
Tuesday 9 April 2013

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY, April 9th, 2013...

Outside My Window...

The sun has risen,but the sky is overcast.  It is getting light a lot earlier these days.   I love it when the sun shines.   We get TOO much rain in this country, but then again . . . that is why it is such a green and fertile place, which I love . . . so I guess it's just something we have to put up with.  It's worth it to live in a beautiful country like I do.

I am thinking...
"Of all the roles I've played, none has been as fulfilling as being a mother."
~Annette Funicello 

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When I was a little girl I would rush home from school at lunch time to watch a little program on the television called, "The Mickey Mouse Club."   I loved it and enjoyed watching what the "Mousketeers"  got up to each day.  Of course my favourite Mousketeer was Annette Funicello.  She was pretty.   She was talented.   She was nice.   She was a great role model for little girls.

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When I got a little bit older I would spend a goodly portion of my allowance on Saturday to go to the movies just so I could see Annette and Frankie and the gang.   They were great movies.   There was no sex.   There was no violence.  There was no swearing.   Annette and Frankie played honest, sweet characters in them.   They sang nice songs.  They had fun that was good and clean.   Annette was still a good role model for young girls, and many of us aspired to be like her.

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All grown up and a mother myself, I fell in love with Annette Funicello all over again.  She was a good and caring mother.   She was honest and decent.  Despite her battles, and there were many for she did not lead a totally charmed life . . . divorce, loss and her battle with MS, she remained a good role model for me and for others.   She was gracious.  She was kind.  She loved the Lord and was a good wife and mother.

I was saddened to hear of her passing yesterday due to complications from her MS which she had suffered from since the 1980's.   A part of me rejoices because I know she is now whole again and in a much better place,   Heaven has gained a new Angel.  She is still a role model to me of all that is decent and good, may she rest in peace.

I am thankful for...

The childhood I was blessed to experience.   It was a simpler time with simple values and pleasures.   Nothing was overly complicated.   I had nothing more to do than to please my parents and my God.  To please my parents I only needed to obey and to work hard and to remember the things that they taught me.  Pleasing my God meant obeying his commandments, one of which was to honor my father and mother.   I am so thankful that I was taught these values from an early age.  I am so grateful that from very early on my parents taught me to pray and to speak with my Heavenly Father.  They were not Mormons.  My father is a Catholic and my mother is a Baptist.  They are good people.   I am grateful for that too.

From the kitchen... 
Not a heck of a lot at the moment, but we are having the missionaries (the lads) over for supper tonight, so I will probably spend a goodly portion of today in preparation for that!
I am wearing...  

Pink and grey PJ's and my robe and slippers.   They help to keep me warm.
I am creating... 

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(Source Melissa Frances)

I love little cardboard houses.   I have long wanted to make a few of my own.  I just have a thing for little houses and doll houses and the like.   They are on my bucket list of things to do . . . I have a loooooong bucket list of things to do, but it is nice to dream that one day I will get to these!

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(Source Country Living)

There is a tutorial on this page to make your own decorative tapes using leftover wrapping paper!   I love Washi Tape.  You can do so much with it.  I am so going to try this.  I find myself wondering why I didn't think of this myself!

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(Source The Painted Hive)

I just adore these decals that you can put onto jars and tins.  Kristine gives an excellent tutorial on her page for how to do this for yourself!   I think they are fabulous and her tutorial is very well done!   What a great and attractive way to keep organized, and you can get the inexpensive canning jars at IKEA.

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(Source Instructables)

I love this idea of making a book out of envelopes.  What a great way to journal!  You could make a really nice little recipe booklet doing this as well, which would make great shower gifts for Brides to be and all sorts.   The possibilities are quite endless!

I am going... 
I have to go to the Dr's this morning for a Fasting Blood Test.  It's not until 9:55 and I am starving already.  Why do they schedule these things so late in the day . . . grumble grumble . . .
Other than that I have no real concrete plans for this week, other than beginning to get myself organized for my trip next Thursday.   I have a lot to get done!

