
Monday 15 July 2013

Small and Wonderful Things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life.   It's the small things in life which truly mean the most.  Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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I hope that she doesn't mind me borrowing her photo and I hope she's not too surprised to see herself staring out at herself on the computer screen, but this is my friend April, and she is one of the small and wonderful things in my life.   She has a blog called Dimples and Delights.  I know I am old enough to be her mother, but I think that when you get to be adults that's ok.   You can be great friends with someone who is young enough to be your daughter.  (Heck you can be friends with your daughter!)   April and I connected on my food blog and we share a mutual love of great recipes, cooking, food, family, faith.  I think she's just a wonderful young woman and a great example to me of courage and determination and stick-to-it-ness.  She always inspires me, even if it's through her ability to bake brilliant biscotti or fabulous bread.   She's a fabulous daughter, wife, mother, friend and I just wanted her to know that I appreciate everything she brings to the table.   You GO girl!  I know things are not always easy for her, but she is like cream . . . she rises to the top.  Love her to bits.

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The luxury of being a homemaker.  I have been both a working woman and a homemaker in my lifetime and I have to say I much prefer being a homemaker.  I love my home and I love being in it and I love everything that goes along with being in it.   I love being where I love being most, taking care of it, making it comfortable for my dear husband and myself, keeping it tidy and polished . . . making it a home, filling it with love and joy and  everything else.   It is not a mansion on a hill, and thankfully it is not a mud hut in a field . . . it is somewhere in between those two and I know we are blessed to be living the lives we are living.

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I do not take it for granted.   I cherish this life I've been given every day I have been given.   Through the rough and through the smooth, the bad and the good.  Being a homemaker is my dream profession.   From the time I was a little girl it was all I ever truly wanted to be, and I am so very grateful that I am able to be just that.

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Yay!   I have finished sewing the border trim on the baby blanket.  It was no small job as I sewed it all on by hand, which meant both sides of the bias, and tiny even stitches.   Now I am going to yarn tuft it and get busy on the bunny doll.   Labors of love are wonderful things.   A bit of your heart goes in with every stitch, or stir of the spoon, or wiping of the nose, etc.  Things done in love, service with a grateful heart . . . each and every thing you do for another with love.   They are not small things.  They are the big things.   The things which count the most in life.

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The sparrows in our garden.  I used to lament that we did not get many other birds . . . just sparrows.  When we were living down south,we got lots of different types of birds, but here we mostly get . . . sparrows.   They are so used to Todd and I now, that they come down near us when we are out in the garden without fear.  I like that.  I love hearing them chattering and chirping in the morning.   I love listening them argue with each other from time to time.  I love hearing them as they settle down for the night.   They are a gift to me from a loving Father.   God sees the little sparrow fall.   When I am tempted to dream of having loftier visitors to my garden I am reminded that they are most precious to Him, and I remember all the small joys that they bring and I am content . . .

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Each Sunday morning when I take the Sacrament at church I am filled with love for my Heavenly Father and for my Ward and the people in it.   We have a young man who is Down Syndrome in our Ward and each week he helps to say the Sacrament prayer and to bless the water and the bread.   As I hear his voice, echoing the voice of another young man sitting next to him, my heart swells and is touched deeply by what is going on . . . by the spirit which is present in that chapel.  I cannot explain it, but I am moved to tears every single time.   This is what the atonement is all about . . . helping and enabling each of us to become the very best that we can become, and carrying us when we just can't become any more, or when we are tired, or down trodden, or heart broken, or . . . just needing whatever it is that we need in the moment.  Despite our weakness's we are made stronger . . .

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The inspiration brought to me by some water, some paper and a few blobs of paint.  Nothing to show you just yet though . . . I am always amazed when I sit down with a blank page of paper and no idea in mind, what ends up coming out.   I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to do just this . . . and for the talents I have been given.

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 All of the love and trust which has been given me by this delightful little madam.   Oh, she does bring us so much joy, each and every day of our lives.   She is so sweet and so loving, if not a tiny bit bossy.  She hasn't a mean bone in her body.   There is not a day go by that I am not touched and totally be-smitten by all that she is and all that she does.   Oh I love her so very much.  She is a pure and utter joy to us, and we ARE a family.

You can't ask for much more than that . . .

"At the advent of a new year, I challenge Latter-day Saints everywhere to undertake a personal, diligent, significant quest for what I call the abundant life—a life filled with an abundance of success, goodness, and blessings. " ~President Thomas S Monson

You don't have to be a Latter Day Saint to see the value in that.

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A simple supper of ham and cheese, a few salad leaves, some fruit and bread . . . and pickle.   All shared with the one I love in the back garden as a soft breeze blows, cooling our sweaty brows.  A simple repast, but no less delightful than something more complicated.  Find our more today in The English Kitchen.

Have a wonderful Monday and a fabulous week!

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