sweetest?

I am pondering...
I am trying hard to trust in the promises of God.   Making ends meet gets harder and harder each day.  I keep trying to think of ways that we can bring some extra money in to the house.  I didn't really think I would be out of work for 3 1/2 years now.  As a 58 year old woman, I am deemed largely un-employable in this economy.  There are thousands and thousands of young people with more skills and experience pounding the pavement.  I have spent the last few years trying to come up with ways to bring in an income.   Time is running out . . . I am not a stupid woman and I have many talents. I just don't know how to market them.  I need help!

A favorite quote for today...  

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"If you don't like something change it;
if you can't change it,
change the way you think about it."
~ Mary Engelbreit

One of my favorite things... 

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I lovepin cushions and needlebooks.   I have a small collection of them in the sewing area of my craft room.  I have not sewn anything in a while.  I need to do something about that I think.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I have a friend coming over tomorrow who is going to help me to draft a letter to send out to book agents so I can start sending out this children's book I have written and hopefully get some interest in it.  Then tonight I have Relief Society Leadership training at our chapel.  Mitzie goes for her shots tomorrow morning.  We have the Elders coming for supper Saturday evening and there is a Baptism after that.   Busy, busy, busy.  That's good.

A peek into my day...  
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These two little munchkins made me smile yesterday.  I love their matching "bones" PJ's.   I think they are so sweet.  Cameron is growing like a weed and that smile of Maryn's is just infectious.  Love my grandbabies so much.

A thought to carry with you through today:

Happiness is not a matter of events,
it depends upon the tides of the mind.
-Alice Meynell


Have a great Tuesday!

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