
Saturday 6 July 2013

Saturday this and that . . .

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Time for a this and that post methinks . . .

Yesterday I wrote letters to all five of my children.   Writing letters is something people don't do a lot of anymore.  Oh, we write e-mails and such, but we only ever rarely write a handwritten letter.  I decided recently that I would like to start writing letters to my children.

I live so far away from them . . . and I thought it would be a nice way to communicate with them . . . a more personal way.

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And so I wrote letters yesterday to each of them, introducing them to the idea and letting them know that they can expect to hear from me, in a handwritten letter at least once every five weeks.  It cost me over four pounds to mail them and each one was only one sheet of paper which folded into an envelope.  

I can remember when it only cost four cents to post a letter and thinking that was a lot.

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I had been going to machine quilt the little quilt I am making for baby Cameron, but after looking up online how much a walking foot for my sewing machine would cost I have given up that idea!   (Over £32!)  So I am going to yarn tuft it instead.  I just could not justify spending that much money on something I might never use again . . .

I was hand-sewing on the edging last night as we sat and watched television.  It has been a while since I sat and sewed in that way.  It was nice.

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Lisa asked about my mother's toe yesterday.   It is still drying up.   They treat it every day with something called Briline (?).  I think that is like a type of iodine.  I don't think the process of it drying up and falling off with be a quick process.  I think it will take a matter of  months and it will be very painful.   It causes her a great deal of discomfort even now and it hurts for her to walk, so she doesn't walk an awful lot and not long distances, basically just around the house.  She sounds more and more like her old self each day when we talk though and she seems content and happy.   It is very good that my sister is there to help out.

It is my sister's birthday today.  I have had my best friend for a whole fifty five years now.  We did not have an easy beginning together.   I had been on my own for three years and I didn't really want this baby thing that my mother had come home from the hospital with.   It was only when my mother told me that the baby could go, but that she would have to go with it as it couldn't take care of itself, that I relented and agreed that the baby could stay . . . and we have been fast and true friends ever since.

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Oh we have had our moments to be sure.   Things were a bit rocky when we were in our teens.  All hormones I expect.  We used to argue about clothes and stuff.  Underneath it all though we have always loved each other with all of our hearts, and we have always been each others best friends.   She has always been there for me no matter what, and I for her.  So . . .

Happy Birthday Sis!

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I was practicing painting over ink yesterday afternoon and so I came up with this little fairy in a tea cup.  I found a photo of a pretty teacup and then I put a fairy in it.   Kind of whimsical . . .

And I like those words too, because I believe them.   There IS always something to be thankful for, even in our most dire of circumstances.

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I sent for an early Birthday present for me yesterday.   I know . . . I need a new cookbook like I need a hole in the head, but as you also know . . . I love cookbooks, especially baking books and this one is a gem.  It's like a family history . . . so it will be a delightful read along with having fabulous recipes.  It had fifty three five star reviews, so it can't be bad!  Maybe I will bake a cake from it for my own birthday . . .

Todd picked a bowl of black currants yesterday so I will have to do something with them today.  The Missionary Elders are coming over for their tea so I will probably use them to make something for dessert.  I am just cooking sausage and mash for our tea as there is also a Baptism at the church this evening and so we will all be leaving right after supper to go to it.   I love going to Baptisms.  Each one reminds me of my own.

I also have a big card order to finish up today so I better get going!  I think I've bored you long enough at any rate.   So I'll leave you with a thought for today . . .

"The cause of most of man's unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now."
~Gordon B Hinckley

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . some very summery . . . Strawberry Buttermilk Pancakes with  Honey & Vanilla Butter.   Delish!

Have a great Saturday no matter where, no matter what!


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