
Saturday 1 June 2013

I'm home!

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 Well, I am home safe and sound. It was a long and tiring journey, as it always is, but it was oh so good to touch down in Manchester and see Blighty again, and I guess I must have brought the sun with me because it was shining when I landed and shining to beat the band again this morning!

I didn't go to bed when I got home.  It was far too late in the day, but I was in bed early last night (about 8:30) and slept right through until 6:30 this morning and here I am.  I have lots to write and tell you about, lots of photos to share, but I will have to sort through them all later today or tomorrow, and then we'll sit down and have a nice natter and cuppa.  In the meantime, just let me say I'm glad to be home.   Todd and Mitzie both practically turned themselves inside out to see me . . . and I thank each of you very much for your special prayers, hugs and love.  

Be back soon.

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