
Friday 13 September 2013

Early morning musings . . .

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In the springtime, I can remember thinking our garden was at it's best . . . with the tender green buds appearing . . . the forsythia in bloom, brilliant yellow . . .  a gift of beautiful light after the long dark winter.   The purple, yellow and white crocus . . . and then the daffodil.  All sunny colours.  Uplifting and beautiful to see . . .

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But then again . . . in June, the time of Roses . . .  I declared it the sweetest time.   With bush and garden path flanked with their perfume and colour, the buzz of the bumble bee as it bumped from blossom to blossom . . .  the blooming Lavender and colour and sweet fragrance it brought wafting into the air each time I brushed against it . . .

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But now . . . as I amble through the garden at the back I am struck anew with the garden and once more declare the autumn garden the best of all . . .

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With shaggy headed Dahlia, blooming in every hint and hue of colour, flaunting their happiness against old stone grey walls.

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Let's not forget the glory of the Chrysanthemums . . . copper, pink . . . white, all dancing in the autumn breezes, raindrops glittering on their multiple petals.

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Then berries, red and profuse on shrub and hedgerow . . . in a pattern both rich and bright.   Mauve Daisies . . . wildly beautiful Sunflowers . . . fountains of goldenrod . . . turning leaf and falling nut.

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Dare I say it?  I fear I must . . . my September garden with it's colours, bold and clear . . . is the loveliest of all.

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But then again . . . you know that in a few months time when frost gilds ever bough and leaf . . .  I will declare the beauty anew, with Winter's charm.  I just can't help myself.  I love nature and the gifts she brings us with each season of the year.

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We're having a visit today from one of the Missionaries who served twice in our area when he was on his mission over the past few years.  He's been home now for about a year and a half, but he has come over with his wife to show her where he served on his mission and he is bringing her over to meet us!  I am really looking forward to seeing him and meeting her.  Elder Craig was serving here when we first moved back to Chester from down South and he helped us to flatten all the boxes and clear up all the moving refuse and to put together the bunk beds, and a whole load of other stuff.   He's from Alberta and as a Canadian it was so nice to be able to spend time with another Canadian.   He then served here again prior to his leaving to go home from his mission.  He's just really dear to my heart.  All of the missionaries are dear to my heart, but this fella holds a special little chunk.  He has such a kind heart.  I've baked a cake in honor of the occasion!

Shall I leave you with a thought for the day ahead?  I think so . . .

 “Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration,
motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”
~Bo Bennett  


I'm talking about The Perfect Omelet over in The English Kitchen today! 

Have a great day.  It's Friday, the weekend is upon us!  (However did that sneak up on us so quickly??)

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