
Wednesday 10 July 2013

A few of my favourite things . . .

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Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens . . . oh how I love that film, Sound of Music and the song "My Favourite Things," was one of my favourite songs from it.  I thought it would be fun today to share a few of my favourite things with you and then you can share some of yours with me in the comment section!

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First up . . . red and white kitchen linens . . . I just adore red and white in the kitchen.   I don't know why that is, but it has always been so.  If I can combine that love of red and white kitchen linens with my equal love of vintage linens then I am in heaven, complete and total bliss!

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Blue and white china and dishes.   I adore blue and white dishes.  I once had collected a complete Blue Willow service for twelve set.   You could buy a piece very cheaply when you bought your groceries at Sobey's each week and so I spent about a year collecting them.    They are someone else's treasure now, although I do have one cereal bowl, one dinner plate and one sandwich plate.  I do have the above egg cups and spoons though.  I do treasure them.   In truth we have never used them . . . we need to use them.  What is the point in having pretty things if you never use them?


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Aprons.  I love aprons and most especially vintage style aprons sewn together with vintage style fabrics.  One of the very first things I sewed for myself was an apron.  I think an apron was the project most girls were given to sew in Home Ec for the first time.   They're very easy to make actually and they teach a few simple principles of sewing like hemming, gathering, etc.  When I got married the first time I was given some lovely aprons as shower gifts and my ex mother in law made me a red one with white polka dots one year for Christmas which I cherished . . . which brings me to my next love . . .

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Polka Dots!   Who doesn't love polka dots???   I don't think it's human or female not to love polka dots.   I Love polka dot anything.  If it has polka dots on it, I am loving it.   When I was seventeen I sewed myself two polka dot dresses, using swiss dot fabric.   One was pink with white flocked polka dots on it and the other was navy with red flocked polka dots.  My all time favourite dresses.   The pink one was a wrap one and the navy one was an empire waisted one.   Both Style patterns.   I loved Style patterns.  I thought they were . . . well . . . very stylish!!

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Chubby little feet and toes.   As long as they are not on me.   I could snuffle little toes and feet for hours.  There is something about them that even the sight of one makes me go awww . . . sigh . . .
I think God made baby anything cute on purpose.  That way we could not help but want to take care of them or help loving them . . .

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I ♥ hearts!   Heart shaped anything tugs on my . . . heart strings!  It's amazing when you are out and about and you come across a heart in nature.  I always think  that it is God telling me He loves me . . . like a secret message just for me.   I especially love heart shaped stones.

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The Scriptures, the word of God.   I love how they speak to you exactly where you are at and tell you exactly what you need to know when you need to know it.   It is amazing how you can look at the same scripture a bazillion times and you don't get anything from it and then all of a sudden when you are looking at it the bazillion and one-th time and bang they slap you in the face and the light goes on!  What you need, just when you need it.   That's the word of God.

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Holding hands with the one you love.   I am a hand holder.  Todd and I always hold hands when we are out and about.   It's not about owning someone, it's about loving someone enough to share it with the world.  I think holding hands says much more about a couple than anything else does.

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Tom Jones.   Come on!   You know it's not unusual!   Tom Jones has always been one of my favourite singers and entertainers.  He has stood the test of time and at the ripe old age of 73 he's still pretty darn cool!  Sexy too.  There I said it!

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The wisdom of Winnie the Pooh.   He's a pretty smart bear.
We have the whole collection and I read it frequently when my heart needs a smile or two.

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Jane Austin.   Books.  Films . . . mini series.   I love all of it.  Thankfully Todd does too.

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Old Cookbooks, and the older and tattier the book the better.  An old tattered cookbook is the sign of a GOOD cookbook don't you think? I have a few gems in my own collection.

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These two.   I just adore these two most of all.  They are my family.     They fill each of my days with love and laughter and warm fuzzy feelings.  Of all of my favourite things, these two are my favourite-est of all!

Oh, and then . . . lets not forget each of YOU.   Y'all are one of my favourite things too!

A thought to carry with you through the day.

"Your mind is a garden,
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers,
Or you can grow weeds."

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Bistro Potato Salad.   Yummy!

Now, come on, what are some of your favourite things??
I really DO want to know!

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