
Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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 FOR TODAY August 6th, 2013

Outside my window...
It's overcast and cool this morning.  I'm late getting started because I have been scanning a few things and trying to get them right.

I am thinking...

“When I was young, my ambition
was to be one of the people who made a difference
in this world.
My hope is to leave the world
a little better for having been here. ”
~Jim Henson

Well, he certainly did that.   I have the same hope.   I want to leave this world a little better for me having been here.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for all that I am, all that I have and all that I am blessed enough to be able to do.

In the kitchen...
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In The English Kitchen today . . . Spiced Turkey Burgers 2,  easy and extremely delicious!
Did I mention they are delicious?   I did??  Well, they are!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my jim jams! (I think after all this time you would die from shock if I said anything else!)

I am creating...

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I have been working on my newest project, an illustrated cookery book.  This one I hope to get an agent for.  It will be based on Seasonal cooking.   This is one for the Winter section.  It says . . . "When bold branches bid farewell to rainbow leaves, Welcome wool sweaters."

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A Summer one, which reads, "Among the Joys of Summer were Picnics in the park . . . "

I have a few other bits and bobs on the go, but am really excited about what I am doing.

I am going...
 We don't have any plans to go anywhere this week.  I like that.  A fairly quiet week.

I am wondering...
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This is my Great Grandparent Best's house.  It is the house my mother was born in.  My sister and mom tllk a drive there yesterday afternoon and my sister took some photos.  I would love to paint it as it once was . . . I wonder who lives there now?

I am reading...

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The White Queen, by Philippa Gregory
The dramatization of this book is playing on the BBC at the moment.  I thought I would read the book, especially since I recently discovered that one of my ancestors was involved at this time, Sir John Howard.  It just makes it a bit more interesting with this connection.

Elizabeth Woodville is one of England’s less well-known queens, partly because she was a commoner, besmirched by her enemies as the poor Lancastrian widow who seduced the golden son of York, Edward IV, by witchcraft. Later, it was alleged that Edward had been previously betrothed to another lady, rendering his marriage to Elizabeth invalid and their children illegitimate.  After her series about the Tudors, Philippa Gregory takes us back to the Wars of the Roses in this entrancing novel. In Elizabeth she has alighted on an intriguing subject. She won the lecherous Edward through beauty and sex appeal. Theirs was a love story. But Elizabeth also believed herself to be a seer with magical powers who could curse her enemies.

Its a cracking story!

I am hoping...
Sister Longmore (Allysa) and her mum are coming for tea this afternoon.   She is over here from America with her mum showing her mum all the areas that she served in.  I am hoping all goes well.  I am serving them a traditional British Tea!

I am looking forward to...
This afternoon.  Who doesn't love a tea party!

I am learning...
I am very scatty.  I start one project and halfway through begin another.   Not a lot get finished because of that.  I am trying to learn to be more focused.  You would think that by almost 58 I would already be focused!  

Around the house...

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 I love the look of all white in a bedroom (or a bathroom for that matter!)  I don't think it is practical around men though . . . somehow they always seem to mess it up.   Love these sheets and pillow cases.  I have a few like this, but rarely use them.  Again, it's the messy man thing.  Only a man would use one of your best embroidered tea towels to wipe up something that stains . . .

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 Sigh . . . oh to have a screen door to slam . . . and a veranda sitting just on the other side of it . . .

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Or a moss and rose covered swing in the garden.
It must be what a fairytale princess must use to swing high above the clouds in, don't you think?

I am pondering...
I am wondering if I ever come off as sounding self righteous?   I don't mean to.  I just love the Gospel so much and long to share it with everyone.

A favorite quote for today...  

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When your heart speaks,
take good notes.
~Judith Cambell

One of my favorite things...
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I don't drink tea, but I do love tea pots.   I only have a small two cup one . . . wish I had a larger one.  

A few plans for the rest of the week:
The tea party this afternoon, and then the Elders are coming for their supper tomorrow.  I think they are coming to help Todd in the garden on Thursday, but that is all I have planned for the week.  I like a quiet week now and again . . .

A peek into my day...  
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I do spend a lot of time cuddling this little madame.   She is such a charmer, even when she's being naughty.  It's those eyes I think . . . they do it to me every time.

A thought to carry with you through today:


I will waste not even a precious second today
in anger or hate or jealousy or selfishness.
I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest,
because every action, good or bad,
is always followed by an equal reaction.
I will plant only good seeds this day."
~Og Mandino  

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Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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