I have an idea...
Okay, this is a new section I just added this morning.  My mother is getting very nervous about her upcoming operation on the 22nd of April.  It's a big deal when you are almost 81 and going in for major surgery.  She is afraid she is going to die.   Yesterday I told her that without the operation she surely will die.  I thought it would be nice if people could send her a small card just saying that they are thinking of her and praying for her.  So she could feel the love and not be as afraid.  She is a great believer in prayer.  If you would like to do this for my mom, please contact me and I will give you her mailing address.   It would mean the world to her and to me and I think she would be very surprised and uplifted!  Thanks so much!

I am reading...

My Berlin Kitchen, by Luisa Weiss.  I am finishing this up now.  It's been a cracking read.  If you love "Love" stories and recipes, this is your book.

As Always Julia, the letters of Julia Child and Avis Devoto, by Julia Child.  I have always had a fascination for Julie Child, ever since I was a child and saw her cooking on the television.   Here was a woman doing what I wanted to do.   It's early days yet as I have only just begun this book, but I'll let you know how I get on!

"Frank, bawdy, funny, exuberant, and occasionally agonized, these letters show Julia, first as a new bride in Paris, then becoming increasingly worldly and adventuresome as she follows her diplomat husband in his postings to Nice, Germany, and Norway."

While We were Watching Downton Abbey, by Wendy Wax. I have only just discovered this book and as a Downton Abby fan, I  am intrigued.  It's about a bunch of people who get together each week to watch Downton Abbey together.   It comes out on the 2nd April.

When the concierge of The Alexander, a historic Atlanta apartment building, invites his fellow residents to join him for weekly screenings of Downton Abbey, four very different people find themselves connecting with the addictive drama, and—even more unexpectedly—with each other…

I am hoping...
My brother's MIL has been told she has several brain tumors, tumors in her lungs and in her liver.  They think they are stage 4 already.   I am hoping that she and her family are able to find comfort and peace and that she does not suffer unduly.  If you could please keep Toshika in your prayers I would appreciate.

I am hearing... 
Ordinary morning sounds.   My play list, Mitzie snoring . . . the clock ticking.  My fingers clicking on the keys.  Nothing changes . . .

Around the house...

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I love my home.  To me it is my castle.  It is not large and it might not even be what I would consider to be my dream home, but it is my home and it is what we can afford, and we are blessed to have it.

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It is on an ordinary, unremarkable street on a housing estate.

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It is like all of the other houses that are on this street.  Not one is much different than the other.   Some of us have drives, some do not . . . some plant flowers, others don't . . . but we each do put our own unique stamps on them.   That is one thing which I noticed about the UK when I came over here.   You may have people living in a row of terraced houses, each one identical to the next . . . but each person will make their own little spot their own haven in very unique ways.

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Our home may be humble, but it is a place where each of us can relax with abandon and know that we are loved no matter what.   It is a place of comfort and of peace.

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It is our little haven away from the world.  A place where we find shelter and love and acceptance.  A place where others can come and feel of our hospitality.  I hope that when people come into our home to share a meal or for whatever purpose they can feel the love that lives here.

One of my favourite things . . . 

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I am very fond of cookie cutters.  I collect them like some people collect stamps.  When my children were growing up I often used them and enjoyed doing so.  I only ever very rarely use them now.   I especially love those two in this picture.   I paid a lot of money when I bought them.   I got them through Gooseberry Patch a very long time ago.   I think I will bake some cookies with them soon!

Something new about me ...
I hate bugs.   Spiders.  Wasps.  Mosquitos.  Flies.   Ants. I know they all have a purpose . . . but I still don't like them.  I won't kill spiders . . . but as for the rest, if they get into my house, they are goners!

One of my guilty pleasures ...

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Pie.  I LOVE pie.  It doesn't have to be sweet pies.  It can be savoury.  If it  is in a crust I am there.   I LOVE PIE!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

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“In order to arrive you must follow the signs.  God inscribed on the world the path that each man must follow.  It is just a matter of reading the inscription he wrote for you."
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

I love knowing that there is a plan for each of us and a path to follow.   To know that ultimately my life is in God's hands is a sure knowledge that brings me great comfort.  I know that if I follow the example that the Savior set out for us and walk in His ways, I will always be walking in the right direction.   That is enough for me.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

The cure for anything is salt water . . . sweat, tears, or the sea.
~Isak Dinesen

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!  

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Macaroni and Cheese with Tomatoes.  Deliciously comforting!

Happy Day All!

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