
Friday 2 August 2013

Much ado about not a lot . . .

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As you know, Todd and I traveled up to Chorley to the grounds of our Temple last evening to see The British Pageant.  We didn't get back here to the house until 12:30 am, which is very late for us!  I haven't had time yet to go through all the photographs we took, but once I have done that I will do a post on the experience we had.  Let's just say it counts as one of the top ten experiences of my life!   Right up there with seeing the Stones at the Toronto Cine-sphere!

If you haven't yet booked tickets to go, you really need to do it.  It was just wonderful.  Note, there is no charge for this production.  Whenever are you again going to have the opportunity to see a West End quality musical production at no cost whatsoever!   And yes . . . having been to see Les Mes in the West End of London (Longest running musical production ever and sold out at every performance), I can say with authority that this is of the same calibre!

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If there was a down side to it at all, it was having to traverse through the huge group of Born Again's which had parked themselves just outside the entrance to the Temple Grounds with their placards and posters who were shaking them at us and shouting at us all as we arrived.   This was in such poor taste and if anything it said much more about them than it did us, and it wasn't good.

So anyways, late night, not much sleep . . . and I have a lesson to prepare for Sunday morning that I am teaching the Sisters in Relief Society, and I want to get that done first.  So, I will just leave you with . . .

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A picture and a truth that made me smile  . . . so true . . .

and a thought to carry with you through today . . .

“With everything that has happened to you,
you can either feel sorry for yourself
or treat what has happened as a gift.
Everything is either an opportunity to grow
or an obstacle to keep you from growing.
You get to choose.”
~Wayne W. Dyer

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Hot Artichoke Dip . . . a hearty appetizer we made a meal of.  Delicious!

 ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Please don't waste.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
⋰ ⋮ ⋱ your time... on what "could have" been!.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
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