
Tuesday 30 July 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

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 FOR TODAY July 30th, 2013

Outside my window...
It's dry this morning and cool.  We had our first wasp in the house yesterday.   A young and vigorous one.   I was not impressed.  Sigh . . . wasp season is upon us.  It's hard to believe we are on the cusp of August.   The summer has flown by.

I am thinking...

"Joy does not simply happen to us.
We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
~Henri Nouwen~  

I choose joy every day, but it's not always easy to do so.  Some days it's harder than others.  Prayer helps keep me in line, because I know that when I am feeling weak and unable to handle what's going on . . . I can hand it all over to Him.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  Much easier to choose joy under those circumstances I think.

I am thankful...
I am thankful for the Lord's tender mercies.

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My mom is still with us and has lived to see her newest Great Grandson.   She has Seven Great Grandsons and one Great Granddaughter now.  My sister posted this photo on Facebook.  I am grateful for that.   It made me smile.   I was happy to see that my daughter had made the effort to bring Cameron to meet his Great Grandmother.   That brings me abundant joy.  My cup runneth over.

In the kitchen...

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In The English Kitchen today . . . Spaghetti and Meatballs.  Economical, easy and extremely delicious!

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my jim jams! (I think after all this time you would die from shock if I said anything else!)

I am creating...
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This is a piece of work by the Artist Modigliani called "Portrait of Anna."  I have been taking an art course based on his style of painting.    It's quite interesting.    Amedeo Clemente Modigliani was an Italian painter and sculptor who worked mainly in France. Primarily a figurative artist, he became known for paintings and sculptures in a modern style, characterized by mask-like faces and elongation of form.

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This is a sketch/water color I did for my first piece in the course.   I call it "Sisters."  They are from left to right . . . Clothilde, Bernice and Simone.   As you can see Clothilde is not very happy.  That is because Bernice gets all of the attention due to her raven locks and blue eyes.  She thinks it is hard to have dull brown hair and brown eyes.  Simone is long suffering . . . she tells Clothilde . . . "Do you not know you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?  Great beauty comes from within.  A cheerful countenance chases away the dark."

I am going...
I am going to the British Pageant on Thursday evening with Todd.  I can't wait.  If you are in the UK and it is within your power to go please don't miss it!  Do check out the site to find out more!  It promises to be the event of the summer!

I am wondering...
Apparently there is a huge fire raging in a small town near where I grew up.  Over 17 firetrucks are there at the moment.  A lot of the old buildings in the area are going up in flames.  It's sad to see.   I wonder how it started and I hope that they are soon able to bring it under control.

I am reading...
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Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine
This is my second reading of this book.   Jo Clifford, a successful journalist, is all set to disprove hypnosis and past-life regression, until she submits to a simple hypnotic session and finds herself reliving the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, the wife of a baron at the time of King John.  I read Lady of Hay when it was first published in 1986. The quality of the writing is superb , and the depth of reader involvement in the story is something that has been maintained throughout every single Barbara Erskine book. Looking at the twenty fifth anniversary edition , it appears that this book has stood the test of time and deservedly so...  I thought it would be fun to revisit it now that I live very close to the places which are mentioned in the book.  I can now picture the reality of them in my mind as I am reading.   I highly recommend!

Nothing has changed. I am looking for a fabulously interesting book to read next.  I am a bit bored with what I have to hand.  Any suggestions???

I am hoping...
 I have to teach in Relief Society on Sunday morning and I still have no idea of what I am teaching.   I need help.  My mind is blank.

I am looking forward to...
The trip to Chorley on Thursday evening.  We are invited to some friends for supper this evening and I am looking foward to that immensely.  Time spent with good friends is always a gift and when you get to break bread with each other, it's even better!

I am learning...
I am learning patience.   I have never been good at patience.   I don't think I am alone in this.  

Around the house...
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I would like to do some of these granny square afghans for on our beds.   I think they're so pretty and old fashioned looking.  I love old fashioned.  A winter project perhaps.

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The electric fire in our lounge has stopped working.   Our landlord doesn't seem to be in any hurry to fix it.  It's been several months now.  I can see us having to purchase a smaller one to sit in front of it like this.  Kind of annoying.  I actually like this look here.   I am ready for change . . . same old gets boring after a time I think.

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Rome wasn't built in a day . . . change doesn't happen in a day either.   I will have to work on the Toddster.   He likes things as they are.  Most men do.   They don't like change because it means they have to be willing to move things around. lol

I am pondering...
The wonders of the Gospel and the miraculous way it came forward.  History begins to fall into place and you can see a plan . . . I am grateful for a seeking mind and a humble heart.

A favorite quote for today...  

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(¯`•.•´¯) (¯`•.•´¯)☆__ ☆
¤ ؛° ¤`•.¸.•´ ¤ ☆__☆***☆__☆..

Never give up,
for that is just the place and time
that the tide will turn.
~Harriet Beecher Stowe~

One of my favorite things...

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I love pot holders.  Especially vintage ones.  Most especially crochet ones.  

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Mitzie to the dog groomers this morning (and does she ever need it.)  Dinner with friends this evening.  British Pageant on Thursday evening, plus I have a lesson to get ready . . . there is no rest for the wicked!   A bit of this, a bit of that and everything in between.

A peek into my day...  

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I took this snap yesterday morning of the view from my back door as the sun was coming up.   The clouds were mysterious looking and the day was a mix of sun and shower. 

A thought to carry with you through today:

A Rich and Rewarding Life
comes to those who Live
with Heartfelt Appreciation
and Gratitude for their Blessings.
Every Breath is a Gift to be Loved,
Honored and Cherished.
Bless the Breath of Life
and Bless You.
~Micheal Teal~

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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