
Sunday 22 September 2013

A bit of this and a bit of that and a whole lot of nothing.

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Well, Autumn is well and truly here. I believe that today is it's first official day. We had a gorgeous day yesterday, Indian Summer I think . . . it was just beautiful.   I just love the Autumn.  I was here in the house doing chores and the phone rang and it was Todd.  He had gone into town earlier in the morning and he wanted to tell me how beautiful and warm it was in town and did I want to come in and meet him there, and so I dropped everything and took myself off into town.

He was right.  It was beautiful and warm.  Who knows how many more days like this we will have.  There was some sort of food festival going on with lots of booths selling everything from soup to nuts.   It was very busy.  There was a guy with one of those Jamaican drums playing music.  It was Christmas Music, but oh well . . . it still sounded nice.

We decided to walk down to the Groves, which is what they call the area down by the river.   I thought I would chance it, but I was quite afraid I wouldn't be able to go all the way and wouldn't be able to get back, but Todd so loves to do this sort of thing and I didn't want to disappoint him.

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On the way there we have to pass the ancient ruins of St John the Baptist church.   There is a newer church adjacent to the ruins, but I have always found the ruins to be quite beautiful . . .

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They are built from sandstone which is quite prominent in this area and almost ethereal in appearance.  I quite enjoy meandering through them.

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One can almost imagine the life they once held.   They supposedly date back to the 600's when it was founded by King Aethelred.  True or not, they are beautiful ruins.

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After that we went and sat down by the river.  It was quite busy.   There were lots of people there sitting on the benches enjoying the last of the summer sun.  As we sat on our bench leaves were falling onto us from the beech trees which line the river banks.  It was really quite nice.

Best part of all, I was able to make it all the way down there and all the way back without too much problems.  I would never win a race for speed, but I did it and that's what counts.  And . . . it was really nice to spend this quality time with Todd. 

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This past week we were all able to enjoy the "Harvest" moon.  This is a photo I managed to capture of it night before last.   I love a harvest moon.

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This is a photo my brother took of it in Ottawa, Canada three nights ago.  He's obviously got a nicer camera, as it's a lot clearer . . .

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This is a photo that my sister took of it in Nova Scotia that same night, just before it slipped behind some trees I guess.

I think it's really special that the three of us, in three separate locations, can look up to the sky and seem the same moon, no matter how far apart we are.  That's a pretty wonderful thought.

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This was our little girl trying to tempt me into snuffling her tummy on the sofa yesterday aafter we got home . . .

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It worked . . . I just cannot resist a good tummy snuffle.  Especially such a cute one!  I do so adore that little minx.  What joy she brings to our lives.  She had her yearly check up earlier this week and everything was great.  She has even lost half a stone, which was good.  (That's 7 pounds)

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I even got some art time in yesterday.  This is a little piece I went upstairs and did just before supper.  It didn't take me too long, about an hour or so.   I hadn't done any artwork for fun in a while and this picture popped into my head and so I just had to get it down on paper.  What do you think?

Anyone who wants Christmas Cards this year best get their orders in soon if they want them in time for Christmas.  I'm afraid due to the cost of ink and paper I will have to put my prices up a bit this year, but they are still quite affordable when you consider the time I put into them.   Just let me know if you want any.  I usually do a group discount. 

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Downton Abby Season 4 begins tonight.  We have been playing catch up and watching the other three seasons in the run up to tonight.   We finished the final episode last evening just in time and I blubbered all over again when Matthew died. They had finally found the perfect love in each other and had a baby . . . and now Mary is all alone again.  Very sad.  Can't wait to see what happens in Season 4!

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I must dash and get ready for church now so I shall leave you with a thought for today . . .

What is spiritual strength?
It's knowing you don't have to compromise yourself
in any way, with anyone, over anything
in order to be content, confident,
and secure in life.
~Guy Finley  

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Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . a Windfall Crumble Cake.  Delicious!

May your Sunday be blessed!  

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