
Wednesday 25 September 2013

More excitement than I had anticipated . . .

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Well, I have to confess that I had a pretty exciting and eventful day yesterday.  As you all know I haven't been feeling all too well lately and I have to say after visiting the Doctors the other day and him saying what he did about my EKG certainly threw me for a loop.  To say I was very distressed about it is mild.   I think he could have been a bit more circumspect when explaining things to me.

Yesterday morning I was very unwell.  I started to make a casserole for supper last evening, as the second set of Missionary Sisters were invited.   Todd had left to take Mitzie to the dog groomers.   I came over all giddy all of a sudden.  I was dizzy and clammy, sweating and I thought I was going to pass out, so I sat down for a bit. 

When Todd got home we thought it best that we cancel our dinner appointment for the evening.  As the day wore on I was more and more concerned, so much so that by early evening I was feeling very distressed and I asked Todd to call the NHS Direct people.  This is an after hours service for the Health Care system over here.  You can tell them what's going on and they will advise.   In any case after talking to them, the EMT's were sent immediately to our home.  I have to say that they were there in less than five minutes.  I was so impressed with the speed at which they arrived and also with their treatment and professionalism.

My blood pressure was extremely high and with everything, they thought it best I go to hospital.   And so I got to ride in the ambulance.  (I am sure the neighbors were all wondering what was going on.) I was at the hospital for about 6 hours. I don't know what they didn't check.   The good news is I was not having a heart attack.  Whew!  But there were some abnormalities on my EKG, just slight changes and so they feel I should visit my GP and get a referral to Cardiac Care.  The Doctor felt that there may be some miniscule blockage (s) and it would not hurt to have it all checked out.

I will go this morning to have my second EKG at the Doctors and make an appointment to speak with him about that referral.

I think most of my problem was that I was stressing about things and worrying and that was just making me feel worse and worse.   I am going to try hard not to do that.  Tall order I know!  I think I will just try counting my blessings instead of worrying about things that might never happen.

One thing I did do yesterday afternoon while I was stressing was a piece of artwork for one of the Sister Missionaries.   I was worried that if I ended up in hospital I wouldn't get it done and I didn't want to disappoint her.

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She had fallen in love with one of my balloon girl pictures and had asked me if I would do one for her of her nieces.  She had given me a couple of photographs of them to refer to and this is what I came up with.  She just happened to stop by late yesterday afternoon and I was able to show it to her and she is delighted with it.  So that is good!  Now all I have to do is to print it out for her. 

I also got an order for some Christmas Cards for this year yesterday, so that is also good!  Every little helps!  That season of joy will soon be upon us and probably sooner than we think!

My order of the day today is to take it easy and to just relax and let life take care of itself.   I think I try to pack too much into my days perhaps.  Maybe a little bit more play is in order, and with that in mind I will leave you with a thought for today.

Live your life from your heart.
Share from your heart.
And your story will touch
and heal people's souls.
~Melody Beattie  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . the dinner that never was!  Chicken, Bacon and Mushroom Cobbler!  Enjoy!

Have a fabulous day!  Thanks so much for all your happy thoughts and prayers. They mean the world to me. 

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